Chapter 11

Yato: Hey Sudo, calm yourself. That is not the end of the world this story of points and ranking,...

Sudo: EHH? First, you call us defective and now you try to calm myself?? Dare to try to talk like that to me again!!

He suddenly came to me a grabbed me by the collar.

Yato: hoi dude l just give you some advice, calm down..

Even angrier because l answered him with my nonchalant attitude. He raised his fist and prepared to hit me in the face.

l just started looking at Chabashira-sensei ignoring Sudo who was holding my collar shirt...

Yato: Hoi Sensei you know that he will hit me for real if you don't say anything...

She just stood there and didn't say anything with a smile on her face...

Yato: Sighs...

Okay it's official, she likes to see people suffer...I'm about to get hit and she doesn't even lift her little finger to stop him.Yato: Hey Sudo, calm yourself. That is not the end of the world this story of points and ranking,...

Sudo: EHH? First, you call us defective and now you try to calm myself?? Dare to try to talk like that to me again!!

He suddenly came to me a grabbed me by the collar.

Yato: hoi dude l just give you some advice, calm down..

Even angrier because l answered him with my nonchalant attitude. He raised his fist and prepared to hit me in the face.

l just started looking at Chabashira-sensei ignoring Sudo who was holding my collar shirt...

Yato: Hoi Sensei you know that he will hit me for real if you don't say anything...

She just stood there and didn't say anything with a smile on her face...

Yato: Sighs...

Okay it's official, she likes to see people suffer...I'm about to get hit and she doesn't even lift her little finger to stop him.

While he was about to hit me, I grabbed his fist to soften the impact. Despite this, I get thrown to the ground. Immediately after Hirata and another guy caught Sudo's arms to prevent him from continuing. Hirata was in the soccer club so he was pretty athletic but the other guy I didn't know anything about him... they were able to hold back Sudo the two together.

But even if they were restraining him, he was still trying to come at me since he was too piss off to use his brain to realize how dumb all this was...

Yato: Sighs...

Still sitting on the floor while leaning against the wall behind me l sighed while looking at Sudo

exasperated...which seemed to annoy him even more...

Sudo: You fucking bastard!

Yato: They are all worse than I imagined..

They're all lost their mind and don't even think about how to solve the problem.. and then this Sudo dude, a guy who acts on impulse without thinking about the consequences... He's going to be a problem in the future if he doesn't

change... Brute force is not the best way to tame this kind of person.. if I'm not mistaken l heard he was in the basketball club.

I bite my lip to make it bleed and I get up off the floor.

Yato: Hey Sudo.. I won't repeat myself, calm yourself and sit down.

Sudo: Teme, your dead!!

Hirata: Fukazawa-kun! Don't provoke him unnecessarily!

I just smirked and switched my gaze to Chabashira-sensei..

Yato: Sensei I would like to know the chances of a person being able to participate in a tournament of basket if the person is involved in bullying or injuring a student?

Chabashira: Eh? You are quite cruel Fukazawa-kun haha. The person would be prohibited from participating in any activities of his clubs with a possibility of expulsion from this school.

Sudo: !!!!

Finally his brain seemed to show some sign of activity as he seemed to have realized the situation...

Yato: That's your loss Sudo. Your best solution is to listen to my advice now.

Hirata and the other guy let off Sudo's arm since he has no longer shown any desire to fight. Everyone in the class was in shock at what they had attended.

Hirata: Fukazawa-kun you should apologize to Sudo that was too much.

Yato: Eh?

l just started looking at Hirata puzzled..

Yato: Why? I did not do anything wrong.. In fact, we can even say that I helped Sudo. Anyway, it's over need to thank me...

He doesn't seem satisfied with my answer. He is typically the type of guy too nice for his own good.

Hirata: Hmm. Ok but you really should go to the infirmary for your injury.

Yato: Yeah, thank you for your concern but I will when Sensei will have done with her explanation.

Students: Eh? Is there more??

Chabashira: Oh would you like to have the privilege to tell us more?

l just sat back while reaming silent because she would explain it even if I speak or not. The last problem she still hadn't talked about was the exam from last week.


She waited a moment but seeing that I had no intention to speak...

Chabashira: All right, I have one more piece of bad news I have to tell you guys.

She put one more piece of paper onto the blackboard. The names of all the people in the class were listed. Next to everyone's name was a number.

Yato: Sighs... should have guessed that the school might show the results to the whole class...

But as I thought this some blood started to fall on my desk...

Yato: lip bleeds more than expected...sighs how dumb I was to do all this for this idiot...

As I was thinking about this... the girl to my left lent me a tissue.

Horikita: Take this to wipe the blood.

Yato: ...

l just looked to my left and it was the girl named

Horikita...the same girl I tried to present myself but she never answered me...

Yato: Nah...l pass...

Horikita: …

I just wiped some blood with my hand and shifted my attention to Chabashira...

Chabashira: After looking at these results... I came to understand that there are a lot of idiots in this class. Sensei was glad after seeing your wonderful performance. Seriously, what the hell did you guys study in middle school?

With the exception of a few high scores, almost everyone got below 60. Ignoring Sudou's wonderful score of 14 points, the next lowest was lke's score of 24. The average Score was about 65.

The other thing that everyone noticed was the name of the person who got the best score. There was my name and next to it, there was the result indicating l00 points.

I was looking at the other high scores and there were Koenji, Horikita, and Yukimura. There was some other person who got good results like Hirata and Kushida but for the majority, their results were very low for an exam this easy.

Chabashira: If this test was actually recorded, seven of you would already have to drop out of school. Good thing it wasn't, right?

Student: D-drop out? What do you mean?

Chabashira: Why, did I not explain? If you get a failing mark on either a midterm or a final exam in any subject, you have to drop out of school. On this test, that would be everyone who got below a 32. Man, you guys are really foolish and


Wow, this school really uses unusual methods to force students to have average scores.

Students: W-whaaaaat!?

Ike: Don't fuck with me Sae-chan-sensei! Don't joke about dropping out of school!

Chabashira: I'm also at a loss for words. It's the school's rules, so prepare for the worst.

Koenji: As the teacher said, there seem to be a lot of fools here.

Hearing Koenji, I couldn't help but smirk and seer..

Yamauchi: What's that, Koenji!? Your marks are in red too!

Koenji: Fufufu Where are your eyes looking at, boy? Look carefully.

Yamauchi: H-huh? Hey, Koenji's name is... huh?

Indeed, he got a 90 mark on this exam. That makes him one of the top scores in the class tied with Yukimura.

Now that Sensei had finished explaining everything, I got up from my seat and started walking towards the door to go to the infirmary. But I get stopped by someone.

Yukimura: Fukazawa-kun you are not dissatisfied to have been placed in D-class?

Yato: Dissatisfied eh?

Yukimura...Aside from the fact he wears glasses and he had 90 in the exam... I don't anything about him. But just by this question, I can have an idea about the person named Yukimura...

He seems to be unhappy to have been placed in D-class. So he wants to have my opinion as to the guy who got the perfect mark on the exam.

Yukimura: Yes, you got the best result on the exam, and the school put you in the most defective class, that doesn't make any sense to me.

Yato: It doesn't bother me at all. Everything is not only about the school grade you know... Everyone has their own flaw and I know mine very well. So I don't think they make a bad choice by placing me in this class. If you are still

dissatisfied, you can still ask the teacher the reason behind your placement.

I exited the class with these words and started going toward the infirmary. With all this talkI finally got confirmation about my doubts about this school. The meaning behind the class ranking can only mean one thing, the promise of

this school which allows students to choose the jobs of their dream at a high rate of hiring is only reserved for the top class.

I started to think about the reason why Mori would send me to this school... No chance that this is for the promise of this school. It will be totally useless for both of us... To fix my

flaws? I don't know... For me as long as you recognize your flaws and try to live with them, it's already a good start.

Yato: sighs...

Anyways for now l just go to the infirmary.