Chapter 13

Yato Pov

I was currently in the bleachers in front of a big interior pool. The majority of people in my class were playing in the pool as if this morning's event had never happened...

Yato(mumble): Either they are all carefree or all stupid... bet on the second option...

There were also some students who didn't participate in the swimming class because they were not in the mood or they just wanted to skip the class as well..

Personally, the reason why I did not participate it's because of my left arm. My arm is always covered in bandages when I go to school...

Usually, I have my uniform that hides my bandages but without my uniform people will see them and start asking questions about why I wear bandages on my left arm...

With what already happened today, I don't want more problems..

Yato: Sighs...

I then leaned my back fully on the seats and took out my phone...

Yato: Sighs... Still, 40 min to wait before the end of the class.. that's going to be long...


Yato POV

The bell rang, signaling the end of the 5th period

Yato: One last period and I will finally be able to return room, this day is endless…

Big mistake to think that. My bad luck was going to strike again...

Hirata: Can I take some of your time before the other period start?

Hirata who stood up in front of the class asked this to the whole class...

Girl: Sure if It's you Hirata-Kun who asks!

People from Hirata's personal fan club immediately accepted without any hesitation which attracted people not from Hirata's fan club attention at the same time.

Hirata: The midterm exam is coming up soon. Everyone understands that they'll have to drop out of school if they receive failing marks. So, I think that it would be best if we create a study group.

Yato: I have a bad feeling about that...

Hirata: If you neglect your studies, you'll immediately receive failing grades and drop out. I want to avoid that situation. Studying isn't solely for avoiding that situation, because there is also a high possibility that our test scores

are reflected in our points. If we get high grades, the assessment of our class will probably go up. I asked some of the people who got good grades to help out. So, I would like people who are worried about their grades to come to

participate in the study group. Of course, everyone is welcome to join.

Yato: SAFE!! He has already asked some people to help with this study group. Since he didn't ask for it.. don't have to worry about all this crap...

Hirata: From 5 o'clock today until the day of the test, I plan to study every day for 2 hours in this classroom. If you have any thoughts about participating, please come. Of course,

it's fine if you have to leave halfway. That's all.

As soon as he said that, several of the students with failing marks stood up and went to Hirata. Sudo, Ike, and Yamauchi were the only ones that didn't go up to Hirata. Ike and Yamauchi hesitated for a moment, but in the end, they

didn't approach him. They all left the class before the last period began. I did the same…

In the hallway, as I was walking away, someone called my name behind me. I stopped and waited for him to come closer.

Hirata: Hey Fukazawa-kun can I ask you something?

Yato: …

Hirata: It's about the study group, It would be appreciated if you could lend a hand, please.

Yato: Sighs...

Of course, I couldn't avoid this...

Yato: Argh... You see I'm really busy at this time so I don't know...

Hirata: Please Fukazawa-kun, you got a perfect mark on the last exam your help is going to be really useful.

There are two problems now. The first one is if I refuse the majority of the class will hate me for refusing to help their great Hirata-sama.

The second thing is even If I really wanted to help, I'm not sure if I'm the most suitable person for this. After all the last time that I studied goes back a really long time ago... having the knowledge and pass it is two things completely


Yato: Sighs.

The best solution is still to accept his request. And letting a large number of people drop out right now might not be the best thing for the future...

Yato: Fine l will help with this study group...

Hirata: Thank you Fukazawa-Kun, this will really help us!

Yato: But I have some conditions...

Hirata: Of course as long as it's not too much, Sure l'm okay with it.

After I said what my conditions for helping were...we both took separate ways.


Third-Person POV

The school was now over and it had been 5 minutes that all the students who wanted to participate in the study group were already there except one person. Suddenly the classroom door opened.

Yato: Yo Hirata, is everyone here?

Fukazawa Yato entered in the classroom with his usualattitude and a bunch of sheets in his hands...

Most of the people gathered here were girls who wanted to study..or be with Hirata. That!'s why seeing another guy being here and worst...late...a majority of the girls started

looking at Fukazawa with annoyance.

Hirata noticed it but just smiled and ingored the fact that Fukazawa was late...

Hirata: Yes we will be able to start now. Thank you for coming, Fukazawa-kun.

Yato: Before that...

Fukazawa just walked to Hirata and started looking at him...

Yato: Do you remember your deal?

Hirata: Of course

???: Wait a minute!!

Yato: Hm?

The person who said that was the central figure of the girls of D-class... Karuiİzawa Kei. It had been one month since school started and she was already dating Hirata, the most popular boy in D-class and arguably the most popular guy

in the whole year.

Yato: Hm what's wrong with this look? We should start if we don't want to waste time...

Hearing his remark just annoyed more the girl named Karuziawa Kei.

Karuizawa: EH!!?! First, you are the one who arrives late and you act as if nothing has happened?!?! We all want an apology!

Yato: Eh? But I think we would hurry up to start we don't have time for that…

Karuizawa: What?? If it's like that.

Karuziawa then looked around her and with a few nods from the others girls...

Karuizawa: You just have to leave! We don't need you at all!

As soon she said this a smirk appeared on Fukazawa's if he wanted this answer from her.

Yato: Perfect!! See ya!

Fukazawa then turned around and walked to the door but before he could open it and leave...

Hirata: Please everyone I ask you personally to accept his help we really need it!

Yato: ...

Students then looked at each other before they all agreed…

Karuizawa: lf it's Hirata-kun asking then it's okay! Right everyone?

Shinohara: Yes if it is for Hirata-kun

Sato: We can trust Hirata-kun after all!

With an annoyed and disappointed attitude, Fukazawa was looking at them and...

Yato: Sighs..