Chapter 14

In the end, it didn't work... they really have a whole blind faith in him... and concerning Hirata, he is really too nice. I played the asshole and he still asked and wanted my help... Well, I had no choice but to really help them now.

They all set up the desk next to each other for the study group. I sat next to Hirata to be able to start. But when I sat down, I saw the disappointment of the girl next to me. She

has blue hair tied in twin tails. I guess it's because I took her place next to Hirata.

Yato: Ehh do you want me to change places?

???: Ah eh no no, it's okay..

Yato: It was not what your reaction was saying...


I then started looking at the whole group...

Yato: So before we can start, I need you to respect the deal I made with Hirata. Each of you will have to give me 100 private points.

Karuizawa: Ehh you can't be serious?! Why do we need to give you points?! As I said before...

But before the same argument happens again, Hirata interrupted her...

Hirata: Karuizawa and everyone, I will need all of you to trust him please! I trust him so If you guys can do the same..that will help the study group!

Yato: He really has that much influence?

I started looking around until my gaze fell on the girl next to me...

Yato: Hey what's your name?

She seemed surprised but quickly regained her calm...

Mii-chan: Me? Wang Mei-Yu but you can call me Mi-chan like everyone...

She's not Japanese then huh..

Yato: Let me ask you a question Mii-chan, do you trust me?

My question may seem weird but I wanted to confirm something...

Mii-chan: If Hitata-kun said that we can trust you..then yes I do.

There was silence in the classroom until...

Yato: HAHAHA WOW, thanks for your trust but you know it's not a good thing to blindly trust anyone just because someone tells you to do it! Anyway, if each of you pays me 100 points as I asked...I will make sure that it will improve

your studies. But the final decision is up to you.

The trust they all have in Hirata is stupidly high... but in the end, the best is that they make the decision for themselves...

After they have all discussed together if they pay me or not, they have come toa decision.

Karuizawa: Okay we are going to give you 100 points if it can help us in our study.

Hirata: Thank you, everyone!

Yato: …

I looked at Hirata who seemed genuinely happy about the situation until ljust decided to ignore all this...

Yato: Fine, we will be able to start.

I then put the stack of sheets that I had in my hands on the table and distributed some to everyone.

Yato: It's an exercise sheet that I photocopied to be able to assess your strengths and weaknesses.

Mii-chan: Wait, is it what it was for these sheets that you asked us for some points?

Everyone was shocked at what she had just said.

Yato: Yeah I wasn't going to waste my own point to photocopy these sheets after all...even if it's only cost me 1000 yen I want them back...

Their expression suddenly changed after what they heard. It seems that after learning the truth, some people seemed to change their minds

about me.

Yato: Anyway. I give you 40 minutes to conmplete these exercises. Ready! Start!

Karuizawa: Wait I'm not ready!

Yato: I don't care! Oh and silence during the test...

Everyone was doing the exercises I gave them. The majority of people present were girls, probably to be closer to Hirata. The marks of the previous exam that Chabashira- Sensei showed were not good... but the students who are

the more in difficulty which are Sudo, Ike and Yamauchi are not present. I'll have to ask Hirata what he going to do about them. Otherwise, in this group, no one is in real danger of expulsion. With a bit of study.they should be fine.

Yato: ...

When I was thinking about all this to pass the gaze fell on a girl who did not stop erasing her answers to

change them with wrong ones. If I remember correctly, this girl's name is Matsushita Chiaki, she is a friend of Maya Sato the girl who made fun of my brother back in middle school.

Also about the girl named Sato Maya... I don't know what to do with her. This story was not concerned me personally but stil.. Anyways, for the moment I have lots of other things to do...

It has now been 40 minutes since they started so...

Yato: Time up, drop your pencil.

Karuizawa: Wow these exercises were really difficult...

Shinohara: Yes the questions at the end were impossible!

Sato: Right!

Ignoring them l just gathered everyone's exercises sheet.

Yato: Hirata, Mii-chan can you help with the corrections?

Mii-chan: Yes sure.

Hirata: No problem

After we took a moment to correct their copy but with Hirata and Mii-chan's help it didn't take too long... My final observation was that two weeks of study would be more than enough to pass the midterms without any problems.

Yato: Okay we will stop there for today. With this study group, you will be ready in time for the midterms.

Karuizawa: Yeah! Thank you Fukazawa-kun!

Shinohara: Thank you!

With that, everyone started to leave the class.

Hirata: Thank you for your help Fukazawa-kun. I'm happy to see that they have started trusting you.

Yato: That's nothing. By the way, what are you gonna do for Sudo, Ike, and Yamauchi?

Hirata: Oh Kushida, Horikita, and Ayanakoji will help them with their studies, everything should be fine.

These three huh...

Yato: Oh I see, anyway see you tomorrow Hirata.

Hirata: Yes... oh l avoided asking this in front of the others but.. it would help the class for sure if maybe you could stop being late in class Fukazawa-kun!

Hearing this l just sneered and started packing my stuff in my bag...

Yato: Yeah Yeah... I will make an effort.

Hirata: Thank you! See you tomorrow Fukazawa-kun!

With these words, he left and I finally packed all my things and got up from my seat...

Yato: ...

So Horikita decided to help the three idiots ehh... I don't know what Chabashira-Sensei told Horikita but it seems that she now trying to help the class... If it can help her with her own personal development, it is a good thing I guess...


Yato POV

We have been doing the study group every evening for one week now. Now everyone in this group has started to trust me a bit... to the point that they have already invited me a few times after school to have some fun at the shopping

mall. But I refused every time by making up an excuse...

Except for today, they asked me if I wanted to go to the cafe at the Keyaki Mall. I decided to go because of...boredom I guess?

We are all sitting at a table. There was me, Karuizawa, Sato, Shinohara, Matsushita, and Mii-chan.

Yato: Huuuh... it's a nice cafe..this school is sure something else.

I said this while looking around the place but most of the girls started looking at me puzzled...

Karuizawa: Is that the first time that you have come here Fukazawa-kun?

Yato: Yeah... I had no interest in coming before but I might come back again in the future...

Usually, I was just buy coffee at the grocery store... because it's close to the dorm.

But suddenly the girls started talking about something as they were doing some study at the same time...

Sato: Hey girls have you heard that Horikita's group gets a date with Kushida if they get the highest score?

Shinohara: Ehh for real?

Karuizawa: What?! It can't be real!


l just took a sip of my coffee while I was listening to them..

Sato: Yes I don't really know what to think about that...

Sato Maya... So that is the type of girl my brother likes ehh? She gives me the impression that she is a lot superficial, the type of girl that she will fall in love with a guy just because

he runs fast...

Yato: Well I think that's a good strategy...

Karuizawa: Huh?

They seemed surprised by my remark but I decided to explain to them what is the reason behind this promise of having a date with Kushida...

Yato: You see... the three boys will put more effort into their studies to have a chance to have a date with Kushida. That's just for motivation because it's impossible for them to have the highest score..that's why Kushida probably

proposed this idea.

Shinohara: Ah that's why Kushida came up with this.

Sato: Wow you are so smart Fukazawa-kun

Yato: Well it was pretty obvious.. but anyway..

Yato: Now that I think about it, where is Hirata?

When they asked me for the study session today, I was expecting to see Hirata but now that I think about it I am the only guy here...

Karuizawa: He have his soccer club activity right now. We were about to go see him play do you want to come?

Well, it's not what was planned but...

Yato: Hmm yeah why not.

We started to leave for the soccer field.