4- Payday

Yato Pov

I was in my room reading a book until I receive a

notification on my phone. I open it and saw...

Ishizaki [ audio recording file ]

Ishizaki [ What do you want now?]

Good, he just send me the record of the trial. It has just ended now probably, so I have time before having to take care of the last problem for my plan.

l open the record and listen to some parts.

(A.N):{ } mean audio parts

Manabu: {Well then, I would now like to discuss the violent incident that occurred last Tuesday with the members of the student council, the involved parties, and their homeroom teachers. Hmm? Chabashira-Sensei no student is missing by your side?}

Chabashira: { Huh were you expecting someone in particular to come at this trial president? }

Manabu:{I had heard of a certain person but in the end, the facts might be wrong. Let's continue.. }

Wait I have a bad feeling about this... does he talk about me?... Does he has heard of my incident with Nagumo or has this Nagumo guy talked about me to the President.. well l can't do anything about it soo I just continue to listen to the record..

2??: { Hyah?! }

Wait... what??

Horkita: {W-wait. S-stop, stop!}

Yato: ???

Ayanakoji:{ Get a grip on yourself, Horikita. We're going to lose at this rate. You have to fight! }

Wow, great job Ayanakoji. Horikita didn't tell a single word during all the trials probably because of her brother... But you force her to have a reaction so that she can back to her

senses... Again... Ayanakoji huh?

Manabu: {That's enough. Continuing this discussion would just be a waste of time. What I've learned today is that each side has an exact opposite claim. In that case, one side is

propagating an extremely malicious falsehood.}

Manabu: {I'll ask you, Class C. Have you lied to us today? }

Ishizaki: {Of..of course not! }

Manabu: { Well, what about you, Class D?}

Horikita: {I haven't lied. Everything we've said has been the truth.}

Manabu: { Then we will regroup here for a retrial tomorrow at 4:00 PM. If by then it hasn't been clearly established which party has lied, or in the event, no one admits that they were at fault, we will pass judgment based on the evidence we've collected thus far. Of course, in that case,

we may have to consider the possibility of expulsion from this school. That is all. }

I close my phone because l have all that I wanted to know

Yato: Everythings goes as planned...

The trial did not give his verdict today.. first, both sides claim that they are not in the wrong.. and the most important things Sakura... Since she did not assert herself as a witness from the start, her testimony lost value... and she didn't have any real proof to prove her point.. the only things that could have ended the trial today was my video of the incident...

Another fact that gives me another advantage for my plan is that Sakagami-Sensei is clearly aware that his students are in the wrong... which will make things even easier for me... hahaha.

I send a message to Ishizaki...

Yato: [ Tomorrow, 1 hour before the school start, join me at the Keyaki mall ]

Ishizaki: [Why? ]

Yato: [ Haha don't spoil you the surprise! Oh and bring your two friends and Sakagami-Sensei with you. That's all. ]

I close my phone and I'm getting ready for the last thing I need to do for my plan to work perfectly.

Mini TimeSkip that night

Yato poV:

I was currently in the dorm lobby and I was looking at the student's mailbox. More precisely one of my classmates, Sakura... there was a ton of letters in her letterbox...

Sakura came to her mailbox and start panicking... I approach her to put my plan into action...

Yato: Sakura...

She was clearly afraid to see all these letters and she was about to cry...

Sakura: Ah... Fukazawa-kun, sorry for bothering you, I will go now...

At the moment she was in the blind spot of the cameral hit the palm of my hand against the wall to stop her from moving forward.

Yato: You can't run indefinitely of your problems Sakura...

In my voice, there was no kindness... the same for my eyes.. do not give off any emotion...

Yato: But let me tell you something Sakura...

Yato: When you never face your problems and just run... they will eventually catch up and destroy you..

Sakura: B-but... What should I do.. I have already helped Sudo...

Yato: You sure is that your most urgent problem?...

Sakura: W-what ... should..

Yato: Ayanakoji Kiyotaka

Sakura: Huh?

Just by saying his name, I could see the hope in her eyes.

Yato: That's right.. you need to have someone who is going to help and listen to you..

Yato: I give you my advice, trust Ayanakoji Kiyotaka.

Sakura: Y-You right I need to trust him... he already helped me after all...

She already seemed more reassured.

Yato: Sorry if I scared you... I just see you have some problems and I wanted to give you some advice...

I wore a fake smile on my face so that she is not afraid of me...

Sakura: It's okay, thanks to you know I know what l'm going to do.

Yato: Perfect I'm happy for you Sakura.

Sakura: Well, I'm going to leave now. See you tomorrow Fukazawa-kun.

Yato: Yeah see you tomorrow.

The second she leaves my field of vision, I remove the fake smile from my face and have my neutral expression...

Yato: Sighs...

Timeskip Next Morning

Yato POV

I was going to the Keyaki Mall to meet Ishizaki and the others. I was wearing the same outfit when I had talked to the technician the other day. I finally saw them in the distance...

Yato: Thanks for coming guys.

Sakagami: Can I know what you made us coming here? Ishizaki-kun didn't want to tell us anything..

Yato: Don't worry everything will be clear in a moment...

I take out my phone and show them the video of the incident.. Ishizaki was already nervous but at the moment that his two friends saw the video, they started to freak out... Sakagami-Sensei has understood the situation immediately...

Sakagami: Huh you had this video all along but didn't send it to the school... But that didn't change the fact that Sudo also hit my students...

Yato: True l can't deny this fact, but do you remember what the President of the student's council said yesterday...

I play the audio that Ishizaki sends to me...

Manabu{Ill ask you, Class C. Have you lied to us today? }

Sakagami: …

Ishizaki and the others:...

Yato: HAHAHA hoi hoi what's the matter a cat got all your's tongue? haha

Sakagami: What do you want to not show this video to the school?

Yato: Easy... 100k per head..for my silence

I took out a contract that I had printed last night... he specifies that Ishizaki Daichi, Komiya Kyogo, and Hondo Reo will owe me l00k per month for the next twelve months... during this year I would not talk about the incident and not show the video... and they will never be

able to tell anyone about this contract even when it is finished.. if they broke one of these rules, the video will be released and it will lead to their expulsion... and most importantly, they will have to with draw the complaint against Sudo..

Ishizaki: But wait we don't even get 100K per month... How are we supposed to give you them??

Yato: You're right, you can't but...

I turned my attention to Sakagami-Sensei...

Yato: You can give the 300k to me...

Sakagami: How could I give them to you?

Yato: Haha sorry but I know that you get paid with points like students... and you earn enough to give them to me...

Sakagami: …

Yato: It's up to you.. the fate of their three depends on you.

The three guys started to be afraid of being excluded from this school if their teacher did not accept the deal...

Sakagami: Fine...

Yato: Perfect, to start you three there sign the contract and leave...

After they sign the contract and leave me alone with Sakagami-Sensei... I took off my wig and mask...

Yato: Ehh finally, it's really a pain wear that..

Sakagami: So that's your real face...

Yato: Yeah yeah but look at the contract, it's said that you can't talk about me.

Yato: Anyway, you would have seen who you were sending the money to. That's was just for Ishizaki and the others that they don't know who I was...

Sakagami: Your'e right... give me the contract for me to sign it.. I need to be in class soon.

He and I signed the contract

Yato: Remember the first day started today. I need my money now.

Sakagami: Yes, I send you the money immediately.

As soon I got the 300k he left for school.

Perfect, my main goal is set. l just made an easy 3 600 000 points, it's a good start. I'll just have to watch the situation

with Sakura now.

Yato: It's really a good start to the day..