5- Payday P2

Yato POV

Chabashira just announced that the C-Class has withdrawn the complaint against Sudo. Most of the students were happy with this news, excepta few people were shocked... Horikita and her group didn't understand why they remove

their complaint...

I took out my phone and text someone

Yato: [ Yo you're free after school? ]

Karumo [ Yeah.. for? ]

Yato: [ Watch Sakura... with luck, this will be the last time ]

Kamuro: [l'll come with you, wait for me in front of the school]

Yato: Now l just have to wait until the end of school...

Timeskip after school

Yato POV

We followed Sakura for 20min and after some time the technician chase her into an alley. I took out my phone started filming the scene.

Kamuro: Wtf are you doing? We need to help her!!

Yato: Wait.

Kamuro: What? why should we wait, she is in danger..

Yato: Don't worry I won't let anything happen. I will beat him before he goes too far, trust me...

Yeah, I understand that I must appear likea horrible person now... I'm not going to let anything happen... but I will have to intervene soon if her hero does not arrive soon...

And it's terrible to say it like that but it will surely help Sakura in her future... she really needs to understand that she can not run from her problem forever and that she needs to have some people close to her so she can count on them...

Yato: Fuck I will have to intervene now.

Just when I was about to beat the fucking technician... I saw the person I was waiting for...

Yato: Perfect

I had everything that I wanted. Now that Ayanakoji came to save Sakura I can leave...the technician fled away.. I will be able to take advantage of the situation as I planned...

Kamuro: So you had planned everything... right?

Kamuro was flowing me but I could hear in her voice that she didn't really know how to react to this situation..

Yato: Yeah...

Kamuro:I see..

Yato: ...

Kamuro: ...

Yato: Sighs... Sorry about that

Kamuro: Huh?

Yato: Usually I don't care about what people think about me but...

I Know that what I did to Sakura was awful but that's how I do things... I won't feel bad for what I did to her too.. If I had to redo all these incidents, I would do the same as now... This is how l am and that is how l always operate...

but it would be a pity if Kamuro decides that she doesn't want to talk to me anymore... after she is one of the few people that I can consider as a friend in this school...

Yato: But this time it would be great if your opinion of me doesn't change after all that...

I couldn't see her face because I was walking in front of her... I didn't turn around and I just keep walking... after a moment of silence...

Kamuro: Baka... you said it yourself, that you wouldn't let anything happen to her... and I believed in you...

Yato: Thank you Kamuro..

Yato: Well we should take care of the other asshole now...

Kamuro: Yes totally.

Timeskip at the store

Yato POV

Yato: Hello mister, I came here to have my phone repaired. I am at a good place, right?

Technician: Eh... W-Well... No no sorry, we are closed for the moment...

Yato: Huh? That's strange because that's said that you close at 8 p.m. and he still 5 p.m.??

I saw at my left that Kamuro looked at him with disgust… After all, he was really just a waste of humanity.

Technician: Well we are just too busy now come back later...

Yato: Huh? Too busy to assault young girls??

I took out my phone and show it the video that I take of him who assaulted Sakura...

Technician: Ehh no no no no no no

Yato: It's good that you are afraid because I can send you to jail for a while with this video...

Technician: No No please I beg you…

Yato: Now you beg, so that I save you... Your just a piece of shit man...

Yato: But it's your lucky day

His facial expression suddenly changes when I said that.

Yato: Here is a contract that going to save you from jail. read it

In this contract, I won't send the video to the school or cop but he must give me 250k each month for the next 3 years and when I graduate from this school he must resign from his job... He can't resign from his job before that or I will

share the video with the cops and he is going to be a criminal.

Technician: But that a lot of points...

Yato: HAHAHA wow you are a real bastard man... Do you think you have any choice right now??

He signed the contract

Yato: Great and if I see you around one girl who goes to this school, I'll send the video to the school so keep away okay.

l and Kamuro go out of the shop.

Kamuro: So was that your final goal?

Yato: Yeah pretty much, I blackmail him for money and he is not going to try anything stupid now.

Kamuro( mumble): you a lot similar to her after all…

Yato: Huh? what did you say?

Kamuro: Ahh nothing...

Yato: ...

Kamuro: Hey you know that we will soon be going to an island on vacation?

Yato: Fuck it is true... I want to stay here though...


Yato POV

I was going to open my room door the I saw on my right Sudo, lke, Yamauchi, Kushida who was probably going to celebrate the victory of the trial in the chamber of Ayanakoji...

Yato: Poor guy but who cares hehe…

I go into my room and put my bag on my bed and opened my phone to look at my points

Yato: 603 345 points huh?

Yato: It's a good start...