1- Special Exam

Yato POV

Yato: Sighs.. Why...

Ayanakoji: Hm? Are you okay Fukazawa-kun?

Yato: Yeah yeah I'm fine... don't mind me...

We were currently on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. Most people seem happy to be here on the ship but for me... I would have preferred to stay on the canmpus for the summers break.. When I asked Chabashira-Sensei if I could stay at school she just looked discouraged and didn't answer me...

When I look at my classmates I saw that the groups of friends were already formed.. there is the group of idiots, I don't understand why Ayanakoji hangs out with them but I guess it's better than me who hang out with nobody in the class... Of course, I was not the only one who didn't join a group of friends but more time pass and more it's complicated to join one...

But that doesn't bother me because when I look at the groups of friends in the class I wouldn't want to hang out with one of them too much... Like during the study group when the Hirata group asked me to go with them I refused most of the time...

I lean on the railing of the boat and started to observe the Ocean...

It will be now three months since Mori sends me to this school... it still pisses me off but I can't refuse him that after all he's done for me... my last three years before that I go to this school cannot be considered normal for someone at my age...I have been through a lot of shit that the majority of people are never going to have the experience in their life... ButI'm not the type of person to feel sorry for myself...No... I rather think that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger... So no matter what happens to me I will keep moving forward...

Suddenly an announcement was made.

Loudspeaker: From here, we will land on an uninhabited island owned by the school. Students should change into their jerseys. After that, please assemble on the deck. Please keep all your personal belongings in your rooms. Since there's a possibility that you won't be able to go to the toilet for some time, please settle it properly now.

Yato: This school even had theur own island?...

Loudspeaker: From this point onward, starting from the students of class A, we'll begin to descend in order. Moreover, it's forbidden to bring mobile phones on the island. So please, hand them over individually to your homeroom teacher and go down the ship.

l joined the place indicated and found myself next to Horikita and Ayanakoji.

Ayanakoji: Hey, strangely aren't they being too guarded or, how should I say, careful? They should confiscate mobile phones during a test, not now. It looks ike it's even forbidden to bring too many personal items.

Horikita: Definitely. If people are only playing in the ocean, I also feel like they don't really have to go to the extent of doing that.

Yato: Yeah surely another trickery made by the school..

Ayanakoji: …


Wait why they don't answer me? I didn't say anything weird...

Horikita: Hello Fukazawa-kun. I had something to ask you.

When she was about to ask me something Chabashira- Sensei was calling our class.

Yato: Sorry next time, it seems that Sensei calling us.

l already know what she wants to know... It's probably about the Sudo incident on how the Class-C suddenly withdrew their complaint...

Chabashira: From now on I will be calling the roll for class D. Students who have been called, please reply firmly.

Chabashira-Sensei wore the same jersey as the students. Rather than summer vacation, the atmosphere was closer to training camp. It seems that none of my classmates was

suspicious about that.

Yato: Somethings is going to happen for sure...

Ike: Oh c'mon, give us free time already. The sea is stretching in front of me, you know.

Yato: …

After that, all teachers finished taking the presences. Mashima-sensei, the teacher in charge of Class A, takes a megaphone to talk to all the students.

Mashima: First of all, I'm happy that you arrived safely at this place today. However, it's unfortunate that one student couldn't take part due to sickness.

Yato (mumble): Fuck what a fool l am...

As I said that, I saw Ayanakoji turn to me with a questioning look. I didn't think anyone would hear me. But now that I know that a student couldn't come because of some sickness, I think I should have pretended to be sick...

Ike: Ah, there's one sick guy who couldn't join this trip, poor thing.

Yato: No no no, l envy this person me...

Mashima: So, Let's go ahead with this first special exam.

Yato: It's too late to pretend to be sick??

I could see everyone not understanding what Mashima- sensei was trying to say...it's simple...we have no trip anymore...

Mashima: The duration period will be of one

week. It ends at noon on August 7. From now on, you are going to live on this deserted island for one week. It is a test to see if you can live all together as a group. Furthermore, this special

trial has been designed in reference to real-life corporate training. Even before we start I am going to give you hints about what it takes to win this special test.

(A.N): / won't re-explain the rule here l will just resume them because I think we all already know what they are.

Mashima-Sensei had finished telling the information about this exam...

So basically for this exam, the schoolgive us 300 Class points and we need to survive on this island for one week..We can do everything we want during this week and they said that the theme is '"freedom'"... We can buy some

furniture in the book they give us...If a student is no longer able to take the test, 30 points will be removed from the class...There are some spots to take on the island to make more points...And the last thing is that there is roll call two times per day.

Yato: Sighs... what a pain..

The class started to go into the forest and at the same time, they were still persisting on what should we do about the toilet...

I was about to go ask something to Chabashira-Sensei before following the group but...

Horikita: Fukazawa-kun I have to ask you something.

Yato: Huh? Yes?

Horikita: Are you involved in the reason why the class-C remove their complaint.

Yato: Eh why should I be involved in that?

Horikita: They withdraw from the incident and we have done nothing. I just don't have any idea of what's had happened. I don't have any proof but you are the only person that I think could have been done something.

Yato: So it will be me who would have settled this Huh? Sorry to disappoint you but I did not do anything..

Yato: I think we just need to be happy that Sudo didn't get expelled and that this incident did not have any consequence for our class, right?

Horikita: Yes, you're probably right...

Yato: Good. I should go see Hirata now, they still argued about the toilet...

As I was going to join Hirata, I saw that Ike and Shinohara were arguing about the toilet but some join in the conversation..

Yukimura: I don't understand the girls' feelings of wanting a provisional toilet. However, I don't accept that we use the points indiscriminately and/or arbitrarily object to our opinions. If you want a provisional toilet, I'd want to tell you

the decision after collecting at least the majority of the votes.

Shinohara: ...l am just making a natural request as a girl.

Boys should mind their own business

Yukimura: A natural request? Mind our own business? That's impossible to understand. Isn't that simply discrimination?

Yato: Hirata-sama I think you need to intervene...

Shinohara: WHAT! Discrimination...Ahhh my head hurts. Hirata-kun, get him off my back, ok?

Yukimura: This test is a rare opportunity. A chance to till in the points difference with other classes. Valuable points

cannot be used for temporary toilets and such. I have no intention of staying in D Class forever. It's out of question to follow whatever one would like to do personally like Shinohara. So here, I want to decide on a secure plan.

Shinohara: Eh? About that, do you mean to suggest I wasn't thinking about anything or the consequences?

Yukimura: If even a monkey can do it, one should be able to work here following the natural instinct. I hate that women operate according to emotionally charged arguments.

Shinohara: Huh? It doesn't mean that I want to use all the points indiscriminately. I meant that there has at least to be the minimum necessary things. Do you have the intention of only speaking in theory?


Both turned toward me

Yato: That's enough, your conversation will be led to any solution. Shinohara, what Yukimura trying to say that's this exam is a great opportunity for our class to finally have

more Class Points and we have to think about how to keep the most Class point in this exam...

Shinohara was about to say something...

Yato: BUT... I think we should take the toilet...

Yukimura: What but you just said that we must keep the most class point...

Shinohara: Thank you Fukazawa-kun!

Yato: Huh?? I don't do it for you and the girls, I did it because that's the best way to have more Class Points at the end...

Shinohara: Huh

Yukimura: What do you mean by that?

Yato: Okay Yukimura do you prefer to lose 20 points or 30 points?

Yukimura: Huh 20 obviously...

Yato: Good so take the toilet... We must spend one week together on this island... the girls have additional stress about the toilet, so if one of them needs to come back to the ship during this week because she does not feel well we're gonna lose 30 points...and it's just if it's one girl, imagine if it's more than one... we can lose all out 300 points...

Yukimura: ...

He can no longer argue with me...

Hirata: Thank you Fukazawa-kun, I think that's the best option for us to take the toilet finally. You really give good advice!!

Yato: Haha you're welcome...

Yato: In fact, I gave them the toilet because l don't want everyone to go back to the ship.. Because After the first roll class I will go see Chabashira-Sensei and tell her that I'm

not feeling well for the exam.. So l can go back to the ship.

Hirata: Okay everyone I think we should start looking for a place to stay for the week. Are they any volunteers to go explore the island?

Few Students raise their hands to volunteer themself but I was surprised by the participation from someone..

Yato: Ayanakoji Huh..

Hirata: Thank you to all the volunteers. The rest of us will keep looking too in this area so when you have done come back here.

The students who volunteered started to leave and the rest of the class take a break before continuing to search for a camp...

Hirata: Fukazawa-kun you didn't want to accompany them?

Yato: Nahh I'll pass this one, they are enough so no extra person is needed. and...

Yato: l just don't wanna go exploring...

Hirata: Haha you are finally honest with me. It's okay you already help the class a lot you really don't have to always do more.

Yato: Wow you are a really good guy Hirata. I will take a break before we set off again.

Hirata: Perfect.

I was looking for a place where I can sit and I saw Horikita alone.

Yato: Hm Horikita you did not go with Ayanakoji?

Horikita: Why would I have to go with him?

Yato: Well you two are always together after all...

I set on a rock next to Horikita.

Horikita: Say Fukazawa-kun what do you think about this exam?

Yato: What do I think huh... She had a serious look on her face...

Yato: That it will be a real pain... So at the first opportunity, I will go back to the ship for the rest of the week.

Horikita: Huh don't mess with me! Answer me seriously if not I'll kick you!

Yato: HAHAHA Hoi hoi stop that, your being scary.

Yato: But I was telling you the truth...

Hmm, why not tell her what I thought about the exam.. I take a serious expression...

Yato: It's a perfect situation where we can have a lot of Class points. Like I said earlier to Yukimura we need to not use your points and persevere them the most possible.. but we need to earn it too.

Horikita: With the spots and by finding enemy leaders right?

Yato: Exactly, we need to take the more spots possible and to do that we have to choose carefully our leader. That's why Hirata is not a candidate for this...

Horikita: Why do you think that?

Yato: Well in theory he would easily be able to claim some spots every 8 hours, the problem is more to find the enemy leaders... I think he is too kind and friendly for that, he will prefer to play it pacifist I think.. And That's why...

I look at Horikita in her eyes...

Yato: You will be the perfect candidate to play the role of leader for the class.

Since the start of the day, Horikita seems not in her best shape... Maybe that's not really the best idea to put her as the leader but I don't really care.. In the end, as long I can go back to the ship I'm fine...

Horikita: Thanks but if you think I am a good candidate for the role of the leader so you are too.

Yato: Ehhh you know a joke is supposed to be funny


She got up and got ready to kick me..

Yato: HOl mate mate mate.

Suddenly Ike arrived in cried that they found the perfect place for us to pass the week.

Yato: Safe...

Yato: Ha...ha... we should join them Horikita right?

Horikita: Don't worry I will remember it!

Yato: Ha...ha... Fuck