2- Assigned Roles

Yato POV

Ike: Look It is a river!! A river! This is a possession spot, there is the mechanism to claim the sport over there!

Hirata: This is a glorious achievement, if we can maintain the source of the river, our situation may vastly improve.

Yeah, the spot that lke and his group have found is pretty good. You have a river close to you and the place is good to set up all the tents for we can pass the week here...

Finally, the last group who had left to explore the island came back to the camp.

Hirata: Perfect now that everyone is here I think we can discuss about the last thing we need to settle. We need to chose who going to be the leader of the class.

Probably the most important thing for this exam,I personally don't have much interest for the exam but as I said earlier I think Horikita is the best choice for the class. If they are able to win some class points with this exam it's a great thing.

Kushida gathered everyone to discuss the topic of who will be the best leader and she was the first to give her opinion.

Kushida: I had a lot on my mind and I thought about various things but, whether one likes it or not, Hirata-kun or Karuizawa-san stand out as persons. But isn't a leader one that you could rely on and also one that has a deep sense of responsibility? I think that Horikita-san is the one that meets both conditions. How about that?

Yato: Great job Kushida!!

Student:l agree with Kushida-san's opinion. I also think that Horikita-san can be a good leader. So long as Horikita- san is okay with it too.

Everyone started to approve of this choice but Horikita don't say a word yet...

Sudo: You don't want to do it, right? Don't force her. I can do it instead.

Yato: No no no no, that's the worst choice... Wait no Yamauchi is the worst choice...

Horikita was about to say something but right before she looked at me...

Yato: Fuck..

Horikita: Okl can be the leader if you all want... But before I would like to give my opinion on who should be the leader...

Horikita:I think Fukazawa-kun is the best person for this role.

I was about to retort because I don't want to be the leader.. But the god of the class talk.

Hirata: I think the same, Fukazawa-kun would be a very good leader.

Yato: Wait wait! We were all almost agreed that Horikita should be the leader, why change your mind now haha?

Horikita: I just said what I was thinking. We could make a vote on who will be the leader and IfI win I will become the leader with no complaints, the same goes for you right Fukazawa-kun?

This girl... she was really serious when she thought that I will be a good leader for the class... With what she said I will be an asshole to refuse if the class vote for me... What are

the odds that's I win the vote?... Kushida has proposed Horikita and Hirata thinks I would be the best person to be the leader... Kushida vs Hirata, who has the most influence in the class because this vote will greatly depend on that...

Fine I will play this game, there is too much disadvantage to refuse...

Yato: Haha well if l win the vote, sure I will become the leader!

Hirata: Great thank you Fukazawa-kun. Well, now we will start a vote!

Yato: Why?.. Why this is happening..

Hirata: Well, the vote is tied but here is someone who still hasn't voted yet. Can I know who it is?

Ayanakoji: Eh it's me.

Ayanakoji still hasn't voted yet? YES YES YES, that's my win Horikita. Ayanakoji is going to vote for her for sure since he is always with her. I will be able to go to the ship without too much consequence. If l am the leader and leave, they

may have some difficulty continuing the exam perfectly if they lose their leader in the middle of it. I don't want the class to fail this exam and have zero points... I just want to go back to the ship, yeah I know, that's selfish...

Hirata: Why did you not voted Ayanakoji?

Ayanakoji: Well it's my policy to abstain from voting.

Hirata: Can you please vote this time? That's will really help the class Ayanakoji-kun!

Yato: Just vote for Horikita

Ayanakoji: If I need to choose someone, then I vote for Fukazawa.

Yato: Huh?

Hirata: Great so the leader is going to be Fukazawa-kun. Thanks for your help!

Yato: Huh. Well eh yeah sure...

WHYYY? Why did he vote for me?... Fuck now I am the leader... I think that recently I forgot how much my luck was shit...

Anyway, what is done is done. Thanks to Horikita, now I am the leader for the week... I would have preferred to go back to the ship but I can always take advantage of this situation... I can make the class win this exam of look for an

opportunity for myself...

Yato: Sighs... I will go see Chabashira-Sensei tell her that we choose our leader...

Hirata: Good I will come with you.




Hirata: Here! We have written the name of the leader that we choose Sensei.

Hirata gave a piece of paper to Chabashira that have my name on it. At soon as she read it I could see some surprise in her eyes.

Chabashira: What a surprising choice, I did not expect that.

Yato: Yeah me too...

Chabashira: Wait 2 minutes for the time we make the cards and you will return to your camp.

Hirata: Perfect, thank you Sensei.

When we returned to the camp with Hirata there was an argument, still between Shinohara and Ike again..

Shinohara: Huh? With things like drinking water from the river? Are you crazy?

Ike: What's the matter, it's completely fine. It's pure and clean water.

There were some students who were still uncertain about this... Some started to say that they could never drink it...

Ike: What's going on, everyone. What's your beef? There's no reason we shouldn't make use of the available water we found with so much trouble.

Shinohara: Well then you should try to drink it as an experiment.

Ike: Haha...whatever, I don't care...

Ike scooped up the river water with his hands and drank it. I start to get closer to the river too.

Ike: Aaahhkk...It's ice-cold and I'm chilled to the bone but it's good! Damngood!

Shinohara: Wow that's a major turn-off. No way I'm drinking that. Yuck!

Ike: Ehh? You told me to drink it, SHINOHARA!

Shinohara: No way! The type I hate the most are barbarian guys like you!

Ike: What the...

I scooped up the river water with his hands and drank it. Like lke had said the water is really good I'm probably sure that we can drink it. Ike seems to have a lot of knowledge for all this stuff in the forest, I think we can trust him for


They stopped arguing when they saw that I drink the water from the river too. I think I need to act like a leader here...

Yato: Wow Ike that's amazing, This water is really good you have a lot of knowledge for this stuff right?

Ike: Yeah I have experience in camping...

Yato: Great, Hey guys I think we can trust him for this exam. We have this river to your camp so the best will be to exploit it. That's going to save us class points that's a good thing.

Shinohara: Huh? But I think we should buy drinking water that the school sold like the toilet, right Fukazawa-kun!

Yato: No that's not the same thing. Ike said that we can drink the water without any problem and If you still want to create unnecessary problems, you can still boil the water to make sure that the water is safe.

Shinohara: Boil it?? Why and any...

Why? you are joking right? I interrupted her before she finished her sentence.

Yato: Hoi Shinohara, who did you voted to be your leader?

Shinohara: You but...

Yato: Perfect, take responsibility for your vote now. Since I'm a nice leader l give you a choice!

Everyone was silent... That's been 5 minutes since I'm the leader and I'm already tired...

Yato: We still didn't buy the toilet yet... So choose between the toilet or the water... But be careful, your choice may not be unanimous

Her choice is oblivious, I need to make her understand that all this is soo stupid.

Shinohara: Ehh... The toilet is the best choice after all.

Yato: Good like I said you can trust me for water and if you are still too anxious about that we can make boil it to remove bacteria. That's going to be 100% safe.

Shinohara: Ok fine I will trust you.

What useless bullshit was all that... I walked over to a tree to sit down but I saw Horikita and Ayanakoji.

Horikita: How is the role as the leader finally.

Hoi she makes fun of me too? Fucking ...

Yato: Haha congratulations Horikita, you are officially the person I like least in the class.

Yato: And you Ayanakoji you are the second.

Ayanakoji: Sorry if I gave you a complicated job…

Horikita:I told you earlier that I will remember that you made fun of me.

Yato: Tsk... You are really cruel Horikita..

Horikita: But I didn't make you the leader just for that. Like I said I think you are the best person for that.

Yato: Yeah Yeah.. Sighs... This week is going to be long...

Mini Timeskip

Yato PoV:

Yato:: Hey Hirata I will take a look in the forest to see if I found something useful.

Hirata: Hmm sure but don't be late for the roll class.

Yato: Yeah don't worry.

Hirata: Oh and it would be good if you brought someone with you.

???: If you want I can accompany you...

I turned myself to see the person who had proposed to accompany me...

Yato: Hmm yeah do as you want Sato.

Sato: Okay thank you Fukazawa-kun.





It's been 15 minutes since we left the camp and walk in the forest. Neither of us said a single word since we left but I have the feeling that she accompanied me because she has something to tell me...

I saw a lake a little further. When I got there I saw lots of fish relatively close to the edge of the lake.

Yato: Perfect, I will ask Ike to check this lake if he is able to catch some fish.

Sato: You think that he will be able to catch some fish for the class?

Yato: Well he has some experience in this domain. If he is able that would be best for the class to be able to eat fish for the week.

Sato: Yeah you're right...

Yato: ...

Sato: ...

Sato: Fukazawa-kun can I ask you something?

Will finally tell me what she wanted to say?

Yato: Yeah sure what up?

Sato: Well... I just wanted to know if you have like.. any sister or... brother...

HAHAHA wow, I see, she want to know about my brother. After she didn't see him after what she did to him... I know her but she never saw me before I go to this school, that why she think that we can be related with my last name..

What should I do? She hurt my brother but that does not concern me in the end... and knowing my brother and his sense of justice who absolutely wants everyone's good... He

will be mad at me ifl do anything to avenge him... but who cares... I want to have fun making a mess with this situation.

Yato: Oh... Well yes, I had a brother.

Sato: Huh W-What do you mean by that??

Yato: Well it's a personal story soo I would like to not talk about it...

Sato: Huh Y-Yeah S-Sure...

Yato: Anyways we should return to the camp now.

Sato: Yes and sorry about this question...

Yato: No no it's okay, I'm not mad at you!

She was visibly disturbed by that. But I absolutely won't feel guilty about it, she was the first to hurt my brother's feelings after all. Maybe that makes me a bad guy to do that

to her but I don't care a bit...

Hirata: Hey Fukazawa-kun you're finally back.

Yato: Yeah we found a lake that maybe we could use to catch fish for the week. We should ask like to go see tomorrow.

Hirata: Prefect that's a great idea.

Yato: Huh?

I look behind Hirata and see a girl that I have never seen before..

Yato: Who the hell is that?

Hirata: Huh? Oh, she gets kicked out of her class and had asked for refuge in ours.

Hoi that's a joke right. It is obvious that this has a catch behind all this.. know Hirata is the kind of person to accept without any problem someone in help... But come on Horikita you should have said something...