3- End Of The First Day

Yato POV

The girl who asked to stay in our camp has short blue hair and that's was the first time I see her. She is either in Class C or B because I already saw the majority of the student of class A when I was with Kamuro one day. I approached her to talk to her...

Yato: Hmm this is the first time I see you, who are you?


Yato: Eh you ask to stay here but you don't even bother to answer when we talk to you...

Ibuki: Tsk fine... I'm Ibuki Mio of Class C...

Yato: Class C huh...

Yato: Haha great, I'm Fukazawa Yato By the way.

Ibuki: Ok

Yato: Holy shit this girl..

Yato: Say.. you not here to sabotage our class or collect some info right?

Ibuki: Huh like I said to Hirata earlier I'm here because I get a kick out of my class camp and I just want a place to spend the week.

Yato: Oh I see now sorry I didn't know that you have already talked with Hirata about this. If Hirata said you could stay so be welcome to our camp lbuki-san.

Ibuki: Huh so you won't doubt me anymore because Hirata trusts me? that's stupid...

Yato: No you are stupid e really think that I trust you...

I take a naive expression to give credibility to what I'm going to say.

Yato: Yeah sure I going to trust you if Hirata said so! Anyway if you need something don't hesitate to ask lbuki-san!

I start to walk away.. the odds that what she says is almost zero... she seems to be the type of person with some temper... if what she said is true I do not imagine her stay on the island to avoid losing 30 points for her class..

Yato: So that's the class C huh... Interesting...






Hirata had gone to see Chabashira-Sensei for a while and he was finally back... But the look on his face..

Yato: Fuck what's now...

Hirata: Hey everyone I have bad news for the class...

Karuizawa: Eh what's happening Yosuke-kun?

Shinohara: Yeah what is the problem Hirata-kun?

Hirata: Well for the problem is about Kouenji, he

complained about being in a poor physical condition and returned to the ship. Of course, since he became sick, 30 points have already been deducted to you all. It can't be helped. This is the rule. Kouenji is now retired and he has

the obligation of being on the ship for l week, receiving medical treatment, and waiting for further orders..

Students: Eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh????

Yato: HAHAHA fuck nman I'm jealous... I too could have gone back to the ship if Horikita didn't recommend me as the leader...

Yukimura: Don't kid around. Kouenji, that sucker!! What is he thinking?

Yato: Hoi Hoi does not scream, please..

Yukimura: Damn!! We've lost 130 points. Fuck it!

Yeah, we can't afford to lose more points...

Yato: Sighs..

I will have to do something to increase our points...

Yato: The best thing to do to start would be..

Mini Timeskip

Yato POV

I was currently sitting on a rock while thinking about the exam when I heard some students arguing. I looked up to see who it was...

Yato: Sighs... again...

It was Ike and Shinohara..l got up and went to Horikita who was close to me.

Yato: Why are they arguing again?

Horikita: Well it seems that the girls and boys can't fit the tents we have. So they arguing if we should share the tents between the boys of the girls.

Yato: Oh I see...

I thought they were going to check if we all fit in the tents before buying them...

Yato: Well to solve the problem you could sleep with Ayana...

I don't finish my sentence because I felt that my life would be in danger if I finished it...

Yato: HA...HA... I think I'm going to go see Hirata to try to solve the problem...


Yato: Sighs...

I started to walk toward Hirata when I heard him say..

Hirata: Maybe we don't have any other choice than to buy another tent...

Yato: No no no, bad idea. We have already lost too many points.

If they continue to lose points unnecessarily like that I will go back to the ship for real..

Yato: Well Hirata I will just sleep outside for the week.

In fact, that would be a perfect thing for me for what I had planned for this exam..

Hirata: Wait no Fukazwa-kun we can't let you sleep outside for the week...

Yato: It will be like this until we find a better solution...

Hirata: Hmm... Well, I have maybe a solution.

Hirata: One boy and One girl could stay awake and watch the camp. That will be free one place in the boys and girls tents and we could switch the duo two times per night.

That's was a good idea, but I would prefer to sleep outside, that would make things easier for me.. and asking the class that maybe they will get less sleep time one night because If we switch two times per night it makes 24 people who will have to stay awake later or get up earlier... I don't know if the class will accept easily...

Hirata: I know that I ask you a lot guys but please, It would be best for the class!

Karuizawa: Well if Yosuke-kun said it the best I think we should do it like this.

Kushida: Yeah I totally agree with Hirata-kun!

Well now that the three most influential people in the class have approved this strategy, the rest of the class will accept... I have no complaints to make after all they have found a solution to not use more points...

Timeskip That Night

Yato POV

I was currently sitting on a rock watching a campfire. I have obviously been chosen by lot to stay awake the first part on the first night... my bad luck has struck again...

I picked up some branches next to me and threw them into the campfire... I look to my right at the girl who remained awake with me... Hasebe Haruka, she has waist-length blue hair, orange eyes with a mole visible beneath her left eye... Many guys in the class consider her to be one of the attractive girls in the D class...

I never spoken with her, the only time I could have was during the study group. But she seems to not like to open to herself to others... especially with the boys.

Yato: Yo Hasebe can l ask you something...

Hasebe: Hmm yeah sure.

Yato: You prefer to be alone right

Hasebe: why do you think that?

Yato: Well you seem to avoid interacting with other people in the class, every time I saw that someone talked to you seem to want to get the conversation to end there as soon as possible. Like in the study group you came the first time

but you didn't join us the other times. For this exam as well, you didn't share your opinion one time from the beginning.

Hasebe: Hmm I never thought that you're being that attentive towards me (giggle) it's just that you give the impression that you don't care about anything.

Yato: Ehh well it's true that I have a nonchalant attitude... but that doesn't mean that I don't observe what's going on around me..

Hasebe: Haha l see I see, all that you said was true. I don't really like to open myself and get involved with other people, that's why is great to have Miyatchi as a friend who has the same thinking as me.

Yato: Miyatchi?? Who is that?

Hasebe: Haha sorry I talk about Miyake Akito.

Yato: Hmm he is the one who stopped Sudo with Hirata to punch me...

Yato: But why Miyatchi? Do you know each other before coming to this school?

Hasebe: No I met Miyatchi when I stop coming to the study group. He was studying in the library and I met him there. We were both two people independent and we didn't really want to be involved in the class so we got to know each

other there. So became sort of friend after all that.

I can totally understand her feelings... I don't really want to be involved with the people in the class too, like the time of the study group the girls and Hirata ask me to go out with them but I refuse nmost of the time... It's probably that I am

still kind of stuck on the fact that Mori forced me to come to this school and thatl already think when I will be able to leave this school to return to my life before... But... maybe I could just try to enjoy the next 3 years in this school a bit more

Hasebe: Oh and for Miyatchi it's just a like give a nickname to my friends...

I look at her and it seems that she was thinking about something.

Hasebe: Oh I just found it! Your nickname will be Fuu-kun!

Yato: Hmm l did not think that you consider me a friend of yours.

Hasebe: Oh you don't like your nickname after all...?

Yato: Hahaha I think it's great I like the nickname, thanks Hasebe!

Hasebe: Your welcome Fuu-kun!

I didn't think I would know her better and I have a nickname when I asked my first question. She doesn't like to be involved in the class but when you know her better, she is really a nice girl. Miyatchi seems to be a good guy too, he had even stopped Sudo when he was about to hit me.

Hasebe: Yawn...

I look at my watch and it was now 2:30 a.m...

Yato: Our turn is over we should go awake the next people who are going to watch the camp and go to sleep.

Hasebe: Yeah your right, goodnight Fuu-kun.

I said bye to Hasebe and go to my tent and wake up the next boy who will replace me.

After he wakes up and exits the tent I've waited for him to go far enough.

Yato: Good I will be able to start what I had planned to do now...

Timeskip Next Morning

Yato POV

2??: HOI wake up!

Yato: Hmm urusai...

Then all of sudden I wake up because they poured water in my face

Yato: HOI TEME, what is your problem!

Sudo: Hahaha the roll class is about to start you need to wake up.

I saw that the 3 idiots were laughing at me... fucking... l just have like 2-3 hours of sleep time and I get to wake up like that??? I will end up killing one of them...

Yato: Sighs...

l exit my tent and Chabashira-Sensei came to make the roll class... Now my sport jacket was wet because of the water Sudo threw me on... I can't remove it because I prefer to keep my arm with the bandages as a secret...this will just

create some annoying questions...

After the end of the morning roll call, we were free to move as we pleased. Hirata gave instructions to reliable classmates, also starting a strategy on how to save points. But for me, I just thought about going back to bed...

Ike: What the fuck are you, guys!

Yato: Huh? What now?

I saw two male students... this was Komiya and Kondou of the incident with Sudo... I look at lbuki and showed a bitter expression only for a moment and she stepped into the shade of the tent like she was trying to hide herself...

Komiya: Well well, it seems that D class is living a rather frugal life. As expected, this is a class of defectives.

Student: It seems that you have a very comfortable life instead. You C class fellows

Kondou: Do you know Ryuuen?

Yato: Ryuuen?

Hirata: He's a C class student. I heard various rumors about him. Quite a reckless fellow, it seems.

Kondou: Not quite so. Everything that guy does ends up being messy.

Ibuki: Those two are that Ryuuen's gang mates. You can say they're his underlings.

Yato: Hmm so the incident with Sudo would be his work? Interesting...

Komiya: What did you have for breakfast? Grass? Or insects? Here, you can eat snacks too.

He proposed some potato chips and some soda. I take them quickly and opened the bag of chips and the can of soda... I didn't sleep of the night and had the worst awakens...

Yato: Holy shit thanks a lot, if you give them to us I will take them gladly.

Komiya: Haha great this is the right way to think. We have a message from Ryuuen-san. If you want to fully enjoy summer vacation, you should come to the beach right now. Don't be reserved. You better come. If you're sick of living

like fools, let's spend a dream time together.

Yato: Ehh I can come for real??

Komiya: Haha sure you can. I'm sure Ryuuen-san will like people like you, so you are welcome.

Hirata: Fukazawa-kun!

Yato: Haha calm down Hirata I was joking.. maybe...

Most of my classmates were angry that I accept their food, but it was Sudo's fault for waking me up like that... After what I did last night I have the right to a reward...

I go sit on a rock further away to drink and eat the food that they gave me... After 10 minutes Komiya and Kondou leave our campsite and I saw Ayanakoji and Horikita who were about to leave... when they passed by me l ask them...

Yato: Hmm where you two are going?

Horikita: We are concerned about other classes situations. So we are going to see their campsite.

Yato: Oh great let's go!

Horikita: Huh you want to come with us?

Yato: Ehh I can't?

Horikita: No No you can.

Yato: Great let's go Ayanakoji, Horikita