7- Deal and Betrayal


Yato Pov:

We were now on the 4th day on the uninhabited island. The class has finally started to act a bit more like the Ichinose class. They stopped arguing between them and helped each other.

I was really surprised by Ike. He had real knowledge for survival in the forest and was helping the class as best he could. With his help lot of people started to feel more comfortable in this exam. Witch allowed us

to us approximately 100 points, so at the end of the week, we still havea lot of class points. And that's without counting the points that we will gain with the spot...

I was currently sitting on a rock near to the exit of the camp... wondering what should I do with the trap of Class A.. Then I saw someone go out of the camp alone...

Yato: Yo Ayanakoji, where are you going?

Ayanakoji: Oh Fukazawa-kun, I was just going to do a bit of exploration.

Yato: Oh I see, do you mind If I tag along?

He seems to thought about something before

answering me...

Ayanakoji: No I don't mind at all.

Yato: Oh great thanks.

We both start leaving the camp...

Ayanakoji Pov:

Then I left the base camp with Fukazawa. I hesitate before accepting that he could accompany me but it was easier to just accept... And I don't think he's going to slow me down... Before leaving I had secretly borrowed a ballpoint pen and taken a folded paper for what I had to do..

Yato: Hey what do you think about this exam


What I think about this exam...

Ayanakoji: Hmm I may not be the best person to think about all this but... I think we doing great at saving as many points as possible during the week.

Ayanakoji: But I think we should also try to gain points by the other rules like claiming some spots... but like I said I don't know if my opinion is worth much.

He doesn't answer me right away and suddenly...

Yato: Wow hahaha, that's an interesting point of view... I'm impressed haha!

Is he laughing at me?

Yato: Do I have to understand that is why you voted for me to be the leader?

Ayanakoji: …

Ayanakoji: Oops..

I applied a sudden break in my steps and came to a stop. All because there was no foothold here and it was actually a cliff.

Yato: Oh it's high from here...

Ayanakoji: I saw it from the ship, for sure..... it was under here.

Yato: Huh?

There was a ladder a little further. We both use the ladder to go to the bottom of the cliff.

I discovered a small hut. At the ingress of the hut, there was a device that was the clear evidence that this was a spot.

I approached to check to see if the spot was already claimed... yeah he was... but...

Ayanakoji: Huh?

I could see the letter D on it.. and the remaining time shows that the time left is 2 hours...I look at my watch it shows that he was presently 10 a.m... So he was claimed in approximately in 4 a.m...

Ayanakoji: Hey Fukazawa-kun, when did you find this spot?

Yato: Eh that one? During the first night.

Ayanakoji: During the night? you go exploring on your own during the night, it's quite dangerous.

Yato: Hahaha don't worry, and it's the best time to do it so…

Go out exploring the forest in your won the night it's dangerous. If something happens you are all alone and no one will be able to come and help you.. but like he says you're sure you won't get caught by the other class so it's a good time indeed..

I take out the pen and the folder paper and started to draw a map of the island...

Yato: Ohh a map, that's a great idea Ayanakoji. Good job!

After that, I finish we climbed the ladder and we started to walk to explore the island but suddenly Fukazawa stopped.

Ayanakoji: Huh a problem Fukazawa-kun?

Yato: Well yeah I'm tired so I think I will go back to the camp for now, sorry man.

Ayanakoji: Oh no problem, you are indeed better to go rested yourself after all

Yato: Haha okay good, soo we'll meet at the camp Soon.

Ayanakoji: Good.

I continued my way until I fell in front of a spot that was not claimed but when I approached it serval people from A-class surrounded me.

Yato Pov:

Yato: Oh so that's their trap huh?

After leaving Ayanakoji I stayed for enough from him not to be seen and listened to the conversation between him and the A-class…

They wanted him to sell his class by telling them our class leader... they offer him 200k to tell them my name... of course, he didn't say anything... but now what should I do??? 200k really not worth that I betray my class for that... but maybe I can...

After thinking about an idea... I started to walk

toward their trap..

Yato: Ahhh where does Ayanakoji goes??

Student A: Hey you stop there!

Yato: Good

Yato: Huh? Who are you and what do you want from me?

Student B: don't play the idiot! we know you were going to claim that spot.

Yato: Huh? I was just looking for my classmates, that's all.

Student A: Oh so you are in class D too huh, listen we have a deal for you!

Student A: If you tell us the name of your leader we can give you up to 200k points.

Student C: Here is a contract.

The dud who was giving me a contract seems to be the leader of the three students...

Yato: Huh 20ok, well if you want me to tell the name of the leader it will take more.

Student C: Hoi who do you think you are!!

He approached me to try to intimidate me until...

???: That's enough you three.

Student: Katsuragi-san

So that's him Katsuragi eh... he was a man of above- average height. But the most noticeable thing was that he was bald, which was quite a rare thing for a student.

Yato: Would you be the one in charge of your class, Katsuragi?

Katsuragi: Indeed and I heard your conversation. So you would be ready to tell us the name of your leader for a better reward?

Yato: Hahaha yeah maybe.

Katsuragi: Hmm so what would be your price then? Great this dude is ready to negotiate with me just to get my name... If I can get an amazing amount of price from them... then I will give them my name without any problem...

Yato: Hmm my price huh?. First I don't want a

unique amount of points... I want to be paid per


???: What you are crazy! You are just from the D- class you don't have the...

Katsuragi: Stop it Yahiko!

Yahiko: Sorry Kasturagi-san

This dude listens to Katsuragi like he was his little dog... Man, that's lame... Anyway, from what I saw of Katsuragi, I thinkI can be a little greedy...

Yato: Hmm Yes, I want 15k per month for each

person in your class. That seems fair after all, I betray my class and I will have less class points because you will have the name of the leader on this exam. So you have an easy 50 Class Points.

Yahiko seems to have a lot of things to say but say nothing while Katsuragi seems to think about it..

Yato: You know it's nothing for your class 15k right. And with the name of the leader, you will gain more class points and be able to remain in the A-class for the next three years.

With what I had just said it seems that I convinced him... he really wanted to maintain his position as A- class the most possible... and for that, he is ready to sacrifice some private points.

Katsuragi: I will accept this at two conditions, first I need to see the card of your leader. Secondly, I want that you stop your leader to claim more spots than you have. If you are okay with that and if you think you be able to respect these conditions, we can sign this contract.

Yato: Good no problem for me, I am perfectly able to respect these conditions. Do you have a pencil to sign haha.

I give me the contract this is written on it that each person of class A must give 15k per month to Fukazawa Yato for the next three years... they can't speak about this contract to any person who is not in their class...

I sign it and He signs it for his class.

Katsuragi: Great now Fukazawa-kun, you just have to show me the leader card. When you..

I stopped him when he was speaking

Yato: Yeah Yeah, it won't be difficult to have it.

Katsuragi: Huh?

I take out the card from my pocket that has my name on it and show it to Katsuragi.

Katsuragi: Oh I see, it's was a pleasure to do business with you Fukazawa-kun.

Yato: Haha same for me

Katsuragi: How many spots that your class has?

Yato: Don't worry, I have claimed a total of three

spots on the island and I will stop looking for more.

Katsuragi: Perfect then.

I start to go away while I have an evil smile on my face...

Since the beginning of the year, I have managed to make three different contracts to have more points. One of them will finish this year but the two others will last for my three years here... In one year I will have earned 13 8o0 000 points.

Yato: Hahahahahaha

Sorry Horikita, you should never have proposed that I be the leader... Now I will just continue this exam without trying to win.. because after all, I don't have any interest in becoming the A-class... the promise of being able to have our dream job I don't give a shit about that... And when my classmates are going to see that's we lose 50 points because a class found out that I was the leader they will no longer ask me for

help for the next exam...

They can fight as they like in this exam... because as long I come out as a winner at the end I don't care...