8- Thief?

3rd. PoV:

Early in the morning of the 5th day, while the

majority of boys were still sleeping. Girl's voice could be heard from outside their tent.

Shinohara: Hey boys, will you gather up?

The boys started to get up and come out of their tents and some of them came out in rage...

Sudou came out from the tent looking at the others around him visibly irritated by this...

Sudou: What the hell... I'm so fucking tired.

Hirata: What's wrong?

Shinohara: Uhm Hirata-kun... Sorry, but can you wake up all the boys here? It's serious.

Shinohara seems angry but that's was not the only problem there. A little far away, the girls were glowering at the boy's side.

Hirata: Understood. I think they'll soon come out as I give them a shout.

After a couple of minutes of waiting for the boys to get together outside their tents. The boys who were outside noticed the girls were looking at them unusually scared...

Hirata: What's wrong, so early in the morning?

Shinohara: Sorry Hirata-kun. It's something that doesn't concern you, Hirata-but... wait he wouldn't miss someone?

Hirata: Huh? Oh yeah, your right...

Yato Pov:

Yato: zZZ...

???: Oh Fukazawa-kun wake up!

Huh? They haven't finished making a lot of noise since this morning? Fuck... I just want to sleep in peace...

Yato: Eh later, later... I want to continue to sleep...

???: Fukazawa-kun the girls want to talk to the whole class, please wake up.

Huh? This is Hirata? Why he is so insistent...

Yato: I give you the right to start without me...

Hirata: Fukazawa-kun!

Yato: Signs... Fuck..

What a shitty start to the day...

Yato: Okay Okay.. I'm coming...

After all the will that took me to get up... I finally exit my tent 5 minutes later…

Yato: Yawn... it's better to be fast...

Huh? Why do all the girls look angry? It's me who should be angry after being forced to get up…

Shinohara: Good now everyone is here..We've

gathered because there's something I have to check at any cost.

Yato: Hmm why do all the boys need to be here

while some girls are missing...

Shinohara gave everyone, except Hirata, a look of contempt and then she spoke.

Shinohara: This morning, well... Karuizawa-san's underwear was missing. Do you know what that means?


Even Hirata, who was always calm, appeared shaken and upset at the completely unexpected situation.. Now I could understand why they wake us up... but...

Shinohara: Now Karuizawa-san is inside the tent, crying. Kushida-san and others are comforting her.

Shinohara starts looking at the boys suspiciously…

Ike: EHHH, are you saying that one of us would have stolen the underwear of Karuizawa-san?

Shinohara: Of course, you are the only ones who could have done this after all!

Sudo who was angry retorted immediately...

Sudo: What's about the girl of C-class

Wow, I would never think that the one who would have conmmon sense would be Sudo.. It was indeed

probably a trick from Ibuki... I turn around to look at Sudo... But... I realized something when I saw two people in particular...

Yato: Ike and Yamauchi.

Yeah, I was no longer sure at 100% that's was Ibuki.. It could very well be one of the two idiots over there.. I do not think that Sudo could have stolen it because from what I heard he only had eyes for Horikita... but we are never sure of anything with these three…

Shinohara: Huh Ibuki? She's a girl! She would never have done that!

Wow, this is one of the worst arguments I have heard my whole life..

Sudo was about to start arguing but Hirata

intervened before...

Hirata: Okay please stop. We need more Information before continuing... who was on guard shift last night?

Miyake: Eh I and Kushida-san were the first shift and after us it's was Yukimura and Onodera-san. Personally, I didn't see anything last night…

Yukimura and Onodera also said that they had seen nothing last night... It's was just missing the point of view of Kushida now...

Sato: I will go ask Kushida about that.

I don't think that she saw anything because if she had seen something we wouldn't have this discussion right now... while we were waiting for Kushida everyone starts arguing among themselves... I saw Ayanakoji on my left…

Yato: Signs... Yo Ayanakoji all this is probably

unnecessary, right?

Ayanakoji: Huh what do you mean by that?

Yato: Huh well it's probably Ibuki or one of the

groups of idiots...

Ayanakoji: Oh I see, you are right that could be Ibuki after all...

Ehh you really didn't think about it...

Yato: Hey do you want to bet on who do you think is the culprit?

Ayanakoji: Eh I don't think it's a good idea to bet on this…

Yato: Oh come on, let's say 15k.

Ayanakoji: Well…

Before he could finish his sentence Sato and Kushida arrived. Everyone stopped talking and gave the floor to Kushida...

Kushida: Well I didn't see a particular person last night but... I saw someone go near the bags last night...

Kushida: And this person.. was about the same

height as Ike... Sorry, this is all I know...

Well, Ibuki must be about the same height as Ike but the thing is that it can really be Ike...

Yato: Sighs...

We can't accuse Ibuki after Shinohara's perfect

argument... I will just have to create a situation

where the class will be obligate to suspect Ibuki.. or reveal that Ike is really the culprit...

Yato: Okay that's enough of this! We will settle it quickly, we just have to show our bags to the girls to prove that we are not the culprit.

Students Boys: B... But....

Hirata: That's a great idea Fukazawa-kun, I will give them my bag first so, please do as I do!

Great now that Hirata will do it everyone will have to do like him... faster than this is fixed that fast I can go back to bed...

Everyone started to give their bag to the girls...

All that was left was my bag and the one at Ike... All in the other boys' bags had no trace of the underwear of Karuizawa...

Yato: That's mean... Ike or Ibuki... Hmm... I will still bet on Ibuki.

Ike started to stress when Shinohara was searching in his bag... After 2 minutes…

Shinohara: Nothing in that one too..

Ike: I tell you that's was not me!!

Shinohara: It will just remain the one of Fukazawa-kun.

I gave her my bag and she immediately start

searching in it...

So in the end that's was really not Ike or Yamauchi...

That's a good thing because that if that would have been a boy in our class it would probably have been a problem for the future... after all our class was just starting to act as a group…

Well, now It is 100% sure that it was Ibuki who take them...

Shinohara: I would never have thought that...

Yeah, that's was stupid to clear her from the

start...Eh, wait...

Shinohara: Fukazawa-kun I never thought you could do something like this!! After Hirata-kun you were the boy we trusted the most! How you could have stolen the underwear of Kazuirawa-san!

I turned to look at her and saw that she had the

underwear in her hands...

Yato: Huh?

Yato: Wait Wait Wait, it's not me I...

Before I could defend myself she interrupt me..

Shinohara: Stop it! I don't want to hear anything

from a pervert.

Everyone starts to look at me with contempt..

especially the girl... I won't let them accuse me

without saying anything...

Yato: Wait Shinohara, let's take the time to think and talk about it before accusing myself wrongly.


Shinohara: We don't need to talk about this longer! You have the underwear in your bag so that just means that you are the culprit. You are really stupid to think if you think we'll listen to you!

This fucking bitch... she is serious right now???I take a naif expression and…

Yato: HAHAHA you right! It's me after all who

offered that you check all the boy's bags knowing that I had the underwear in my bag all this time Hahaha. I am really stupid... or maybe...

I switch my expression and my voice to a cold one...

Yato: Or maybe is all of you who are just a fucking bunch of idiots...

Everyone was surprised at my change of attitude, even more, Shinohara who was in front of me... now no one dared to answer me... until…

Hirata: Okay please stop everyone! Fukazawa-kun can you follow me please so we can talk in private.

Yato: Whatever...

After leaving the camp with Hirata so that we can talk in private he was the first to speak...

Hirata: So Fukazwa-kun... Let me ask you... Are you really the one who stole the underwear of Karuizawa- san?

Yato: Let me answer you with another question

Hirata.. Do you really think I would have done that?

Hirata: Of course not but... I need to hear to say it, please!

Hirata, the good guy who wants to avoid the most conflict between his classmates... This situation must be horrible for someone like him..

Yato: Sighs... Of course, I didn't steal it Hirata. I


Hirata: Great, thank you Fukazawa-kun... I believe you. But why did you have them in your bag then?

Yato: This is surely a dirty trick made by the real culprit...

Hirata: Hmm and do you know who it is?

Yato: Well I have doubts about someone but I don't have any proof...

Hirata: Hmm I see... but that's why I want you to help me to find the real culprit.

Yato: To find the real culprit huh...

Hirata: Yes so I could calm things down with the class about you while you investigate it. We must avoid losing, even more, the cohesion we had created with the class during this exam...

Yato: Yeah I totally agree with you.

After all, without Hirata's help with this incident, I can very well be excluded from the camp...

Yato: Yeah I will find this culprit Hirata, and thank you for your help.

I can't let pass this incident, my reputation is at stake after all... to be called a pervert for the next three years... no thanks... and above all, I will not let the culprit act as he wants…