Chapter 14: A Chat with a New Friend

Petra and I walk over to a table in the corner and have a seat. Drinks arrive soon after. “Room and board is covered for tonight,” I tell her. As I’m saying it, someone puts a bowl of stew in front of each of us, complete with a large piece of bread for dipping. It smells delicious. “Plus I got some money. Maybe enough for a map. Definitely enough to get me some armor.”

She gestures over my shoulder with her chin. “And you made a friend,” she says.

I look where she’s pointing and see the elf I had identified walk up to us. I scoot over a bit, and he pulls a chair over. I notice that Petra puts her hand beneath the table, probably on her curved knife, and that she shifts so she can stand easily without getting tangled up in the chair.

“So how did you know?” he asks.