Chapter 22: The Tower

Four hours is not enough sleep. I don’t want to get out of my blankets when Petra wakes me up. But when I groan and try to roll over, she slaps me across the face. Not hard, but fast enough to sting. Amazing how easily that wakes me up.

We pack camp pretty quickly, and then head straight for the tower. At the base of the tower is a moat, with a raised drawbridge covering the only entrance.

Orion scoffs, something I’d never seen someone do with so much drama, and raises his hands to cast a spell. The wood of the drawbridge begins to warp, then rot away, falling in pieces into the moat.

I’m about to ask him how he intends to get across now that he’s destroyed the bridge when he casts another spell and a bridge of black shadow forms. He sends Collin across first, and when the alligator in the moat jumps up and attacks him, Orion does little other than laugh.