Chapter 48: A Series of Very Bad Ideas.

First, I cast Fire Blast. Onto my face. My own personal face. Not someone else’s. Not a monster’s. Mine.

My defense reduces the damage, but not by much; I don’t exactly have the chance to dodge any of it. So I end up taking 175 damage from my own flame blast. Plus I burn off what might have been building into a halfway decent beard, both my eyebrows, and several layers of skin. It’s a miracle I can still see.

And a lucky thing that I can speak. “Behind you!” I shout.

Then I shoot another Fire Blast, this time right at the ceiling. Because I think I figured something out.

Labosh is big. Like, really big. But none of us saw them before they started to lower down from the ceiling. And the spiders are clinging to something as they move around up there. The reaction is as if there are webs all over, just like in the other room. But I can’t see them.