Notification: You have defeated Labosh, mythic abomination. You have defeated Giant Spider x6. You have defeated the dungeon of Jyger-Te. Rewards: 278,667xp. Chitin chest plate (rare). Chitin short bow (rare). Axe of Jyger-Te (legendary). 300gp.
Notification: You have gained three levels. You are now a level 34 Bard. You have 12 spell points and 15 attribute points.
Notification: Skill increases: Throwing 25, Spellcraft 10, Dodge 23, Orienteering 5, Listening 22.
I blink my eyes and look around. Were not in the dungeon anymore. Were back in Jyger-Te. Im leaning against a building. I can hear water rushing in the distance. That explains the other set of notifications.
Achievements: Dungeon Delver: Enter Jyger-Te dungeons first floor. Dungeon Delver(2): Enter Jyger-Te dungeons second floor. Dungeon Delver(5): Enter Jyger-Te dungeons fifth floor. Combined reward: +13 to all attributes.