Chapter 67


"Miss Daisy, can we go outside?"

I close my eyes and count to five as I try to deal with the controlled chaos in my classroom. I love children, enjoy the age I teach at the daycare, but we're in our second week of no sunshine and cold wind. We're all going stir-crazy. "I'm sorry, Penny. You can't go out; it's supposed to rain today, and it's so cold."

Her hopeful face falls, and I'm afraid a tantrum is next. "We haven't been able to go outside for dayyssss." She drags the word, bottom lip sticking out.

"I know." I crouch down so that we can look eye-to-eye with one another. Grabbing her hand with mine, I hope she realizes how sorry I am that we can't go outside. "I'm sick of it, too, but if you get cold, you may get sick, and that's no good, right?"

Her dark eyes are wide and sad. She appears heartbroken. "I guess so."