Can I meet her again?

"Boys don't look good at all when they cry, come on now stop shedding those tears of yours and smile, you look very cute whenever you smile, come on hurry up, I am waiting for you."

The girl's voice reaches his ears, telling him not to cry and asking him to smile, and hearing her voice, the boy raises his head and looks ahead, and sees a glowing light near the door.

If he looks more carefully at that shining light, it turns into the body of a girl who extends her hand towards the desperate boy with a happy, loving smile on her face. "Now come on, hurry up, we are getting late, someone is eagerly waiting for you."

Seeing that girl in front of him, the boy loses control over his tears and rushes towards her to hug her like a lover separated for many lives. "Tara, Tara you have finally returned, you don't know how much I yearn for you, look at these dead bodies, I have killed all those who were responsible for your death. Now no one can separate us..."

But it was just his imagination, and when he opens his eyes and does not find the girl in his arms, he again falls on his knees sobbing and screaming in pain. 

"Tara, I apologize to you that I could not save you from those brutes, I was as much the cause of your death as these people were, it was because of my enmity that you lost your life... Of those who were responsible for your death, I am the only one left." He wipes his tears and stands up and picks up the knife lying nearby and places it on his neck. He was scared, but he also considered himself the cause of her death, so he chose a painful death. 

He starts using his own knife on his neck and in agony, he gives up his life at that very spot. But alas, even after death, what he wanted did not happen. He neither got heaven nor hell.

His restless soul kept wandering in search of its companion in that unknown world where neither the living nor the dead live. This was the place in this universe where those souls were who had died before their time came. 

Everywhere darkness is present in such a way that it will swallow everything in darkness, but in the same darkness, among those ghosts, that one devilish soul whose inner pain has now turned into immense anger, is now ready to end everything.

"Anyone who stops me from meeting my Tara will die, I will destroy one will survive." Even after dying, he is not at peace, he is still restless to find the soul of his love to live with her in after life but because of the sins he had committed, he is not allowed to reach the door of judgement.

It's been years since he is suffering from the intense pain of regret and sorrow that is changing into wrath over time and in the next several decades, his restless soul evolved into a legendary rank devilish soul who can break through from that spirit realm anytime and create chaos.

"What a promising future you have, I can see how much you love that girl, for whom you even suffered this torture for several decades and turned into a devil's soul. It's been over several millenniums since I last found a soul like you." The voice of a powerful soul that is even more powerful than him passed comment on him after seeing him.

"You are... one of those divine messenger" He arrogantly rushed to attack on him, but he fell into a deep slumber and while at the same time the darkness around his soul faded away and messenger of the divine who just purified his soul with the divine power and put him into deep slumber now tied him into soul chains and took him out of that realm.

It's been more than two hours, and now he got from the sleep and found himself at a place full of darkness where there is no light except his own aura "What is this place? Is it the afterlife? Or what is it?" 

Another shadow shining in the same dark place, which was coming closer and closer to him every moment, asks him "Do you want to meet your girlfriend whom you were crazy about for so many years?"

Hearing this question from that unknown shadow, he answers yes without thinking anything, "Can you take me to her, I can't live without her." 

The shadow moving towards him stops at the same place and in a calm tone he says "The moment for which you were waiting for so many years has arrived, that divine and pure soul of your beloved has taken birth in another world, her new life has started. But alas, this evil soul of yours cannot be born again, you will have to live suffocated in this darkness for eternity."

But at this moment he was in no mood to listen to the shadow's sermon, and soon he gets angry and grabs the shadow in his grip and says threateningly "You must be thinking that you will make me wander by talking nonsense, will stop me from meeting my Tara, this audacity of yours... I will erase you from this universe forever."

Seeing the power of that devilish soul of his, the shadow got very scared because due to the power of that soul, darkness was swallowing everywhere around. To calm his fierce anger, he consoles him and says "I have not told anything false. You can never be born again, but I did not say that you cannot."

Hearing these words of the shadow, his anger calms down and the surrounding darkness disappears. "What do you mean? Can I really meet my Tara again?"

To be continue...