Completing goddess's mission

Hearing these words of the shadow, his anger calms down and the surrounding darkness disappears. "What do you mean? Can I really meet my Tara again?"


Seeing his anger calming down, he turns back making the shadow go away and raises his hand and says something in his mind and then suddenly a huge form of a person appears in front of both of them.

The divinity of that person was so much that even the devilish soul which had been strengthening itself for hundreds of years is forced to kneel before his divinity.

Seeing such a powerful divine power in front of him suddenly for the first time after so many years, the devilish soul of that boy gets worried and when he raises his eyes and tries to see it, He could not see him even if he wanted to because that divine man was surrounded by such a bright divine light that no one could see him.

"He is my master and the only one who was above everyone, but now he is trapped in the divine spirit realm, so he summoned you here" The shadow introduces the boy to his master and tells him very beautifully about his master.

The boy, who was already unable to understand anything, stands up straight, gathers a dark energy in his hand, transforms it into a divine demonic weapon, and arrogantly kills the shadow on the spot. "This stupid shadow said you were above everyone, so I killed it, do you have problem with it and if you have then come to the battlefield"

As soon as he heard the boastful words of that boy, the man surrounded by divine light suddenly starts laughing loudly and while laughing, the divine light around him gets transformed into a demonic energy.

After which he reduces his huge form and captures the evil energy roaming around him in his fist and when he raises his eyes and looks at the boy, the boy remains stunned.

" are the evil god that... that wiped out the heaven and got sealed by divine Trinity for breaking the law of universe" When he tells all this nervously, the man starts circling around him laughing loudly and the boy's soul trembles to the core.

"As I expected, you are exactly as I heard, unafraid, fearless, brave, ready to kill at all times, cruel and full of evil." After saying all this, the man places his hand on the boy's shoulder and stands in front of him and looks into his eyes, but the fear he was seeing was now gone.

"I finally found you, the Trinity Angel told me if I destroy you I can get my Tara back." On hearing this from his mouth, the man jumps back away from him and transforms his demonic energy into a big swordspear.

Seeing that man in terror, the boy raised his hands with a devilish smile and all the good and bad energy around him got absorbed inside him and within no time the boy's soul transformed into a divine soul.

Now that Evil God gets very scared because now his own energy is also getting absorbed into the divine soul of that boy, he now starts becoming weak and starts screaming in pain.

"No, it can't be, you cheated on me, you are a cheater, I will kill you, ah..." Screaming in pain, her soul starts disappearing, and before it disappears completely, the boy stops and comes closer to him and looks into that man's eyes and sees his terror in that man's eyes.

With this he places his hand on her head and softly goes near her ear and speaks "Everything is fair in love and war, now it was your bad luck that you came in front of me. You probably forgot, I am that devil who can do anything for money and this time it was about my love, so how could I leave you. Today, this very moment, I will erase you from this universe forever.

Having said this, the boy closed his fist and destroyed the soul of that Evil God right there and then forever.

As soon as the Evil God dies, the whole place turns into a very beautiful place and the boy now says, clenching his fists "I did what you told me to do, I killed all the evil spirits, now fulfill your promise."

As soon as he says this, his soul disappears from there and gets teleported to a very beautiful place where a very beautiful goddess was sitting in front of him.

Seeing him standing in front of her, the goddess smiled and said in her sweet voice "I am very happy after seeing how you wisely completed your mission, come and sit here with me and enjoy some tea. I am sure this tea a thousand time tastier than your earthly tea."

The boy flatly refuses her and says "I am not here to waste time in enjoying your heavenly tea, I fulfilled my promise, and now It's your turn, where is my Tara. So, keep your promise and let me meet her."

"Why are you in such a hurry, handsome? There are so many beautiful nymphs here in this heaven, so why don't you choose any nymph instead of that girl." Smiling, the goddess speaks to the boy very easily, she thinks that he will agree but the boy gives the opposite answer to her thinking.

"I'm not like that shameless old man, I've been trying to finish your work for so many years so that I can meet my Tara and be with her. I'm not here to live in the luxuries of heaven and lost my true love."

After hearing this answer of him, the goddess felt so happy in heart and then summons a heavenly beast there that is actually a Tiger and then says "I am happy to hear that. So let me tell you first, Your beloved Tara is no more in heaven, She has been born again, into a world full of magic, adventure and magical creatures beyond your imagination. Where there is both thrill and danger at every step."

To be continue...