Drakonheart Empire's heir

"I am happy to hear that. So let me tell you first, Your beloved Tara is no more in heaven, She has been born again, into a world full of magic, adventure and magical creatures beyond your imagination. Where there is both thrill and danger at every step."


"that means, everything that shadow said is true. She is no more here, she has been born again." He was thinking about it, but the goddess already read his thoughts.

She took last sip of the heavenly tea and said "You don't have to worry about anything, You completed my work, so It's my responsibility to help you now. Using my special authorities and powers, I can send you to the world where your beloved has been reborn" 

After hearing this that boy smiled and started remembering those memories with her and seeing him lost in memories, the goddess snap and said "But It's not that easy, that world is more complicated than your previous world. You will have to face many challenges, dangers, and difficulties at every step, people in that world only worship power and money. And there is no law and order in that world and only powerful can create the law."

Hearing the goddess's words that boy put his one leg on another and said proudly "Madam, If you are trying to scare me then forget because nothing can scare me, and I can overcome all difficulties, dangers and challenges for my beloved Tara."

Suddenly the heavenly tiger standing just after him got angry after seeing his arrogant attitude and caught his neck after changing into human form and crash him over floor.

"Human, how dare you to act to arrogant in front of a goddess, apologize right now or I'll eliminate your soul, and then you can never meet your beloved Tara."

The tiger was very furious but Laxman is not giving up too, he kept struggling for several minutes and after several tries he succeeded in freeing up himself from that tiger's grip and threw him away. 

"I can be an Arrogant human, but I didn't do anything to disrespect her, and if you think you can dominate me with your godlike strength then listen I am not a guy who you can easily dominate." 

Both were furious and fiercely staring at eachother and after seeing them going out of control the goddess released her aura and suppressed both of them under her divine suppression. 

"Enough of your both's arrogance, apologize right now or..."

Before the goddess can complete her sentence, Laxman knee down and apologize for his arrogance and the tiger did same. The goddess get calm again and sat on her throne. 

"Let's come to the point, so you Laxman, you have to do one last work" The goddess said tapping her finger on the throne.

But after hearing this Laxman unwillingly nodded and said "One after another, I don't want to say but are you really going to use me to fulfill your work? Whatever, I can't make a choice, I'll have to follow your orders, what I have to do now?" 

The goddess smiled and calmly said "I can understand what you are feeling now. She is the only girl you loved truly, and now she is not with you. And I am not a cold-hearted goddess. I always do only good for my children and everything I do is only for the good for my children. Whatever, you will not understand now but will understand when the time comes. And your mission is that you have to live your this new life happily and don't leave any regrets... be kind to good people and protect the goodness. Bring peace to the world."

These were the last words he heard from the goddess because thereafter his head began to feel heavy,, and his eyes began to close, his vision blurred,, and he could barely see the smile on goddess face full of motherhood. And after it, he fell unconscious.




The Drakonheart Empire ranks top on the world's strongest and richest empire that is being ruled by the Drakonheart Family since the start and every blood related member of Drakonheart family born with the power of dragon.

A very prosperous beautiful empire ruled by the great Drakonheart family. All the citizens were living a very happy life and everyone likes their Kind-hearted emperor and Empress a lot. 

Just like everyday the everything inside the empire is normal, people were going on their work, farmers working in their fields, children were playing, birds were chirping, overall the weather is very pleasant and the environment is very happy.

But inside the Drakonheart Palace, The Great Emperor Lucius Drakonheart is nervously walking in the corridor infront of his living room because today the Empress Aurora is going to give birth to the heir of this great Drakonheart Empire and the Emperor is getting restless outside the room and waiting for the good news.

"Your Majesty, please keep patience, Empress will be alright." The Prime minister Darian said after seeing Emperor in worry.

But still Emperor is worried and walking nervously that at the same time the doors opened and Emperor put his eyes on the door and so eagerly waiting for the good news.

"What the situation... Is everything alright and what about the..." Emperor Lucius was very restless and asked the maid that opened the door.

"Emperor, please calm down, everything is okay, the Empress is healthy and the baby is healthy as well, and by the way, Congratulations for becoming father. Please go inside and meet your newborn son and Empress, they are waiting for you" The maid bow her head and happily congratulates the emperor and this good news made Emperor so happy.

He looked at Prime minister Darian and said "Darian, give this maid a thousand dragon coins" 

After hearing the reward that maid again bow and thanks Emperor for his kindness and then the Prime minister gave her a bag containing a thousand Dragon Coins.

"Darian, go and publish the news that The Great Drakonheart Empire got It's heir." he happily ordered Prime minister Darian and after getting the orders Darian nodded and left to publish the news and Emperor Lucius walked inside the room and closed door.