Crown prince LUCIFER

When Emperor Lucius goes inside the room, all the women present there pay their respects and walk out of the room, and seeing Emperor Lucius there, Empress Elara looks at him with great joy.

"Lucius, I am happy to see you. See finally the day has came for which we were waiting for so long, Our Son finally came to this world" Elara says while holding her newborn baby in her arms and caressing him. And seeing his wife so happy with her child, Lucius becomes very happy in his heart and comes and sits next to Elara. 

Elara hands the baby over to Lucius and smilingly puts her head on Lucius' shoulder and starts caressing her baby's head and says "Lucius, I am very happy, I was eagerly waiting for this day when I would give birth to our child and give an heir to our family and people, and today that day has come, see our son finally comes into this world." 

 Lucius happily kisses his son's forehead and seeing the baby's smiling face, he holds him with both his hands and lifts him into the air and says "Our son has brought a lot of happiness with him in this world, just look at his lovely face, whoever sees him once cannot help but look at him again. When he grows up, he will become a very handsome young man. All the girls will become crazy about him, and will not be able to live without him."

"You were absolutely right, you know, after seeing our son, all those women seemed to have forgotten all their problems, they were just praising him, as if he had cast a spell on them all." 

Both the husband and wife are smiling, caressing and pampering their baby, while on the other hand, the news of the birth of the prince spreads throughout the Empire and everyone is happy and completes all their work as soon as possible. 

Everyone quickly completes their work and runs towards the palace and within no time a crowd of thousands of people forms in front of the palace and many guards increase the security of the palace.

After hearing the cheering from the people, Lucius and Elara look at each other and Elara touches Lucius' cheeks and says "The public outside is eager to see their prince, now go and calm them down and talk to them."

Lucius kisses Elara and then comes out of the room with his newborn baby in his arms and comes to the outer corridor of the palace, looking at the crowd of people gathered outside, which is increasing over time.

Seeing the public in so much excitement, Lucius raises one of his hands in the air to pacify them and everyone calms down after seeing their Emperor in front of them.

After calming down the public, Lucius showed his newborn baby to everyone and after seeing their prince the public started cheering the baby and the environment turned all happy. 

And after sometime the Prime minister and General came in front of palace with all the royal guards and pay their respects to the prince. They all bend their one knee, place their one fist on the ground and bow their head to pay their respects to the Prince.

And after seeing the Guards, the public sat on knee and bow their heads. 

After all this Lucius told the crowd to go back and ordered Darian to prepare for the biggest celebration to celebrate the birthday of newborn baby. 

(After five years)




"Lucifer, wake up son. How long are you going to sleep. It's your birthday today. Your dad is waiting for you" Elara said while knocking at the door. 

Hearing the sweet voice his mom Elara, Lucifer who is sleeping very comfortably on his bed woke up.

Today is Lucifer's fifth birthday and also the most special one, and Lucifer was eagerly waiting for this day. Getting down from the bed, he goes and opens the door with his small steps.

"Good morning mom" Lucifer says with a cute smile.

"Aww My son is so cute and handsome, come on get ready for the Ceremony, Your dad and other officials are waiting for you. So and get ready" Elara caresses Lucifer' head and said with a sweet smile.

"Yes mom, you just don't worry. I'll reach there on time" Lucifer says 

"Come on let's go, Let me give you a special bath, I already prepared the water for your bath so hurry up" Elara hold Lucifer' hand and started taking him to the bathe. 

All the guards in the corridor started bowing down in respect of prince and Empress and crossing the long corridor they came in the big bathroom where already dozens of beautiful maids were waiting for him. 

"Mom, what is it, why here is so many maids?" Lucifer nervously asked.

Elara sat and touch Lucifer' cheek "Son, don't get nervous, They are all here to give you bath, and look them, they are all very excited. Don't worry you will feel completely relax after it."

Lucifer turn his neck and looked at all the blushing maids and just sighed in disappointment and says "Is not it bad, I am boy and they are all..."

"Son, It's okay, don't think about it too much. You are the crown prince, And you just keep confidence in yourself, Everything will be okay. They are all beautiful and pretty, so go and enjoy their bath, your mom is here so don't worry." Elara said with a smile.

After it Lucifer smiled too and walked towards the maids, those maids bow their head and started undressing Lucifer and they are all blushing and getting excited while Lucifer is already knew about it all. 

After this, Lucifer came to the big luxurious bathtub where some maids in bikinis were also in the water and they all started bathing him thoroughly.