Talent Awakening Ceremony

After this, Lucifer came to the big luxurious bathtub where some maids in bikinis were also in the water and they all started bathing him thoroughly.


While bathing Lucifer, all the maids were thoroughly cleaning all the parts of his body and because of this Lucifer is feeling weird because these maids were sexy and beautiful and rubbing their bodies on Lucifer that is making him nervous too.

While at the other hand Elara chuckles after seeing the shyness on Lucifer's face and the maids were enjoying it too, But when the maids try to get closer, Elara stopped them because Lucifer is getting angry.

"Girls, It's enough teasing. We are running out of time. So hurry up" Elara ordered maids.

After bathing, all the maids start feeling shy when Lucifer came out of the water.

(After sometime)

Inside his room, Lucifer is getting ready and looking very handsome while the maids were all there and after getting ready Lucifer told maids to leave.

"Lucifer, look at me" Elara gently turn Lucifer face towards her.

"Is everything okay mom? Am I not looking good?" He asked innocently.

Lucifer is very handsome and charming that even at the age of five no girl can resist herself from falling in love with him.

Elara caressed his head and gently says "Lucifer, my cute son, You know today is a very special day for you and our family. You are going to become the crown prince of this Great Drakonheart Empire after today's ceremony, So give your best and make our people believe that you are the one and only most worthy for the throne."

Lucifer touch Elara's face and says with a cute smile "Mom, don't worry, In today's ceremony, I'll definitely make you and dad feel proud."

After hearing this confident reply from Lucifer, Elara became happy and then send Lucifer with the royal guards to join the ceremony and goes to join the ceremony too.

All the Nobel families' head, Empire officials and powerful masters were present in the ceremony hall for the Talent awakening ceremony where Lucifer have to awaken his talent and prove himself more worthy than his cousins for the throne.

Inside the Ceremony hall, there is a big statue of Divine Dragonlord and a beautiful wooden table is placed some meters in front of the statue on which a big magic crystal is placed that is shinning with blue light.

There is not much people except inside the ceremony and only some handful most important members of Drakonheart family were present there.

"My son, Are you ready for the most important day of your life?" Lucius asked Lucifer and within any hesitation Lucifer agreed.

"Come with me prince" Elder Orion says and then came near that crystal ball placed on the table in front of that state of Dragonlord.

"It's been five years and now finally the day arrived, after awakening my talent I can go to search for my Tara, And I don't have to be afraid of anything. In my previous life I was just an ordinary person who later ended up becoming an assassin, but in this life, I am the first prince of a powerful empire and I have both money and power. I'll use my all efforts but I'll definitely find her for sure."

Lucifer was thinking all this in mind while remembering the sweet moments with his wife in previous life. All the elders and other family members were doing praying and Lucifer did same.

After some time the prayer ends and finally the Elder Orion came to him and said "Lucifer, place your hand on this crystal ball and chant with me"

Lucifer gently place his hand on the crystal ball and started chanting with the Elder Orion.

"O the great Drakonheart, the Divine Dragonlord who ruled over the three realms and made this very happy empire, to get you as my ancestor, I am very happy, My name is Lucifer Drakonheart and my father is Lucius Drakonheart, With your divine blessings, our family has been ruling over this great empire from generation to generation without any problem. So today, I am here asking for your blessings so just like my father, my grandfather, my great-grandfather, I can rule and protect this empire too."

With the end of his prayer the crystal ball started shinning a lot and with every second the light emitting from that crystal kept increasing and stunned all the people present there with the intense divine light.

It's the first time when the crystal is shinning so much and all the family members got happy because the more crystal shines, the better blessings they will get and Lucius is very happy and all the Drakonheart family members thought that Lucifer is going to promote their family status to next step.

But unfortunately, Lucifer is suffering intense mental and physical pain and because of it he could not hold his voice for so long and started screaming in pain that is too loud that all the mirror inside the hall got destroyed, and all members got worried.

"Lucifer..." Lucius rushed towards Lucifer to save him, but the aura of that crystal completely covered Lucifer and threw away Lucius back.

"Emperor, keep patience, The prince is not in danger. Because the crystal is transferring all Its knowledge and power in Lucifer. He is the genius that born once in a millennium. You need to feel proud." Elder Orion said with this bright expression on his face after seeing Lucifer absorbing the powers of crystal.

Lucius who was first worried about Lucifer is now getting calm after hearing elder's words and looked at Lucifer like everyone else and waiting for the process to end, but it took more than several hours.

"Elder, are you sure Lucifer will be fine. I am witnessing this scenario for the first time. I am not sure Lucifer's body can handle so much power" Lucius worriedly asked.

Elder Orion then put hand on his shoulder and said with happy eyes "Lucius, everything will be fine. Keep faith in Lord Drakonheart. Lucifer will be fine, and he is going to become one of the legendary Knights of Drakonheart Empire."

To be continue...