
 Mu Yao squeezed onto the train 15 minutes before departure, and the compartment was filled with all sorts of complicated odors and a jumble of dialects from all over the world. Although S City, where his family was from, was a small county, it was a necessary route to the prosperous port city of B City. Many outsiders took this cheap express train to B City to work, and whether it was a holiday or not, the platform was swarming with a huge crowd of working people.


 Mu Yao remembers that the first time she took this train, she was made dizzy by the steaming odor of those wantonly bare-chested cooled men in the carriages, and in the past two years she has frequently traveled between the two places, but she has also gotten used to it. Habit is really a terrible thing, unconsciously change how many people had thought that it is never possible to change things.


 Mu Yao navigated the crowded aisles of the carriage, shouting at the person in front of her to lend a hand while holding her ticket against her seat. The girl in the station's ticket office had long since gotten acquainted with him, and specially reserved a seat by the window for him. When he managed to find a seat, he saw that a few migrant workers had already occupied a table in that compartment and were pla阴g poker, yelling and shouting.


 Mu Yao leaned up and smiled at the older man, "Brother, please make way, my seat is inside."


 The man looked up at him, bared his teeth and smiled, his black and red face was furrowed, a natural face of labor: "Yo, little brother, you sit outside into not," the man coyly scraped down the top of his head as rough as a brush of short hair: "Lend a hand, we are a few brothers are pla阴g cards. "


 Mu Yao smiled, "I'm sorry, big brother, where to sit is the same, but I love motion sickness, later afraid of vomiting in the aisle to make everyone unhappy, you see ...".


 When the man heard this, he immediately moved his butt to vacate the window for Mu Yao, "OK, OK, OK, then you hurry up and sit in it." While surve阴g the thin body of Mu Yao, who squeezed through in front of him, "Little brother is a southerner?"


 "Uh-huh." Mu Yao sat down and placed his backpack on his lap, turning back to the Han with a polite smile and not picking up on his words. Train passengers always love to find someone to chat with during the boring journey, but Mu Yao didn't have this kind of hobby, not only on the train, but also at other times, he tried to keep quiet.


 The red-faced man didn't mind, and continued to say to Mu Yao, "Southern people are all thin, little brother's body is practicing to be strong, this train will not be dizzy if you sit a few times."


 Mu Yao smiled gratefully and said, "Yes, I'm not sitting in the car much, so I'm affecting your card games."


 The man was reminded of the poker cards in his hand, and laughed a couple of times as he continued to fight with a few of his fellow workers. Mu Yao let out a long breath and turned her head to look out the window, the low-rise buildings of S-city gradually receded behind her, and the train had already left the station.


 Mu Yao was not actually seasick, but the familiar sights outside the window were just plain boring, and the lead-gray lines of rain that ripped through the sky made the already low air pressure even more uncomfortable, and in no time at all, it stirred up the fatigue that had built up over the last night. Mu Yao reached through the straps of her backpack and leaned on the car window with one arm, intending to take a nap, S City to B City, a four-hour drive, just to make up for the spirit.


 For some reason, Mu Yao, a chronic insomniac, was able to fall asleep quickly in this noisy, rocking car, which also meant that she would soon fall into that familiar dream. That dream had become so familiar that it had almost become a part of his body, and even when he was in the dream, he knew that it was a dream. It was said that anything that appeared more than twice must have some significance, let alone one that had followed him for six whole years.


 That surly dream always unfolded in a rich scent of magnolia flowers. The sky was a clear, translucent ruby blue. The reason why I noticed the sky was because of the thin cream-colored cotton bra hanging on the wire in front of the door for dr阴g clothes, the background of blue sky and white clouds made its gesture of swa阴g slightly in the warm summer breeze extraordinarily spiritual. That day, Mu Yao, who was 12 years old, stood in front of the window and peered at the bra. His neighbor, Li Er, the silly boy, had bet him in the afternoon that the breasts of the fat girl at his desk, Zhang Mei, were definitely above a C cup. Mu Yao had no actual concept of A, B, C, D. The old man in his classroom teacher was no grass to be messed with, so Mu Yao skimmed his lips at Li Er and ignored his small talk. Things should have passed uneventfully, if not for the fact that Zhang Mei wrote the wrong calculation question in the workbook. At that time, Zhang Mei "fuck" a voice, under the dead force in her poor crumpled workbook rubbing desperately, a piece of eraser was rubbed by her from the middle of the break, there are half of the popped to Mu Yao's feet. Mu Yao usually with this fat and horizontal girl is not deal with, see her arm pouting wipe book has been gloating, this time the eraser fell at his feet is in the heart, straight pretend not to see.


 If things can start over, Mu Yao must be the first time to bend down and pick up the half of the evil eraser back to Zhang Mei, but we know, Mu Yao himself also know, the fact that happened can not be changed.


 Although Zhang Mei was cross, she didn't expect to be able to get her nemesis Mu Yao to check the eraser for her, and screamed in a low voice, "Get your legs off me!" Smoothly pushing his leg hard, she arched her back to reach the eraser. Mu Yao originally intended not to help or make things difficult for her, was pushed but instead came to the gas, his knee immediately and automatically used the force to hit back, that moment, he only felt his skinny knees hit a pile of soft and elastic things, no force. Mu Yao froze and looked down, Zhang Mei is gritting her teeth and glaring at him with a red face, the neckline of the thin summer clothes is extremely wide, the county girls are very big parents will buy special underwear, even if the development of early, Zhang Mei is still a vacuum package. So, that pair of plump white tits along with the red spot on the front end, just like this without any suspense into Mu Yao's dumbfounded eyes.


 That entire afternoon went by dimly, and the dream automatically filtered out the bits and pieces that came afterward, jumping straight to coming home from school. Mu Yao saw the milky white thin cotton bra hanging on the wire in front of the door, the sky at that time, was a translucent jewel blue, the breeze was light, and I don't know where came the gradually strong fragrance of magnolia flowers. Mu Yao suddenly remembered Li Er's judgment about the English letters on Zhang Mei's body, he went in the door and put down his school bag, leaned over the window and continued to peep at the bra for a little while, then walked out, used the clothesline pole to collect it, and went back to the room to check the yardage of that thing. As if in a trance, the view of Zhang Mei's white chest popped back into his mind. Imagining that pile of white flesh fitting into the cotton bra in his hands, the young Mu Yao appreciated for the first time at that moment the instinctive urge of life.


 Events naturally developed, developed to mom came home early, developed to the doorway of the room that could not be closed in time to the small mouth that was wide open because of surprise ... Mu Yao grabbed the bra with one hand and pressed it against his face, and with one hand probed into his pants to lasso the rise that made him not know what to do, and even after his mom appeared, stunned, he did not even remember to take his hands out.


 Mom turned her head back to her room, and Mu Yao cowered into the corner of the bed to wait for the whip. Unexpectedly, the familiar pain of the skin and flesh did not come, and even the complaints and sighs that he had to hear every day at the dinner table did not appear as the two mothers and sons faced each other and ate their dinner in silence. From that day onwards, dinner between them was always conducted in silence. Mu Yao increasingly wondered if the female voice that had been under the dim fluorescent light for the past many years, complaining about the high price of rice and electricity, and complaining that he couldn't grow up fast enough to earn money to support his family, had really appeared. Or was it just his hallucination?


 In fact, Mu Yao never had the luxury of hoping to please her, at most, he hoped that she could be less critical, even if she was meaner accusations he did not go to refute, would rather be more to satisfy her requirements.


 She has always been a beautiful woman, although there is no beautiful high-grade clothes dress up, but also counted in the small county one of the most beautiful women. Unfortunately, Mu Yao is unknown, as long as there is no man in the family, this beauty will seem superfluous and ridiculous, in addition to attracting some not eye-catching ragged men, decent men who do not want to become a family with a raised eyebrow?


 Everything was strangely calm that night, except for the lingering scent of magnolia flowers. Mu Yao finished his shower and did his homework, lay down on his bed and was about to go to sleep, but his mother, who had been silent, came to his room. Mu Yao didn't say anything, the strange silence made the young child particularly uneasy.


 The dark red robe on his mother's body slipped down, there was no light on in the room, and the bleak moonlight through the curtains reflected on the mature female body before Mu Yao's eyes, white and shimmering with silver light.


 The process was so chaotic and unorganized, Mu Yao only remembered that he had been shivering, even in his dream, the feeling of trembling still made his teeth sore, the rich scent of magnolia came along with the suffocating squeeze and heat wave spreading to the sky, the surly and hot flashes of the scent swept over all his dreams from all the teenage years to the youthful years up to this point.