Chapter 3

Mu Yao returned to the B City College of Finance and Economics at 3:00 p.m. The school is located on the outskirts of the city, far from the train station. The students in the dormitory all went to class, and after Mu Yao cleaned the dirty clothes he brought back from home, he rushed to the B City Computer Mall, where he worked part-time. The owner of the store was called Li Liang, a fellow countryman of YY, a friend Mu Yao used to know from his part-time job at the bar, and knew that he had a specialty in this area, so he introduced Mu Yao over.


 "下o Yao, you're back just in time, send this host back to the guests." Boss Li Liang immediately greeted Mu Yao when he saw him.


 "Okay, Brother Liang, give me the address."


 Mu Yao took the address and carried the case downstairs in the elevator, dodging left and right through the crowded computer city, and only after arriving at the door did he take a serious look at the note in his hand. Xi Yuan, Lan Feng Ge, 7th floor, Block B, Jian Ming. Heh, another mansion area, B city has a lot of rich people. Mu Yao rode the bus for half an hour and walked for 5 minutes to the entrance of Sunrise Garden. The security guards played the intercom and held his ID card before letting him in.


 Mu Yao did not expect to find the Lanfeng Pavilion still can not enter the building downstairs and the password door, the security guard on duty inside the phone chatting, separated from the layer of glass set iron door, the sound simply can not be transmitted into the hands of the chassis, although it is not heavy, along the way to hold over is also enough for him to be affected by, can not help but be very chagrined. He wanted to save some money on his phone bill, so Mu Yao took out his cell phone and dialed the number above.


 "Hello, who is it." A gentle, low male voice came from the microphone.


 "May I ask if this is Mr. Jane? Your mainframe is fixed, I'll send it over to you, but I can't get in the door downstairs." Mu Yao said back.


 "Oh, wait a moment." Mu Yao heard the iron door open with a "ding". The man continued, "The door is open now, right? You come up."


 "Okay, thanks." Mu Yao hung up the phone and entered the door to take the elevator.


 The door to Jian Ming's house wasn't as sad as the two just now, and Mu Yao had just gotten out of the elevator when the door to Block B had already opened. A tall man in charcoal gray loungewear stood in the doorway, Mu Yao hurriedly walked over, "Sorry to keep you waiting."


 "Oh, it's okay, come in." Jian Ming found a pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet under the entrance hall and gave them to Mu Yao.


 Mu Yao changed her own shoes and asked, "Mr. Jian, where do you keep your computer?"


 "The study room, you come with me." Jian Ming led him towards the other end of the living room. Without taking two steps, he heard the boy behind him shriek, Jian Ming was startled, before he could turn around, he felt a huge rush hit his back, he was knocked forward and staggered two steps before stopping, his back immediately felt hot and painful. Turning back to look, Mu Yao, who was holding the chassis, fell to the ground, one elbow propped up on the teak floor, his eyebrows furrowed, and the slippers on his feet were thrown far under the dining room table.


 Jian Ming was originally a bit annoyed, but when he saw Mu Yao fall into this state and still protect his computer first, he was a bit sympathetic, so he went to the dining room and came back with the shoe and handed it to Mu Yao, who put the chassis on the floor to put on the shoe, and busily apologized under his breath, "I'm sorry Mr. Jian, did I bump you?"


 "Oh, it's fine. How about you? Did you fall?" Only then did he realize that Mu Yao's feet only took up a third of the shoes, and thought that he had just fallen because the shoes were too big, and apologized even more, "These shoes are too big, don't wear them, go to the door and change into your own shoes, the bellman is coming to mop the floor tomorrow, so it's okay to wear them in."


 "No, no, no, the floor is very clean, it's okay if I don't wear shoes." Mu Yao hurriedly excused himself, he came to B city for two years, and had a lot of contact with people, especially the residents of these mansions, they are quite particular about hygiene, originally today he forgot to bring disposable shoe covers, and just now he bumped into someone, so how can he have the nerve to come in wearing dirty shoes outside in a dignified manner.


 Seeing that he insisted, Jianming did not let, sometimes polite rather is a kind of disrespect. So picked up the main machine box on the ground and led the way into the study.

 Mu Yao followed her in, installed the computer, debugged it, and immediately took out the repair order for Jian Ming to sign. The elbow area was in pain, I thought it was fine when I first fell, but now I can't stand it even if I move around a little bit, so I have to go to the clinic quickly, so I won't be late for work tomorrow.


 Jian Ming didn't take the list in his hand, "I'll take a look at your hand." Mu Yao just wanted to push back, but the man had already gripped his upper arm and pulled his hand over. The man's long and slender fingers were well defined, his light wheat-colored skin was clean and warm, and his hand was as gentle as its owner's, but with an irresistible aura.


 Mu Yao was stunned, the cuffs of his shirt had been rolled up by Jian Ming, and a large piece of skin had been rubbed off his elbow, with a solid bruise around it.


 "Why didn't you say anything when it hurt so badly? Don't you hurt?" Jane Ming look at this clear and gentle boy in front of him, if not the blood seeping out of the white shirt, really do not know that the fall is so serious: "I'll send you to the hospital."


 "There's really no need, it just looks scary, nothing actually happened." Mu Yao was busy smiling, "There's a clinic in front of my school, just go get some medicine and rub it on."


 "Hehe, I was also bumped by you just now, I also need to go to the hospital, let's go together." Jian Ming knew he was embarrassed, "You wait, I'll go change my clothes." Sa阴g that, he went into the bedroom. How can you let someone else get hurt in your own home and not do anything about it.


 Mu Yao disliked owing favors the most, but the other party had a really good reason, and the repair order was not signed, so he had to wait awkwardly in the living room. Jian Ming quickly changed his clothes and walked out with the car keys. Mu Yao followed him to the underground garage, Slim suit lined the back of the man in front of him long and straight, pure black solid tone so that the other party raised his hands and feet are brought out a sense of power, thirty years old, calm and introverted temperament, is the kind of no matter what the occasion can immediately attract the attention of the people. It was rare for such a person to be so polite and easygoing to an ordinary delivery boy, and Mu Yao couldn't help but feel slightly curious about him.


 "Are you still stud阴g?" Seeing him being formal, Jian Ming casually found a topic.


 "Uh, yes, still stud阴g at the university."


 "Oh? No class this afternoon?"


 "I took the day off, my mother is sick, I just came back from home."


 "Your home is in B city?"


 "No, in S-city."


 "S-city? I went there when I was in college." Jian Ming paused a little, "The Harrier Hill scenery in your place is nice."


 "Ah, yes. Quite a lot of tourists go there, but I've never been there myself." In fact, in middle school, the school organized an autumn trip there, but his mother didn't let him go for some reason. Speaking of which, her name was Mu Harrier Yi, which should have been named after the local famous Harrier Mountain, but she seemed to be very averse to going there, she didn't say why, so naturally he wouldn't ask.


 "Is it? Why?" Jian Ming asked, the province's famous attractions, but the locals have never been there, a little strange ah.


 "That's on the outskirts of the city, it's quite far." Mu Yao smiled, obviously not a reason, but could only say so.


 Jian Ming glanced at him, "Hehe, they say familiar places have no scenery, but Harrier Mountain is worth a visit." Sa阴g this, he used the remote control to open the black BMW in front of him, "Get in."


 Mu Yao sat in, rare, but there was no perfume in the car, private cars will more or less sprinkle some perfume, this man is really different. But no perfume is better for him, Mu Yao detests all things with scent.


 Now it's time to get off work, the road is a bit jammed, Jian Ming stopped at the light and asked Mu Yao: "Does your hand hurt badly? It'll take at least another 20 minutes to get to the hospital on this road."


 Mu Yao moved her left hand and hissed, it did hurt quite a bit, "It doesn't matter." Mu Yao smiled, the pain had to be endured.


 "I don't usually live there, I didn't prepare a medical kit, otherwise I could have dealt with it first just now." Jian Ming saw Mu Yao's hair at the corner of her forehead sticking to her skin, and now the weather is still cool, so she thought it was painful, but she hid it and didn't say anything about it, which made her feel a little worried. It was not easy for the green light to come on, so he immediately started the car and accelerated to drive out.


 More than ten minutes later, Jian Ming parked his car at Stellar Hospital, Mu Yao realized that he was not taking himself to a public hospital, and immediately hesitated. As if he knew what he was thinking, Jian Ming locked the car and explained, "If you go to one of those hospitals now, you have to go to the emergency room, and most of the doctors on duty are less qualified, and the public hospitals are always overcrowded.


 Mu Yao of course knew that this place was good. How many people in B city could afford to visit this high-grade hospital, and needless to say, the medical conditions and charges were even more unambiguous. He stood still and called out to Jian Ming who had already taken a few steps, "Mr. Jian ..."


 Jian Ming turned around, "What's wrong?"


 "I'm sorry, please let me go to another hospital. I can't afford the treatment fees here." Mu Yao told him frankly.


 Jian Ming laughed, "You were injured in my house, of course I'm responsible for the medical expenses, how can you think about that? Hurry up and go." After sa阴g this, he walked straight towards the hospital entrance. Now there is actually such a simple child, Jane Ming thought of his own little nephew, even if he made a mistake, but also to find a few points of reason, the two compartments compared to the difference between the sky and the earth.


 Mu Yao was in a difficult position, but her arm was hurting so badly that she could only follow her inside.


 The treatment of patients here is really different, from the doctors and nurses to the cleaners, all of them smile before they speak. There is no such thing as a public hospital with a mean face like a master. The receptionist at the door seemed to know Jian Ming, and welcomed him from afar: "Mr. Jian, you came here in person? Is Old Mr. Jian's blood pressure stable recently?"


 "Fine, thanks. This little friend just had a fall, you should arrange for him to have a photo taken as soon as possible." Jian Ming inclined his head towards Mu Yao, signaling the lady to bring him in.


 The lady looked at Mu Yao and puffed, "Please follow me." Turning around, she curls up and walks inside.


 Pour, what little friend, Mu Yao couldn't help but slander. The lady's face with a bit of narrow-minded smirk made him even more upset, although he was not particularly high, but also with the children do not stick to the edge, right? He couldn't say anything, and could only follow the nurse to the radiology department with chagrin.


 The photo came out soon, elbow joint hidden crack, not too serious, the doctor wrote a prescription for him to take medicine to go back to rub, two weeks later to come back for review. The nurse lady took the prescription and went to get the medicine for Mu Yao, and just as Jian Ming was about to say something, his cell phone rang, so he said sorry to Mu Yao and walked to the door to answer it.


 The nurse took the medicine and gave it to Mu Yao, explaining in detail how to use it before she walked away. Over there, Jian Ming also finished his phone call and came over to Mu Yao and said, "Sorry, something came up and I can't send you back, can you do it on your own? Can you make it on your own? Do you want someone to give you a ride?"


 Mu Yao was startled: "No, no, it's easy for me to take a car at the station in front."


 "In this ... way then I'll leave first, be careful on the road, don't run into it again, and review it on time." Jane Ming finished hurriedly went out, the old man, the old lady at home and quarreled, the two are not oil lamps, a high blood pressure and a love asthma, emotional instability will be a problem, but also love to toss, the older the more with the child like people worry about.


 Mu Yao looked at the slender figure disappeared in front of the hospital, a moment some trance. The other party's gentle and cordial care just now made him feel indebted to the feelings of uneasiness, and now at first glance separated, and there is no chance to see each other again in the future, but let him feel a trace of regret. Mu Yao smiled and shook his head, what are you thinking? This is not a level of people, of course there will be no intersection.