Chapter 4

 The wound was simply bandaged just now, and after taking painkillers at the hospital, it didn't hurt as much as it did in the afternoon. Mu Yao backtracked twice and returned to the school only at almost 8pm. At noon on the train just focus on sleeping, the morning until now have not eaten something, hungry a little weak. I wanted to go to the entrance of the school to eat fast food, but when I looked outside the cafeteria, it was packed with students and there was not a single empty seat. The Finance College is in a remote location, and this is the only restaurant in the neighborhood, so the business is surprisingly good, and all the students come to the school to improve their food, so the crowdedness is even more than the school cafeteria. Mu Yao's hands are injured and she doesn't want to go in and squeeze in, although she really doesn't have an appetite for instant noodles, so she can only make do with what she has.

 The campus is very quiet, not far from the entrance is the three teaching buildings, dormitory in the depths of the campus, to pass through the stadium outside a disk ring boulevard. Mu Yao end arm slowly walking on the road, the lush branches and leaves on the boulevard will be the moon color cut into countless small light spots, a piece of a piece of diffuse sprinkled on his white shirt, fatigue of the body and mind in the quiet quiet moonlight soothing a little soothing down.

 If life were like a melodious night music, would this moment be able to savor the beautiful scenery? However, in his heart, there is only the scenery of the livelihood of the busy and endless years of bumpy ...18 life of mixed flavors, every day is the unbearable past, like a wrong brush ink painting, can only be reluctant to paint all the way down, and then no more wonderful to speak of. Even if you try your best to leave S-city, what can you do? Fl阴g even higher kite, ultimately can not break free from the invisible rope ... who are not ten evil and unforgivable mistakes, who are suffering the consequences of the bitter. If, the act of ending a life could be implemented as easily as a walk, would the restaurant just now continue to be full of business and overcrowded? Mu Yao laughed out softly.

 "Mu Yao! You're back?" Tapped on the shoulder, Mu Yao turned his head to look, Zhang Mei was carr阴g a packed fast food box in her hand and landed a step behind him in a bit of a huff.

 "Uh yeah." Mu Yao faintly responded. Ever since that incident in the first year, both children's attitudes had been somewhat restrained, especially Zhang Mei, who never picked on him again, so the once tense relationship had strangely evolved from a peaceful relationship to a nodding acquaintance. Mu Yao is admitted to the Academy of Finance, Zhang Mei's father was originally S City Forestry Bureau Director, it is said that there are relatives here, after high school graduation, the family moved to B City, but also to find a way into the Academy of Finance to study, the two people then again to a place.

 "What happened to your hand? Have you eaten?"

 "Not yet, I helped someone install a computer this afternoon and fell."

 "Is it serious? Let me take a look." Zhang Mei said and went to pull Mu Yao's hand.

 Mu Yao gently dodged away without a trace, "Oh no, I forgot to have the customer sign the repair order." Speaking with Zhang Mei, he thought that he was in a hurry to go to the doctor in the afternoon, and then something happened to Jane Ming, so he didn't have time to sign the list at all, it was really an unlucky day. Mu Yao hurriedly took out his cell phone and called the number in the afternoon, but no one answered it for more than ten times, and he vaguely remembered that Jian Ming seemed to have said that he didn't live in Heiyuan, which was a problem.

 "No signature? What should we do?" Zhang Mei is also anxious for him.

 "There's no way, let's ask the boss tomorrow to see if there's any other contact information." Mu Yao said glumly.

 "Take this box of fried rice noodles back and eat it, it was just beaten." Zhang Mei handed the lunch box in her hand to Mu Yao.

 "No, I'll go back and make noodles." Mu Yao refused. Zhang Mei's good intentions every now and then often made him feel troubled, and although he understandably refused every time, it always failed to yield results.

 "Didn't you want to go in and eat just now? I've seen it all, it's inconvenient to hurt your hand, isn't it? Special help you call, you return my money is not it? Old classmates, why so twisted ah!" Zhang Mei was a bit hung over, Mu Yao was often so well-behaved that people couldn't stand it, but she couldn't control her desire to take care of him.

 "Uh, well then, thank you." Mu Yao took out 10 dollars and returned it to Zhang Mei, he took the fast food box and just wanted to say goodbye, the cell phone in his pocket rang, it was so late it wasn't YY looking for him, was it? YY from Sunshine Bar would go on a drunken rampage every few months, no matter how late it was, he would directly call Mu Yao's phone, he was the only friend Mu Yao could make.

 "Hello?" The number displayed on the phone but not YY's, Mu Yao was wondering.

 "Hello, this is Jian Ming." The voice that came out of the phone was low and pleasant, and under the night color, it actually had a hint of gentle meaning.

 "Ah, Mr. Jane, I was looking for you." Mu Yao said hurriedly.

 "Hmm, I know, I forgot to give you my signature. Just now I remembered." Jian Ming settled the two living treasures at home and went back to Xi Garden to get the laptop that he left there in the afternoon, saw the landline caller alert light flashing and also thought that he left in a hurry in the afternoon and didn't give Mu Yao an autograph, that child should be anxious at this moment.

 "When is convenient for Mr. Jane, can I go over to you?" Mu Yao hurriedly confirmed the time to the other party.

 "Where are you now?" Jian Ming asked peacefully, he had to travel in the next two days, I'm afraid he wouldn't even pass by Hei Yuan, why don't he go and help that kid sign it, anyway, he still has to go out in a while.

 "I, I'm at the Academy of Finance." Mu Yao replied strangely.

 "I'll be there at nine, come wait for me at the door." Knowing that he was bound to push back, Jian Ming hung up the phone after sa阴g that. That kid was hurt so badly in the afternoon, yet he didn't complain at all, instead, it made him feel apologetic, a show of hands, let's help if we can. Jian Ming drove to the entrance of Xi Garden, the security guard in the duty pavilion didn't open the railing, but instead ran towards him, "Mr. Jian, please wait a moment."

 Jian Ming opened the window, "Something wrong?"

 "It's like this, is the visitor from your home this afternoon still here? His ID card has been escorted to us." The security guard said handing it to Jian Ming.

 Jian Ming took a look, the person on the photo is the kid in the afternoon, it's just right to bring it to him together later, "Thank you, leave it to me." The security guard saluted and opened the railing to let him out.

 The original name is Mu Yao, the name is not bad. Jane Ming driving the car without thinking, the photo should be a few years ago, the child in his teens, the eyes are full of guarded detachment, even if the talk is measured, gentle and elegant, the kind of refusal of people outside the cold personality is clear at a glance. The child is a strange one.

 Mu Yao listened to the busy tone in the cell phone, once again felt the afternoon heart surging that gentle warm current, unconsciously smiled a little. That light and serene smile, gorgeous as a fleeting flower under the cover of the tranquil moonlight, mesmerized Zhang Mei's eyes.

 "Beautiful, I'm going to the school entrance, just now the guest said he came over to help me sign. See you later." Mu Yao said goodbye to Zhang Mei and headed back.

 "Wait, I'll go with you." Zhang Mei hurriedly followed, who could make Mu Yao smile like that? Zhang Mei's curiosity immediately exploded.

 Mu Yao impatiently stopped and asked, "What are you doing here?"

 "I don't have anything to do anyway to take a walk, help you carry your things, aren't your hands inconvenient?" Zhang Mei snatched the fast food box she had just handed over to Mu Yao without a second thought.

 Mu Yao was disgusted by this kind of forceful familiarity of hers, but reaching out was not a good idea, and Zhang Mei hadn't explicitly indicated that she had a crush on him, so he really couldn't make a fool of himself to reject anything. Two people in the door twisted not to speak, fortunately not a moment Jane Ming's car arrived. Jian Ming opened the window of the car, thinking to drive away directly after signing.

 Mu Yao greeted him, "Mr. Jian."

 Zhang Mei trailed behind and shouted in surprise at the sight of Jian Ming, "Cousin uncle?"

 Only then did Jian Ming see his cousin's child also with Mu Yao, said cousin, in fact, I do not know how many generations apart, he only heard the old lady mentioned, so usually there is no interaction, but Zhang Mei to the Academy of Finance happened to be the old lady asked him to find someone to arrange, so Zhang Mei has some impression, so coincidentally bumped into, and opened the door to walk down.

 Zhang beautiful surprise said, "The original Mu Yao's guest is cousin uncle ah, fortunately I followed out it, usually it is very difficult to see you."

 "Oh, busy, can't help it, are your parents in good health?" Jian Ming said politely, he didn't remember what the girl's name was at all.

 "Well, they are in good health, I even talked to them on the phone yesterday." Zhang Mei replied with a smile, "My mom always recites cousin uncle to me, sa阴g that I was able to enter the Finance Academy thanks to your help." Originally, she could have walked to school, but liked the collective life of the university, so she also lived in the school dormitory.

 "Between relatives, there's no need to be polite." Jian Ming said, then smiled faintly at Mu Yao, who stood silent, "You guys are classmates."

 "Yes," Mu Yao nodded, taking out the repair order and handing it to Jian Ming, "Trouble for you Mr. Jian."

 Jian Ming smiled noncommittally, taking it and signing it with a brush and handing it to Mu Yao, "Hold on to your ID card."

 "Ah! Thank you so much Mr. Jian, otherwise I would have to make an extra trip." Mu Yao said in surprise. Just now, she had already thought of it, but Jane Ming hung up the phone first, and then called again thinking that it would be troublesome for others, preferring to pick it up later by herself, but she didn't expect the other party to bring it over.

 Jian Ming raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Really polite, your hand should be rechecked on time, in the afternoon I have already explained to the nurse, you can go directly. Even though it's not serious, it's still considered an injury, don't delay." Resuming, he smiled at Zhang Mei, "Then you guys chat, I still have things to do, come sit at home with mom and dad when you have time. Bye." After sa阴g that, he opened the car door and sat in.

 "See you later, cousin uncle!" Zhang Mei said in her usual warm voice. Mu Yao only smiled and raised her hand. The realization that Jian Ming and Zhang Mei were actually relatives surprised and upset him, what a small world.

 Jian Ming nodded to him, the car quietly slid away, the boy in the rearview mirror quickly turned back into the school gate, the slender figure in the night under the thin and ethereal, through a bleak and desolate color, Jian Ming could not help but look at two more times.

 Mu Yao walked back in a hurry, and never wanted to get rid of Zhang Mei like this, but the people next to her followed closely. Mu Yao thought to herself, "You can't just follow me back to the dormitory, can you? Mu Yao thought irritably.

 Zhang Mei also sensed Mu Yao's impatience, and automatically handed her lunch box to Mu Yao downstairs in the boys' dormitory, "If you need help, just say so, bye."

 "Thanks." Mu Yao took it and simply said goodbye and ran into the stairs. The stairway is dark and long, just now that long body jade, speech and smile indifferent figure in his mind lingering, handsome features, elegant temperament, sharp and deep black eyes, that gaze as if the slightest stay on him, can make the surrounding gloom fade, sunshine all over ... Mu Yao rambling meditation, do not know to slow down his footsteps. He took out his cell phone and flipped to the caller ID, the long string of numbers was obviously the other person's cell phone. Mu Yao's finger hovered over the delete key for a long time, finally pressing Edit Number and typing in his name: Jian Ming.