Chapter 8

 Computer City is swarming with people, Mu Yao came to take over the shift at 1:00 p.m. Li Liang complained, "This building management is lard blinded by heart, management fees collected black-hearted rotten lungs, the third floor is several times higher than the other floors, but the treatment is the same, so many people, the gas can not be permeable to the black money to hold up his damned!"

 Mu Yao just laughed, seeing Li Liang's sweaty head, rushed to say, "Liang brother, you quickly go back, let sister-in-law give you stew some tonic soup, here is hot enough."

 "Knowing it's hot you can still smile, what's wrong with you?" Li Liang annoyingly picked up his bag, his right hand held the advertisement sheet, and fanned it hard: "Okay, okay, I won't talk to you, I'm going back ah!"

 "Take care, Brother Liang!" Mu Yao laughed and watched Li Liang, who was in a sorry state, head back to the elevator without forgetting to wave at him, it's rare to meet such a good boss.

 At lunchtime, there were relatively few customers. Mu Yao asked 下o Chen to help him take care of the store, carried a bucket to the restroom to fetch water, and wiped down the counter. The glass counter was crystal clear and transparent, so guests could look at it comfortably. The glass counter is crystal clear, which makes it comfortable for the customers. A dozen square feet of the store, all mopped up again without much trouble, cleaned up from beginning to end, and almost started to have a lot of people. Mu Yao sat in the fresh and clean store, outside bustling with people, feeling their store into a world of its own, a little proud.

 The cell phone is lying quietly in the drawer, Mu Yao thought and searched out last night's text messages to see, over and over again are not tired, thinking of that person who stopped the car to send a message to his appearance, the heart of the warm and melting sweet. Happen to have a phone call in, Mu Yao sees YY, picks up, and listens: "Hey, get up so early, usually are not still sleeping?"

 "Sleeping! Yesterday, I ran into a pervert, and I lost half of my life." YY cursed with a husky voice.

 "What about now? Should I see a doctor?" Mu Yao asked worriedly.

 "I've seen one, I'll have to rest for a few more days." YY exasperatedly said.

 "Just rest, you should have rested a long time ago, what's the point of asking for so much money?" Mu Yao frowned and said, "Doing a little business on your own is better than doing this." YY is two years older than Mu Yao and has been in GAYBAR for a few years. This business is all about youthfulness, and even though he is petite and sweet-looking, he can't withstand all kinds of guests. Mu Yao has advised him a few times to wash his hands and quit, but he's been vague about it.

 "It's not that easy to say quit. You think it's you, casually come across a big fish willing to support you, you still do not see," YY not without despondency said: "My family is a bottomless pit, my mother always holding the pot of medicine not to mention the following siblings are also waiting for food and other schooling and other clothing, I when the brother can pretend not to see? Moreover, doing small business is not a constant, I can not eat that bitter."

 "You go on like this is always not the way ..." Mu Yao did not know how to persuade him, Was persuasion worth a little money? He could understand his difficulties, but he couldn't help him at all.

 "Come to my place at night after work, bored to death old man, come over to accompany me to talk for a while," YY said.

 "Uh ... can't tonight, I have something." Mu Yao na na said. Originally, YY did not mention that he should also go over, in the past in the sunshine bar, encountered some unreasonable guests, are YY righteousness to help him block them. But at night Jane Ming said to come to ... Mu Yao finished feeling selfish, but the great things can not catch up with that person to meet eager, he clutched the phone to YY and said: "YY, I'm sorry, I'm going to go to see you early tomorrow morning, right?"

 "Tomorrow morning, my ass, I'm still sleeping! Aren't you on vacation? What could be wrong?" YY scolded.

 "I ... someone else asked me out for dinner, and I said yes yesterday." Mu Yao apologized.

 "Yo, what kind of person has gotten into our young master Mu's eyes? It's not that chick from last time, right?" As soon as YY heard Mu Yao stammering, he thought there was something sinister going on.

 "No, what are you guessing? It's a male." Mu Yao laughed, "That was my classmate last time."

 "That's right, the last one should be a broken heart at first glance." YY laughed, "Then who the hell is it today? A guy? Aren't you not a fan of guys?"

 "Well ... I don't know, I just like being with him." Mu Yao smiled.

 "Okay, then brother wouldn't dare to spoil your good deed. Come over tomorrow and talk to me, you wake up yourself, now there are not many good people, don't let people sell." YY smiled and hung up the phone.

 Mu Yao opened the message bar, finger on the word "Jane" crossed, pursed lips a smile, I have what can let him sell.

 Busy after six, seven o'clock rush hour, soon came to the end of the day, Mu Yao sorted out the accessories that could not be packed up in the evening, pulled down the iron gate locked the store, and took the elevator to the entrance of the building. Here, when the time comes, the gate will be locked, so you have to hurry out from work, otherwise it's troublesome to go out of the way.

 Jian Ming hadn't called yet, and since he was usually quite busy, Mu Yao didn't want to call and rush him, so she found a stone chair in front of the building and waited for him. Mu Yao waited for half an hour and didn't see anyone come, so she didn't forget, did she? Mu Yao was getting anxious. Jian Ming didn't seem like such a casual person. He took out his cell phone and dialed the number, which was the first time he called Jian Ming's cell phone. Mu Yao was a bit apprehensive, not knowing what the person would say after he got through. The voice that came from the phone made him not react for a moment: "The user you dialed is offline, please dial again later."

 Mu Yao froze for a moment and stood up, walked a few steps, and sat back down on the stone chair, how could this happen? The chair was so cool that the cold feeling from his lumbar vertebrae went straight to his heart. Mu Yao momentarily does not know what to do, that person, in addition to a number, in addition, to let him roll over the smile, in addition, to meet the meticulous thoughtfulness, about his other, they do not know anything, those tangible things, one is not ...

 Next to the vendors selling fruits and delicatessen food suddenly stirred up, the wind swept away like a discarded helmet to escape, I do not know who was pulling his voice and shouted, "Run, run, the city management car is coming!!!" Mu Yao looked around in a daze at the crowd of people swarming around, forgot to dodge, was selling nuts carts to bring over, and struggled to get up, only to find that the cell phone in his hand fell out of sight, busy looking for the ground, but the surrounding was run over by the crowd of people like a fleeing disaster, where there is still the shadow of the phone. Now, even the only message sent to him by that person is also lost ... Mu Yao stood on the street and silently thought, is the will of God, right? With the extravagant hope that should not have, in the end, always falls through.

 The boulevard of the Academy of Finance, like last night, was sprinkled with watery moonlight, but there was no one behind him to watch him run in. Mu Yao then waited for another half hour for the bus to stop before returning to school. Although he knew that after so much time had passed, it was unlikely that Jianming would come back, he didn't want to walk away, perhaps, he would accidentally, unintentionally think of that little promise, that lie that had made him feel like he was the happiest person in the world....

 Mu Yao returned to the dormitory, washed up, read for a while, turned out the lights, and went to bed. Tomorrow morning still have to go to see YY, and have to do things to go to work, will not because my mood is sad do not have to face it. Wrapped in the sheet and rolled over for a while, there were soft two knocks on the door from outside, Mu Yao's heart jumped, and he got up from the bed and ran to the doorway that looked ... outward.

 The aisle is very dark, the man is still black suit pants, habitually one hand inserted in the pants pocket, one hanging down. Seeing that the door did not open, that hand was raised again and knocked twice. Mu Yao's heart sour abnormal, and the whole person passed through the door. Don't open the door ... before it's too late, forget about him ... There has always been a voice in your heart that relentlessly reminds you that his influence on you is too great, you can t stand it!

 "下o Yao, I know you're in there, open the door." Jian Ming s low voice line fell through the door panel into his ears, Mu Yao screwed open the door. 

 The door was closed with Jianming's hand, Mu Yao did not say anything and did not turn on the light, retreated two steps, quietly looking at the slender and upright figure in front of him. Jane Ming also didn't seem to realize that he had to turn on the lights, and walked over to Mu Yao: "The security guard at the door told me your room number." The figure steadily pressed over making Mu Yao's heart startle, and he retreated a few steps until he was at the desk in front of the window. Jian Ming didn't say anything and pressed right up to him, Fang said, "Why didn't you answer the phone?"

 "... Why didn't you come", one step away, the man's face hidden in the darkness was blurred, but Mu Yao felt a heart palpitating pressure, and breathing was not smooth. Why, he first missed the appointment, but as if he was at a disadvantage.

 "I'm sorry." Feeling the boy's trepidation and aggravation, Jian Ming backed away and pulled out a chair to sit down: "You don't answer the phone I'm worried that something has happened, just now the tone wasn't very good." Jane Ming rubbed his eyebrows, "Just ready to pick you up at night, my father suddenly fainted with high blood pressure, ICU ward can not turn on the phone," Jane Ming looked up at him, "Then call you again on the phone has not been answered, I can not get away from there until now the situation is stabilized to come over." The boy's stiff body seemed to relax, Jian Ming added: "Where did you run off to? I called your school duty room half an hour ago and still said that people didn't come back."

 "I, I've been waiting for you underneath the computer city building, before, before I lost my cell phone ..." Mu Yao's heart was bitter and sweet, "I thought, I thought you forgot... ... "Said, tears have rolled down indisputably.

 "The little fool ..." Jane Ming stood up, wiped two, wiped not dry that forward and backward tears, reached out to embrace the boy who choked more than, will be the tears wet cheeks pressed to his chest: "Do not wait like this in the future, know how much I'm worried?"

 Mu Yao grabbed the man's shirt at the back, her nails digging into her hands, "I'm afraid ... you're lying to me ..."

 "Heh," Jian Ming laughed lightly, forcefully lifted the person who was shrinking in his arms and lifted his chin, "Lying to you? Lying to you about what?"

 Mu Yao opened his tear-drenched eyes, looking up at the man's smiling face above, na na said: "How do I know ..." and thought of his night dead and alive sadness good for no reason, can not help but "giggle! "A laugh out.

 "Crying and laughing," Jianming knocked his head: "Have you eaten?"

 "No." Mu Yao belly laughs, how can I eat when I've been waiting for you all this time?

 "I didn't eat either, let's go out and eat something now, did you sleep just now? Planning to starve all night?" Jian Ming pinched his shoulder, "So thin and still not eating properly."

 "I wasn't hungry just now, so go out and wait for me." Mu Yao pushed him.

 "Why?" Jian Ming was puzzled.

 "I, I'm changing clothes." Mu Yao suddenly blushed.

 The boy stood in front of the window with his head hanging down, the moonlight hitting the light green thin cotton pajamas, slim and beautiful. Jian Ming smiled faintly and exited the door.