Chapter 9

 Mu Yao thought it was to go to the city for dinner, dont want the car to open to a self-built village not far from the finance institute. Before Mu Yao's car far seen, here is the local farmers up their own houses, because there was no unified planning, the whole looked messy and crowded. Blocks of three or four floors of small western buildings are jagged, the distance between the buildings is very narrow, so there are some zigzag channels like alleys winding deep.

Concise stopped the car at the mouth of a tall palm tree, and Mu Yao opened the door to see that the wispy leaves in the light were like a green silk thread with a silver edge trembling lightly, the walls on both sides of the alley were crawling with dense vines, and occasionally a few small, light fiber purple buds from the green leaves reluctantly peeped out lonely, facing the night and shyly stretched their bodies, seeing in Mu Yao's eyes, Surprised and beautiful.

"I came here two years ago and I wouldn't be able to find a place today without that tree outside." Concise idle, with mu Yao in the alley through.

Mu Yao showed a smile: "I never thought there was such a beautiful place in this village."

"Well, the boss is thoughtful."

A few corners later came to a clearing of more than 100 square meters, with clusters of 下ngfei bamboo. Jian Ming picked a log table under the bamboo bush and sat down: "This shop porridge is very good, you have no appetite now."

"Well, yes." Mu Yao back, then no topic. He held up the glass tea cup in front of him and drank a mouthful. The green and gloomy tea water suspended needle-shaped tea rolls, dense layers, and disjointed coils, like lush aquatic plants. On the rim of the cup that he had just drunk, several pieces of half-opened tea leaves were stuck.

"What's so pretty? Let me see it, too." Jian, who had been sitting opposite, turned his head in the chair next to him and looked at the glass in his hand.

"The tea in this cup," Mu Yao lifted the cup in his hand to Jian Jian to see: "Do you look like a small pond, floating above is water grass, the leaves on the rim of the cup like the shore of the poplar." See him not answer, Mu Yao looked up, a pair of concise eyes were looking at him with a smile. Mu Yao was a little embarrassed, lowered his head, drank tea, and put the cup back. There were layers of light paintbrush rings on the table. He drew circles on the rings with his fingers. The air was silent.

"When I went to see you just now, there seemed to be no one in the dormitory," Jian Ming asked, "You don't go home during the summer vacation?"

Mu Yao circled the fingers down: "Go back in two weeks, the shop is busy, and there is nothing to go home."

"Are both parents in S City?" Jian asked casually.

The boy's fine eyelashes rolled down, and a dark shadow like a raven's wing was cast on his lower lid: "No, just my mother." I have no father."

"I'm sorry." The boy's darkened face was cool. Jian picked up the teapot, filled his cup with hot water, and put it into his hand.

"It doesn't matter," Mu Yao smiled. "Does Mr. Jane's father's health matter?"

"Ok, a lot of small problems, but his foundation is good," concise smile: "Every time a surprise a toss over us, after more vigorous."

And by "we," who is he with? Mu Yao bit lip, and asked: "These two days you often accompany in the hospital?"

"Mostly my sister, and they talk a lot," came the porridge, and the conversation went no further. Concise sat back opposite, and took Mu Yao's bowl to give him half a bowl of porridge: "First put a little less, cool fast."

"HMM." Mu Yao picked up the spoon to stir the hot seafood porridge, green coriander leaves and red crab willow, pink fish fillets, and yellow ginger mixed in the white thick smooth rice porridge, sometimes some transparent round sago balls naughty floating up to suck light and sink to the bottom of the bowl, hot steam curling up.

"My parents live in Champs Elysees, my sister moved out after marriage, and I often go home to spend time with the elderly, and occasionally go to the Garden." Jane Ming looked at Mu Yao's bright eyes and smiled: "Eat quickly, porridge so stirred into water."

Mu Yao should bow his head, face quickly buried in the bowl.

Drink some porridge, and add two pancakes, I almost, can not eat too much at night. Two people slowly walk out concise Mu Yao to the school gate.

"I can't come tomorrow night. I'll pick you up the day after tomorrow."

"Well, be careful on the way."

Jianming nodded with a smile and watched him open the door and walk down the avenue before leaving.

The next morning, Mu Yao bought an early morning to see YY, the door was ringing, and the guy crawled out in a daze: "Are you pushing or visiting the sick?"

"Can I get in without knocking like this?" Mu Yao put early on the table, and YY rolled back to bed in confusion. Mu Yao pushed him, and he played a big yawn to continue to sleep, Mu Yao handpicked up the sofa socks thrown to his face, and the lazy man immediately slept all disappeared, was Mu Yao into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Out of Mu Yao has been all over the smelly socks, dirty clothes to a place, a glance YY took into the bathroom soak into the basin: "in the outside of the fake, how their own home with a pig's nest like, you also live comfortably."

YY smiled pulled out a sock from under the pillow, and got to shake in front of Mu Yao: "Smelled the ghost, looked at the injury." Good stuff."

Mu Yao patted away his smelly hand and laughed and cursed: "Don't disgust people you."

YY threw his socks toward the bathroom, opened the lunch box to eat dumplings, and asked: "You have not even a girlfriend, how do you know you like men."

Mu Yao said, "I have done it before."

"So you are a Bisexuality quality quality? That's a lot to choose from. Why hasn't anything happened in the last two years?"

"Didn't meet the right one."

"Is that all right? Have you had sex?"

"No, what nonsense?" Mu Yao fearsome way.

"How do you know you're GAY without sex?" YY left his mouth and said, "The guests in the bar were like ghosts before, and there was no GAY consciousness at all." So you want to sleep with him?"

"What bed? Eat yours." Mu Yao cursed.

See him so awkward, YY instead put down chopsticks: "You are not?" What's to be ashamed of? What's your relationship now? How long have you known each other? How old is he?"

"What is the relationship, is not to eat together, talk." We've known each other for a few months. Mid-30s. What's the matter?"

"You've known him for months, and he hasn't asked you to sleep with him? What did he do?"

Mu Yao frowns to look at him: "Nothing ah, who said have to do."

"That's not so. Did you kiss?"


"Fuck, are you sure he's GAY? How do you know he likes you?"

"He was very good to me," Mu Yao cut him a glance: "I asked him if he was not, he did not say it did not deny." Besides, I didn't do anything to him..."

"Fuck, you take the initiative? You must have been crushed." YY away from Mu Yao hit over the chopsticks newspaper shouted: "Calm! Calm down!" See Mu Yao no longer plays before he said: "Don't say brother didn't remind you, men are lower-body thinking animals, men in their thirties have no ideas for you for so long, it's weird."

Mu Yao deviated from the topic: "See you walk OK ah, you hurt where?"

"Back." YY gnashed his teeth and said, "That garbage is a whip."

"Don't take such guests again." Mu Yao frowns way.

"I want to know that he is a pervert, I still accept why?" YY glared at him, after eating dumplings and soybean milk, wiping his mouth, and said: "Looking at less than twenty, white and clean, I thought it was a chick, how do you know to lay hands so hard."

YY finished the meal, the two people talked for a while. Mu Yao helped him clean up the house and dirty clothes, and rushed to the telecom business department for a SIM card, almost to work time, can only went to pick up a mobile phone tomorrow morning. Having to waste a sum of money, Mu Yao is too depressed to think.

 Sitting in the swaying bus, the midday sun is straight down, very hot, and the glass walls of the buildings along the way reflect harsh white light. Mu Yao can not help but think of these days with concisely getting along, the man has been polite to himself, quite a gentleman, and never crossed the line of action, compared with YY just a little sad, but concisely he seems has no enthusiasm, but if he is not GAY, there is no need to ask yourself out. Mu Yao thinks of each other's casual touch to bring him that kind of electric feeling, that feeling makes him infatuated. What about simplicity? Does he feel the same way? Motley ideas interwoven in the mind of Mu Yao, he subconsciously shook his head, hard BS himself did not see a few times, to think about this, are YY that the dead to make!

After a while the car into the station, Mu Yao back to the computer city, just today to catch up with the weekend, the guests were particularly many, and Li Liang saw him as busy, and also left not to go. Two people are busy talking, and those who have no messy ideas will automatically calm down, until 9:30 PM Mu Yao returns to school, in the off-campus restaurant to eat fried rice, walking back.

"Mu Yao, come and get your things!" When he passed the school gate, the guard of the duty room called out to him: "Your brother brought you something at night."

"My brother? " Mu Yao was startled.

"It wasn't your brother who came to see you last night?" The security guard saw his expression surprised and asked.

"Oh, yes, I didn't think he'd be available today." Mu Yao hurriedly way.

"I came after 8 o 'clock, dropped off my things, and left."

"Oh, thank you." Mu Yao took the bag and hurried back to the dormitory. When I opened it, it was full of all kinds of beautifully wrapped chocolates and a case for a new Motorola cell phone. Mu Yao startled, opened the lid, the manual clipped a note paper, is a simple running water-like hasty writing: no time to find your original mobile phone, use this first, don't eat too much sugar.

Mu Yao put down the lid of the box, picked up a piece of chocolate peeled it, put it in his mouth, contained it for a while, and then put the new SIM card in the afternoon into the phone, thought about it, and sent a message to concise: "Mr. Jane, I received it, thank you."

A concise message comes half an hour later: You're welcome, go to bed early, and have a good night.

Mu Yao did not go back to the past, lying on the dark bed with two eyes. The mobile phone lying quietly beside the pillow, Mu Yao picked up, over and over again to exchange the inside ringtone.