Chapter 10

 Mu Yao woke up in the second half of the night, their neckline sweat, tide on their neck, thinking of a change, and lazy to move. The dim light from the street lamp came in through the cracked window and cast the dark shadow of the mosquito net on the wall and door frame like a large stain. An occasional passing of the wind makes the night more empty, like a light that deepens the darkness.

He changed his position and planned to go back to sleep, but accidentally encountered the mobile phone, the smooth and delicate shell was like a hot red iron, and the fingers were burning painfully.

The next morning up, Mu Yao felt dizzy body ache, think is not changed clothes. Sunday Computer City is still so many people, a busy day down, tired legs can not lift, the chest waves of nausea.

After getting in the car, Concise found his face white, probing his hand to try: "You have a fever."

"I took my medicine this afternoon." Muyao reluctantly smiled.

"Going to the hospital." Jane pulled a thin blanket from the back seat and threw it over him.

Mu Yao answered the sound, his head leaning on the back of the chair, and closed his eyes. Love, hate, fear, and happiness have no energy to pay attention to, just want to sleep at this moment, it can be seen that the torture of the spirit is also a luxury, to build in a good physical condition, pain, which also care about other.

Registration, consultation, heat detection, photos, white coat doctor with pink skirt nurse misses, talking, walking sound, medical equipment ding-dong sound, is like a thick layer of water wall passed to Mu Yao here, a sense of distortion. Fortunately, stellar hospital procedures are simple, before long Mu Yao had been in the observation room to stick a needle, and cold liquid into the hot body, and let him goosebumps.

Concise see his lips gray, let the nurse take a quilt to cover him, only exposing the head and needle left hand, asked: "Still cold?" 

"Ok," Mu Yao's head stuck in the soft pillow, smiled at him silently.

Mu Yao burned hard, that smile will also bring sick weakness, eyes but strange clear black, lamb general soft and beautiful. Concise look in the eyes, and feel the inexplicable palpitations of the bar street that night. There was so much in the boy's eyes that was ambiguous, and the extremes of emotion were tearing at each other, yet strangely balanced. He sat on the chair beside the bed and carefully held up the hand that was exposed to the quilt, white, cool, soft, and long fingers.

"You chose the wrong profession," concisely said. "These hands should be playing instruments."

"Ah," Mu Yao smiled: "I can only play a musical instrument, or very cold, Xun."

"The Xun?" Jane Ming continued: "You people in S city love to blow the Xu?"

"No, my mother loves blowing, when I was a child, I felt good, I followed it," Mu Yao looked at the smallpox: "but there are six or seven years did not touch."


"Going to school, playing with friends, doing more things, I stopped blowing." Mu Yao said gently.

"The tone of the Xun is low, vicissitudes and severe," concisely looked at him: "It is not suitable for children, it is not used to play the instrument."

"Mr. Jane knows a lot about the Xun," Mu Yao said with a smile, "not many people know this thing."

"It happens that I traveled to your hometown as a freshman and listened to people blow," Jianming smiled: "Then I went back to B City to find Musical Instruments, and the salesman didn't know what was Xun."

"Oh, if you like, next time I'll play it for you, I'll have a seven-hole Xun in my dormitory." Mu Yao smiled. The fever began to subside, and the body relaxed a lot, and the spirit also improved.

"Well, when you're well." Jane Ming helped him wipe the sweat from his forehead and asked with a smile: "Six or seven years without touching, can you still blow?"

"It's not an instrument to be played with or forgotten." Mu Yao whispered, the voice plain through empty.

Concise frowns slightly taking the water cup: "Drink some water, you sweat a lot."

"HMM." Mu Yao cleverly smiled, owing up on his hand to drink a few mouthfuls. The untidy strands of hair fell wet on his forehead, making his face pale and haggard.

"Go to my place after the injection, your dormitory is too far to be convenient." Jian helped him to lie down: "Give me your keys."

Mu Yao surprised to take out to him, concisely took out a few keys to go up: "Give you a set of Xi garden keys, another day to pick up and move over." As if he did not see the boy's surprised look, he continued: "It is close to your place of work."

To concise string keys into Muyao's backpack, turned around, the boy's eyes were closed, cheeks like egg blue sky covered with a layer of rouge, closed eyes, fluttering eyelashes, suddenly let concise think of spring rain after the tree fluttering wings of jade butterflies.

An hour later, after receiving the drip, Jian wrapped the boy in a blanket and carried him outside.

'Mr Jane... I can do it myself..." Mu Yao is a little embarrassed to earn.

Concise did not let go of him, but even closer to his arms: "You will call me Mr. Jane, when?"

A man's magnetic, low sound with a slight sense of friction from the ear, Mu Yao momentarily lost his mind, for a while, Fang Na Na said: "I, I don't know what to call..."

With a low smile, Jianming suddenly picked him up horizontally, walked a few steps to the car, opened the door and put him in, supported the body above but did not leave, and the eyes were seduced: "Want me to teach you?"

'Don't! Mu Yao reacted, immediately denied, and reached out to push him: "Go out, drive."

"Yes, not yet." Ming Ming smiled and stopped teasing him and drove back to the other side.

This is a fierce heat, although not a serious illness, but also people, over and over again for three days to stabilize the fever, but also the star can make visits, addition on the first day, nurses give Mu Yao injections, do not run back and forth to the hospital. Concise care, but also accelerated his recovery speed.

Computer City ca cant go, Mu Yao asked for a week off, to the time was concise stop don't let go.

Mu Yao shrugged it off and said, "I'm all right, now I don't need injections, and I'm bored if I don't go to work."

"Your voice is still hoarse, the computer city air is poor, how to relapse?"

Mu Yao thought is also, ten thousand times and again ill, simple and had to take care of him, coupled with the disease to such as a thread, although the basic good, or often fluttering feet, did not insist. Li Liang also let him not rush to work, only his relatives' children have a holiday, can put Muyao for some time, so that he recovers again. So he was completely free.

Concise did not go to work for a few days, and accumulated a lot of things, and these two days are relatively busy. Mu Yao a person in Xi Garden, the body feels better and begins to become bored. This day simply worked early and took him out to eat dinner, Mu Yao wanted to go back to school to get some books to read, so together came to the house finance dormitory.

Mu Yao picked up some changes of clothes and books, thought about it, opened the locked drawer, and took out a small black pottery pot to concise: "This is the Xun."

Jian Ming took it and saw that the pot was as big as a goose egg, with some thin lines carved and a thin spider silk knot in the blow hole at the top. He smiled and said, "How long has it been since you opened that drawer?" The spider silk is all tied up."

Mu Yao smiled: "There are some things that are not commonly used, it has not been open for a long time."

Concise takes the newspaper wrapped up, and helps Mu Yao stuff it into the backpack: "This thing is insignificant, don't touch broken."

On the way back through the 性hai department store, Mu Yao thought of this period all letting the restaurant send food, and now he is bored, just wanting to go in to buy materials to cook. Xi Garden kitchen is very large, a kitchen utensils are ready, but fine and spotless, less fireworks.

Two people took the elevator to the underground supermarket, Mu Yao picked up some fruits and vegetables into the shopping cart. Jane took him to the fresh food department and said, "You are weak. Eat more fish."

"Uh... I actually can't cook, "Mu Yao a little embarrassed, his fanfare to come to the supermarket, now looks like a child playing house:" Or, we first go to the above to buy a cookbook?"

Jianming smiled and said, "No, I'll teach you back home." While the salesman picked up a few live fish to kill.

Mu Yao was surprised: "You can cook?" A gentleman never cooks. Concise has always been neatly dressed, warm as jade, three days of weather even sweat smell are rare. Such a man with a kitchen knife in his hand and an apron around his waist sweats between hot POTS and pans... Mu Yao opened his mouth wide, the strange situation was simply unimaginable.

Jane Ming turned back and knocked him: "What a fool, I studied abroad before, I went to a Chinese restaurant to work, then learned." But I didn't have much interest in cooking, so I never did." Concise smile: "We learn together, I warm up, you know the news."

Man eyes such as long star, gentle and moist words, to Mu Yao said he reached out to take the salesman to kill good fish, into the shopping cart, the light took Mu Yao forward. Mu Yao looked at the tall figure pushing the car with one hand in front, in the noisy and chaotic supermarket, so uncoordinated, but warm in the heart.

Two people bought some milk, paper towels, and other daily necessities, the car was half full, pushed to the cashier, and a few long lines, the front of the people was full of cars, Mu Yao said: "Early know not to come, so many people, do not know how long to wait."

"No hurry, it's not too late," Jianming said with a smile, straightening his hair: "Go sit over there for a while, I'll wait."

"I'll wait with you. It's boring to wait in line alone." Mu Yao was embarrassed way.

"I'm not a child. There's not so much boredom." Jianming smiled and pushed him: "Go quickly, don't stand too long."

"HMM." Mu Yao opened his lips with a smile, went through the cashier's channel, and sat down on the bench opposite. Looking up at the concise end of the team, the tall figure of the man is particularly conspicuous in the congested channel and is smiling at him, Mu Yao felt embarrassed for a moment, and turned his head to look elsewhere, the mouth is quietly bent up.

More than 20 minutes to bury the bill, see him out, Mu Yao sorry to meet up: "really didn't know that it would take so long to buy things here..."

"It's okay. It's okay now." Jianming pushed his car to the parking lot and said casually, "Please hire a worker at home, I didn't go there often before, only hourly workers." Ask someone to come back and take care of you while I'm away."

"... No, I don't have to take care of it. I can do everything myself." Mu Yao Na Na said: "Moreover, many people are not used to it."

Concise looked at him and smiled: "You can not live at home, come in the morning, give you dinner, and go back, such as going to the supermarket shopping these trivial things, you can also give him to do." And, "Mu Yao looked up at him, the eyes of the man in front of him as dark as night:" I also don't like more outsiders in the family."

Mu Yao bowed his head, the light of the outdoor parking lot was not strong, and the shadow of the trees on the right side of the sidewalk rested peacefully on the concrete floor, comfortable and cool. Mu Yao quietly reached out his hand, holding the man's left hand that fell on his side, his eyes looked to the side. The big warm hand gently grasped him back, and in a moment, he was at the car.