Chapter 17

 When he got home, he put down his luggage and asked him, "Do you want to go out for lunch or cook it at home?"

 "Well... Are you tired?" Today Sunday, originally aunt said a week off one day, Mu Yao very insisted on her to rest for two days, so two people went home at noon and did not prepare the food waiting for them, Mu Yao was hungry for most of the day, really do not want to move.

 Concise smile: "Don't want to go out just say it, still tired not tired, really hypocritical." Said to go to the room to change clothes.

 Mu Yao saw him run on his own, chased past: "You nonsense, and did not let you cook a person, ah, I have to help every time well?" That's a pretty solid statement.

 Jian glanced back at him. "How? Help what?"

 "I peeled garlic, and I picked scallions!" Mu Yao smiled: "And..."

 "What else?" Concise shirt buttons have been unbuttoned, showing inside the line of strong thin powerful wheat chest muscle, Mu Yao looked at him for a moment and could not remember what else.

 Concise looked at him and said maliciously, "Don't worry, come in and speak slowly."

 "... I don't have time to go in, I'm busy!" Mu Yao hurriedly quit to close the door, but can not close the man's room a bad laugh, not by grinding his teeth anger and take him. Had to go to the gym to ride a bike, thinking: today don't want me to peel garlic on you! He creaked his bike and chuckled as he stepped on his blush.

Concise called him in the kitchen: "Help, come to work."

 Mu Yao pretended not to hear. Concise also called: "Small Yao, come here."

 Muyao smiled silently, in the heart a little proud: let you arrogant for a while and how, finally not still want to coax me? So while slowly continuing to pedal the car, while deliciously thinking about how to retaliate later concise.

 Who knows that the man outside called two voices after no movement, Mu Yao waited for less than the following, just complacent not a little angry and grievance: how can this be? But he didn't answer you, and he left me hanging.

 So the car did not just smooth water, whining against him. Mu Yao simply jumped down, opened the door, and ran to the kitchen door to punish the teacher, but the tall figure wearing a brown apron inside made him stop at the door.

 Water was rushing from the halter, and the man's bony hand, which was usually used only for signing autographs and flipping through papers, was now spreading and washing the leaves of the greens with dexterity and concentration. When he renovated Xi Garden, I'm afraid he didn't expect that one day he would stand beside this sink and do this trivial housework, right? So that the table is designed too low, and now the waist is slightly bent straight...

 Mu Yao's heart a sweet and sour, the man is very handsome when driving, his work is very cool, the eyes of anger are very intimidating, and even accompanies him to the supermarket shopping, there is a kind of elegance above the crowd, all his faces are fascinated by him, and the most intoxicant to him is this moment.

 At this moment, this person, for him to shed the dazzling packaging, remove the dazzling halo, regardless of the journey, busy in this desk, just for their word do not want to go out for dinner...

 Mu Yao slowly leaned up, reaching out to the man's waist, cheek deeply buried in the broad warm back, only wished this moment would last forever, or immediately the end of the coming, ash, can achieve eternity, no chance to change... He in this dizzying happiness tears wet eyes, how can you be so good, so good, so unreal, so ethereal...

 Just as he was feeling wistful, the man's voice came with a visibly repressed smile: "I expected you to endure for 5 minutes, but you only waited for 3 minutes."

 Mu Yao startled to open his mouth, just filled with tender feelings, was immediately destroyed by these spoof words, too much, actually card time calculation him. He let go of the hand around his waist and hit it with his fist. He was obviously on guard, and as soon as he grasped it with a smirk, the boy changed his other hand, which naturally fell into the man's hand.

 Mu Yao angry angry round eyes, said and said but, play and play but, took a step back desperately to take his hand, but the man clasped the arm gently grasped into his arms.

 Mu Yao struggled to swear: "Let me go!"

 Jian Ming smiled and kissed his left cheek. "No."

 "Let go! Keep earning.

 "Don't let go! Another kiss on the right cheek.

 He did not know how many words he said to no help "let go", only remember that the simple kiss changed the position of deep shallow printing down until his voice became weaker and weaker until the other party's kiss became deeper and deeper. The tap water in the halter flowed quietly, and the marble ceiling light slowly rotated...

 Mu Yao knows concise parents alive, and there is a sister, but never seen her. Both of them usually rarely talk about their families, concise may feel unnecessary, but Mu Yao is deliberately avoiding. He never wanted to come into contact with Concise's family, no matter how much he loved himself, after all, there was an awkward identity there. He will never be a virtuous daughter-in-law who can be brought home fair and square, who can enrich his partner and make the elderly feel relieved.

 He did not expect Jane Blue will come to the Xi garden, when concise had just made lunch for him. It is said that these two days have not eaten a stable meal, today is especially hungry, the delicious dishes on the table undoubtedly let him salivate, not waiting for a concise sit down to grab chopsticks and begin to feast, but the doorbell suddenly rang and without knowing.

 Xi Garden has never received any foreigners, Mu Yao with chopsticks to look at concisely, obviously also doubt, stood up to Mu Yao and said: "You continue to eat, I go to open the door."

 Mu Yao eating while paying attention to the movement of the door, soon heard a simple voice say: "sister, brother-in-law? Why are you free to come here today?" Mu Yao immediately did not know their taste, I did not know how to stand up to welcome guests, or how people did not enter the room quickly avoid into the room. They didn't give him a chance to think about it.

 "You haven't been home since your father left the hospital. You asked us to come and see you. Simper also wants to discuss something with you." Mu Yao heard a clear female voice quickly say: "Oh, this is small Yao right?"

 He stood up with a smile on his face and turned to see a beautiful young woman 30 years old looking at herself with a smile: "The day before yesterday Ling Ling also said to Wan's son to find a beautiful brother to play, concise how do you not take small yao back to walk?"

 "I just got back from a business trip." Simple and simple back, next to a 40-year-old, elegant temperament of thin man to greet, entertain him to sit down.

 Jane's blue sparkling clear eyes let Mu Yao embarrassed embarrassed, concise timely solution: "small yao, you go to make a pot of tea." Muyao smiled at Jane's blue nod and ducked into the kitchen.

 Vaguely heard the intention of Xinpei seems to be to take a few sets of "Tianxin small building" units, Mu Yao knows that it is a new project of the concise company, has been completed shortly ready for public sale. Tian Xin small building that happens to be located between Muyao school and the city, is a small and delicate villa area, that has not been built before Muyao saw along the way, then also wanted this area of small villas must be very popular, both in the remote, and can make quiet, then he did not know concise.

 Originally this is nothing, Mu Yao washing tea filters simple blue words, making him uneasy is "Wan son" a term of endearment, and Xin Pei this rare surname, will boil water into the teapot, not so coincidence?

 Go out to give a few people cloth tea, and simply motioned him to sit down beside him, Mu Yao was aware that Simple and Jane Blue were not particularly close, but Xin Pei had a familiar at will. He couldn't get in on the conversation and didn't want to join in, so he sat on pins and needles and occasionally laughed. Concise hand casually grasped his hand placed on the side of the fist, and Mu Yao slowly relaxed down.

 After entering the door, Xin Pei only nodded politely to him and did not say anything special. Makes him uncomfortable Jane Blue too enthusiastic attention, from the school family to the age hobby without taking into account the details, although the tone is kind and easygoing, still let Mu Yao kind of forced to see the parents of the constraint and tension, it is good Jane blue seems to have no prejudice to him, but it is this kind of total acceptance of no conflict let him have a sense of inauthentic violation.

 Fortunately, concisely there seemed to have quickly settled the relevant matters, he saw concise stood up and said: "Specific details on Monday you send someone to talk to my secretary, I will account for down."

 This is the subtext of the guest, Xin Pei and Jane Blue then stood up to say goodbye, Jane blue also warmly greeted Mu Yao at her house, Mu Yao with a concise side promised to send them to the door, the elevator door closed, he quietly relieved.

 Two people back to the dining room, lunch has no heat, not by a relatively bitter smile. Concise carrying a dish to the kitchen heating, chatty mentioned Xin Pei is Xin Wan's son's brother, two family friends, four people grew up together. Xin Wan's son often goes to Jane Blue's home to live, so there is a Ling Ling out.

 Mu Yao hanging eyes sitting at the table to listen, Xin Wan's son and concise intertwined relationship let him feel a little knot in his heart, but concise considerate "account" also let him feel the warmth of attention, he smiled and picked up chopsticks first hot dishes stuffed into his mouth: "You have the spirit to speak ah, I am starving, don't mess with me to eat."

 Jianming stood behind him and rubbed his hair. "Little boy..." Mu Yao opens their lips smiles and does not answer.

 Although the accidental meeting was without trace gently brought over, but touch made him think about the real problems that have been avoided, looking forward to his future life concisely, a variety of contradictions will face him worried and worried, he dared not imagine the scene of the meeting with concise, and finally this long-awaited lunch in the nervous end.

 YY this period seems to suddenly have a strong interest in social gatherings and other activities, Mu Yao thinks of the past he always dealt with the type to get along with people, even Mu Yao saw him, he also showed nothing but indifferent. In the past, the two only occasionally talked on the phone to chat about recent developments, and now they send messages to Muyao's mobile phone almost every three days or call to invite him to go out together for entertainment.

 For his obvious love syndrome performance, Mu Yao tried to cope with it at the same time also being sincerely happy for him, and began to love life talent will like to contact people and show themselves. However, Lu Sen's sharp eyes and the strange atmosphere of Tianxin Garden still make him feel nervous at times.