Chapter 18

This evening just after dinner, YY called and said has not returned to the Sunshine Boy, wanted to find the boss to catch up, and let Mu Yao accompany him. Mu Yao knows YY a little Yi Jin Ronggui mentality, the boys ran on each other, now think of tone is normal. But he accompanied to go a little inexplicable, YY has been grinding not to rely on, endless.

 Mu Yao looked up at concise, Jane Mingyang's chin signal he decided, before a few times YY about him playing cards, playing billiards, because concise at home he pushed, today YY so insisted, he is not good to disappoint, promised to let YY to pick up.

 Mu Yao put down the phone to the concise body, mood irritable and depressed, those who wanted to get rid of things seemed to have been like a light shadow hanging behind, haunting, entangled.

 He put his arm around him and lifted the boy's chin, tired in his dark eyes. He kissed the boy's beautiful forehead gently and asked, "Shall I go with you?"

 Mu Yao smiled shook his head, and entered the concise bosom, sickly said: "No need."

 He subconsciously does not want to face his past everything, plus YY is back in the sun, Lu Sen will certainly accompany him, Mu Yao concisely said do not love to go to the bar, also does not want to meet with Lu Sen. Lu Sen this person, exudes too strong dangerous atmosphere, even if you do not know his background, you can also have the idea of retreating. If it wasn't for YY, he wouldn't go near Lu Sen at all.

 YY before clamoring to come, but unexpectedly silent after coming, in addition to the beginning of a serious whisper to Mu Yao: "Do you think we are not dreaming?" Just sip the beer in your hand and never say a word. He does not speak Mu Yao more has nothing to say, the small space is dull and abnormal.

 Mu Yao viewed the strip show on the small stage downstairs from the huge glass window, where every program and performance style he was familiar with, the provocative music and unfamiliar talk and laughter vaguely came from outside the door, which made him irritable and tired, and the days were trance and returned to two years ago, he seemed to see himself wearing a ridiculous reception uniform walking between obscure hints and straightforward provocations and insults. To keep a discreet distance, to smile obsequiously.

 The performance downstairs was nearing its climax, and the dancers on stage were reduced to a string of thin thongs. Young body, decrepit smile, hyper whistle, and "off!" "Take off!" "Take off!" A chorus of screams...

 Muyao Horan stood up with, an excuse to go to the bathroom to open the door out. Why would he suffer and be afraid of everything that he had been so familiar with in the past? On this point, he neither understood nor was willing to go into depth, there are too many pains in life that cannot be lightly touched.

 Unlike the restroom on the first floor, there are not many people to relieve themselves, and now it is quiet and silent. Mu Yao took a breath, bowed his head, and stood in front of the urine tank, because it was not urgent, so he just pressed his hand on the zipper and did not continue. He stood for a moment, feeling better, and was hesitant to take a hand and go back, and there was a warm body temperature coming up behind him.

 Mu Yao cold hair a blast, immediately to the side to get out of the way, turned to see a short fat man, nonchalantly approach him next to the urine slot ready to urinate, just rubbed his buttocks should be a man loose bloated beer belly, is his heart? Either way, he was uncomfortable being around this man and had just retreated to the inside of the bathroom, so he tried to walk around him to the door.

 The man intentionally or unintentionally blocks his way, because the other side is to sit in the toilet cubicle, the corridor is quite narrow, and he does not let go Mu Yao simply can not go out. Mu Yao impatiently said: "Sir, please excuse me." The man did not answer, the swollen eyelids were lifted toward him, the meaning was unclear, and smiled close, forcing Muyao to retreat to the corner of the cubicle door, when the other party's intention had been quite obvious.

 Mu Yao is not afraid, just feels sick, he is not without strength, and the man is not like a vicious person, just generally flirting. As long as the strong refuses, nothing will happen in the Sunshine bar, after all, he is now a guest identity, the boss here is very hard, and the general guests do not dare to come here to make trouble.

 Mu Yao just wants to make a sound to drink, this aisle with the bathroom door has a corner, forming a deadline of sight, he is afraid of knowing people come in to see the embarrassing situation now, but his open mouth is suddenly silenced. The man in front of the flesh shield turned quickly in a strange position, and suddenly his eyes were wide open and listless. 

 With the dull sound of "bang, bang, bang" three skulls hit hard objects, the fat man is like a ball of rotten meat, at first, the bloated beer belly hung on the urine trough, and then the chin also "dong" a smooth knock on it, and finally the whole person securely attached to the ground, after a while, only to twist the butt meat worm slowly wriggling.

 Two radial blood flowers on the pink wall, petals slowly meander down the wall and run down the shape, has been sliding to the bottom of the white urine tank, scattered, after a while, by the induction flushing valve "poof" washed away, leaving only a few yellowing teeth, mixed in the urine tank placed in the white flavor pill, by the water, "clanging" to roll.

 With the "crunch" sound of the door, Mu Yao covered his mouth to the toilet, the heart and lungs to vomit up, a straight spit to the sky, and, straight up, found the back of the clothes completely wet.

 He stumbled across the fat man at the door, first called 120 emergency number, and then dialed a simple mobile phone, adjusted the tone of his voice, and said: "Jane, YY can't send me something, you come to pick me up, OK?" I'm not feeling well."

 "Okay, wait for my call." Concise hung up quickly, and should be out the door in no time. Mu Yao as if a loss of strength, feels unable to stand, flutty walks back to the room, calms the mood at the door, and just opens the door.

 He glanced at Jia Jinping with lingering fear. The man was still sitting on the sofa indifferently as before he went out, occasionally taking a sip of wine, and his face had no abnormal expression. YY complained: "Are you hungry? You've been away for so long!" After saying that, he became silent again and continued to be immersed in sacred philosophical speculation.

 Mu Yao was sweating coldly and fidgeting. Lu Sen at the corner suddenly gently removed the beer glass in front of him and replaced it with VODKA with ice cubes. Mu Yao looked over in confusion. The man's sharp, falcon-like eyes were gleaming coldly as usual, but there seemed to be a hint of hidden concern. Looking around at the people who were looking at each other, Mu Yao suddenly felt inexplicably grateful for this man's care for him without any intention at this moment.

 He picked up the glass of strong wine and drank it without saying a word. When he put the glass down, Lu Sen had already looked away. The pungent liquid like a knife sliced ​​through his throat, and Mu Yao's violently beating heart finally returned to its original position.

 Jian Ming quickly arrived at the door. After Mu Yao answered the phone and said goodbye to the people present, Lu Sen and Jia Jinping nodded lightly as usual to express their understanding. However, YY finally came back from his deep meditation and saw Mu Yao insisting on He left without forcing him to stay, and told Jia Jinping: "Old Jia, take Mu Yao back."

 Mu Yao saw Jia Jinping standing up and hurriedly declined: "No, I have a friend to pick him up." After saying that, he walked out and joked. In any case, he was just walking home tonight and he didn't want to spend more time with this person. Stay for a second.

 When YY heard what he said, she immediately chased him out curiously: "Friend?" He grabbed Mu Yao and said, "Is it that man?"

 Mu Yao frowned and said, "Yes." He knew that YY wanted to go out with him, and he felt awkward in his heart, but he couldn't stop it. Thinking that they would meet in the future, he was eager to leave this place, so he reluctantly walked side by side with him outside the bar. Walk.

 Jian Jian's car stopped at the door. When he saw Mu Yao coming out, he got down and opened the passenger door for him. The boy following Mu Yao looked envious. He thought it must be YY, so he nodded politely and said, "Hello."

 YY also said hello politely, and the three of them said goodbye quickly. As soon as the car drove a few meters away, Mu Yao's cell phone rang. When he picked up, it was YY's voice: "Your man is so kind to you."

 Mu Yao breathed a sigh of relief when he left there, and his mood improved slightly. It was always pleasant to have a friend praise his partner, so he smiled and said: "To each other."

 YY chuckled and said, "Bye!" and hung up the phone.

 He looked back and saw that the slender boy at the door of the bar was smiling. His delicate and beautiful facial features suddenly seemed blurry and distant, and Mu Yao fell into a trance for a moment.

 His inexplicable feeling of loss was interrupted by a concise and worried question: "下oyao, what's wrong with you?"

 "I'm fine now. I felt like vomiting just now. Maybe the air in the bar was too bad." Mu Yaoyuan replied softly.

 Jian Jian looked at him. After not seeing him for more than an hour, the boy's face turned green and white. He tried it on his forehead just now, but it didn't look like he had a fever: "下oyao if you don't want to do anything, you can tell your friends directly. There is no need to force it. Own."

 "Well..." Mu Yao responded, resting his head on the back of the chair, thinking for a while, and couldn't help but say, "Jian... I'm very worried about YY."

 "What's wrong?" Jian Ming asked, "The difficult guest from last time is still bothering him?"

 "No... Jane... do you know Lu Sen? YY is with him now."

 "Lu Sen? Of course I know." Jian Ming looked at Mu Yao doubtfully: "This man is famous enough, who doesn't know about it? Is YY with him?"

 "Well," Mu Yao said frustratedly, "YY said he likes Lu Sen and now lives in his house."

 Jian Jing was silent for a while and said: "Lu Sen went to the same university as me. He was already a senior when I was a freshman. Because we were both cadres of the student union, we had little contact with him. This guy was quite arrogant and domineering when he was in school. What happened just now? Is it appropriate for a boy to be with him?"

 "What can I do if it's not suitable..." This is what Mu Yao is worried about.

 Jian Ming knew that he was worried and comforted: "It's difficult for others to understand the feelings of the person involved. Even friends can only give some advice. Don't worry too much." He patted the boy's head and continued: "Besides, who cares about feelings? I can't tell, no matter how bad a person is, there is a sincere side, maybe even if YY meets him. He looks very smart, I should be able to tell the difference."

 "I've been to their house several times. Lu Sen seems to be very considerate to YY, but I don't know why, but he just feels weird." Mu Yao muttered. He understood these principles, but he just felt uneasy.

 "You went to Lu Sen's house?" Jian Ming was surprised: "下oyao, it's best not to have too much contact with these people."

 "I don't want to go either, YY insists on me going to accompany him..." Mu Yao said depressedly.

 "You can invite him to come to our house to play in the future." Looking at the boy's helpless expression, Jian Ming said with a smile.

 Mu Yao glanced at the man staring in front of him and suddenly chuckled. This guy who hated being disturbed the most asked him to take his friends home. For a moment, all the depression in his stomach turned into warm currents, flowing through his heart.