Chapter 25

When the unexpected fear struck him like lightning, Mu Yao suddenly felt a strange sense of relief and tranquility. Like a sleepless fugitive who opens the door one morning and is greeted by shiny shackles; like a dental patient on pins and needles who finally has his tooth grabbed by a cold iron tool; or even like a cautious collector who smashes the most precious collection with his own hands - - The expected severe pain, the unexpected joy... relief turns out to be so simple.

 The whole world seemed to be quiet, including the wind. The sky is very high and as dark as the earth. Mu Yao crossed the road steadily, thinking with a smile, imagination can practice skills, and countless assumptions and simulations contributed. When the moment finally came, his hand opened the car door without any trembling.

 The car drove silently on the straight road, and his concise profile was dimmed in the light and shadow of the rapidly passing street lights. A lock of black hair hung on his cold eyebrows.

 Mu Yao did not receive the expected questions and condemnations. There was only silence in the silent carriage. Perhaps, silence has given him enough face. Perhaps, Mu Yao smiled mockingly: expecting to be accused was because he overestimated his weight.

 After Jian Ming returned to Xiyuan, he went into the bathroom to take a shower. Mu Yao stood motionless in the brightly lit living room. Until the man changed into charcoal gray home clothes and sat on the sofa to pick up the newspaper as usual. Mu Yao felt that the blood flow began to speed up. The sound of paper flipping occasionally sounded in the living room; the water droplets falling from the man's dark hair and feet; and the fragrance of body wash and shampoo filled the air. This familiar sound was no different from usual. Everything about it made him angry.

 "Mr. Jian, don't you have anything to ask? Or do you think it's more normal for a bitch to be carefree?" Mu Yao spoke clearly and spoke at a gentle pace.

 Jian Ming raised his head and saw that the boy standing opposite him had a pale face and sunken eyes. His dark eyes were like two groups of fiercely burning black flames. His delicate lips slowly opened and closed, and his vicious tone was like the whispers of the souls trapped in hell and unable to escape.

 "First of all, I think bitches are self-reliant and worthy of admiration; secondly, excessive toughness is a sign of pretending to be weak." The concise voice was flat and there was no trace of even the initial hidden anger, but the content of the narrative was insightful. Sharp and cold: "If you think you are my bitch, I suggest you go to the bathroom to wash away the smell of others. This is the most basic professional quality a bitch should have."

 Jian Jing's unfathomable cold eyes were fixed on him, and Mu Yao's calves felt a stinging pain and numbness from standing for too long. He found that trying to confront this man would always result in external damage to his strength and internal damage to his essence. Moreover, there was no need to do anything. Odds.

 Mu Yao pursed his lips tightly and walked out. Jian Jian was right, he was indeed fragile, and even the anger just now was just begging in disguise. What did he want the man to ask? What could he explain? The obvious facts are in front of him. With this man's judgment, what more does he need to say?

 He was just hoping to save the situation by chance, hoping that the love and tolerance from this man would come back to him again. Although he knew it was impossible, his subconscious still struggled unwillingly when facing a desperate situation, thus humiliating himself.

 "Are you leaving?" The man's casual voice came from behind: "Do you think your service is worth the price?"

 Mu Yao's hand holding the doorknob suddenly tightened, and his nails dug into his palm. The man's indifferent tone made him feel despair. Yes, the humiliation at this moment and the tenderness in the past are just two ways of playing the same game. Why does he think that he has lost both money and goods? What has he paid for and just wants to walk away? Damn. Mu Yao turned stiffly and walked into the bathroom. The dense network of water flowed down his head as if inviting him to experience another kind of death.

 finished? It's finally over. After tearing off the veil of affection, all that pampering and love, those care and care, it's just a high-profile prostitution disguised with emotion. What's ridiculous is that not only do I have no intention of prostitution, but I shamelessly insist on singing a one-man show of turbulent love affairs. Who has the patience to continue playing with you? Sure enough, there is no professional ethics.

 Mu Yao came out wrapped in a bath towel: "Mr. Jian, are you interested now?"

 The man's eyes temporarily left the newspaper and glanced at him: "No, go back to your room and sleep."

 The other party's indifferent indifference once again made his ready-to-go sense of urgency pointless. The night wind blew in from the open floor-to-ceiling window, and a layer of fine goose bumps appeared on the skin exposed outside the bath towel. Mu Yao suddenly felt like destroying everything. Feeling the urge, he fiercely pounced on the man: "You won't let me go, and you won't fuck me, what on earth do you want?!"

 The boy was punching and kicking wildly but was suppressed in the man's arms without any suspense. The towel wrapped around his body and his trapped hands and feet made him twist helplessly like a silkworm. Jian Ming suddenly chuckled: "You've had enough trouble. No?"

 "You bastard!" the boy yelled.

 "Why are you a bastard? Are you a bastard if I don't fuck you right away as you want?" The man continued teasing: "Aren't you quite open-minded? You can't stand it anymore? Or," without warning, he put his hand into the bath towel and covered it directly Between the boy's naked legs, he caressed lewdly: "Does it want it impatiently?"

 "Let go!" The boy whose vitals were suddenly restrained screamed. The man's contemptuous tone and insulting gestures made him extremely embarrassed and angry. He originally thought that he could face the expected humiliation calmly, but when the other party did this, he realized that it was just a bluff and self-deception, and he did this to him!

 "Let go? You don't have a long memory." The man maintained his restraint with a calm expression, and his nimble hand began to move with great skill, rubbing and twisting meticulously. Mu Yao desperately found that in this extremely shameful and obscene place, While playing, his clone became uncontrollably erect.

 The courage and will that had been built up all night finally collapsed, and tears burst into my eyes. Mu Yao trembled and collapsed. The double blow of erotic pleasure and sharp pain in his heart made him confused. He cried and moaned: "I hate you...ah...I hate you..."

 "Do you hate me? Then why are you crying?" Jian Jian's voice was as low as a whisper. He let go of the boy's hand that no longer resisted, and kissed the pale cheek covered with blush: "Are you scared? Be good... ...Be obedient and don't feel sad anymore." He increased the frequency of caressing: "How long are you going to be suspicious? Do you have to do this to make yourself happy?".

 Mu Yao opened his blurry tearful eyes, staring greedily and doubtfully at the man above him who couldn't stop. The other man responded with gentle and loving eyes that also enveloped him. "Jian...Jian...Jian..." How could he be so lucky? The boy whispered the other person's name in a dreamy voice, and finally let out all his energy in the man's hands.

 "Are you feeling better?" Jian Jian wiped off the white stain on the boy's private parts, wrapped a blanket around his still-shaking body, hugged him, picked up the cup on the table, and handed it to his lips: " Drink of water."

 Mu Yao mechanically opened his mouth and took a few sips, staring at Jian Ming without blinking. The other person's attitude before and now was completely different. He asked with suspicion and fear: "Why?"

 "The relationship between you and your mother," Jian Ming said after careful consideration, "I had a vague guess about it a long time ago."

 "You...what did you say?" Mu Yao opened his eyes in disbelief.

 "Your personality, your unnatural attitude, there are many aspects. Do you think you hide it well?" He combed the boy's hair and asked: "When did it start? I thought you had already dealt with this matter. thing."

 "Twelve years old..." Mu Yao closed his eyes and felt the man's arm holding him tighten slightly: "It's been taken care of, but something happened to her today and she was emotionally unstable, so that's why she acted like that. "

 "Just take care of it. I've been crazy all night. Let's go and rest." Jian Ming said and was about to hug him.

 "Wait a minute..." The contrast was too great. He was now in hell and now in heaven. Mu Yao couldn't accept it at all: "You... just let it go?"

 "Otherwise, what do you think? I won't be obsessed with your past. Besides, what did you know when you were twelve years old?" The man smiled and comforted, but his tone suddenly became cold: "But I want to remind you, something similar will never happen in the future, do you understand? I can forgive your past, but I will not tolerate your current betrayal. To use those unpleasant words just now, even if you are willing to become a bitch, you can only belong to me. A person, whether you want it or not."

 The man's narrowed pupils and cold tone made him shrink and slightly annoyed: "I have nothing else to do...but why can you accept me like this...?" The boy's eyes were wet: "I took the initiative to find you, You didn't choose me, you said I was suspicious, then give me a reason not to be suspicious anymore, Jane... I'm really scared... you didn't say anything."

 "Fool, I didn't take the initiative to choose you, but can't you see? I completely gave up the rest of my choices for you, and I will never change again. Isn't this attitude of giving up and maintaining the status quo a choice? "Jian Ming's dark eyes were filled with warm comfort: "Why do you have to worry about it and think endlessly?"

 "But... I feel like I'm dreaming..." Mu Yao murmured: "I love you, I love you, Jane... you can do whatever you want to me... but don't give me unrealistic fantasies... "The boy's tears flowed down slowly, like cold water drops in a cave.

 "If you think it's a dream, then keep doing it." Jian Ming slowly kissed the boy's delicate lips and said softly: "I promise I won't wake you up... Don't worry anymore, you are my baby, today Yes, every day in the future."

 "Well..." Mu Yao responded gently to the other party. The soft contact made him dizzy and intoxicated. He suddenly thought: "Then why did you do that to me just now?"

 "If I wasn't like this, how could you recover so quickly? You are self-defeating and unreasonable. Who knows how long you will go crazy? If you run out, where will I find you?" Jian Ming smiled and bit his lip: " Are you thinking of this now? You idiot, you wanted to murder your husband just now? I spoil you so much that you are lawless, right?"

 Mu Yao stretched out his hand to hit him, but in the end he tightly wrapped his arms around Jian Ming's neck: "I gave you the chance, but you didn't want it. You can never get rid of me again..."

 "That's just what I good...go to sleep..." Jian Ming gently stroked the boy's thin back and rested his chin on his beautiful hair. Autumn nights can be as warm as spring.