Chapter 26

The next morning, Mu Yao slept late and was picked up from the bed by Jian Ming, pinching his nose and saying, "I refused to sleep well last night, and I stayed in bed again today. Look at the sun, it's already basking your butt."

 Mu Yao yawned with a playful smile: "Yeah, let it sit in the sun for a while, it feels so comfortable!"

 "Really? Let me tan with you. I heard that naked tanning is better." Jian Ming said, lifting his quilt and pretending to go to bed.

 Mu Yaoteng jumped up and rushed to the bathroom while cursing: "Get out! You are acting like a gangster so early in the morning!"

 Jian Ming suddenly said: "Oh, it turns out you like me playing tricks on you at night, I understand."

 The bathroom door was kicked: "Scoundrel, don't talk to me!"

 "I understand, I understand. Talking affects sexual interest. Don't worry, I prefer doing it." He promised simply and sincerely. There was no more movement in the bathroom.

 Jian Ming saw that it was too late and was afraid that he would have a hard time after getting off the bus, so he sent him back to school first. Mu Yao usually goes by himself. After all, picking up and dropping off like this is too conspicuous, and the boy is thin-skinned, which makes him uncomfortable. Moreover, for young children, there is nothing wrong with running more. Mu Yao doesn't like to exercise. He is either in school or at home all day long. His usual amount of exercise is just walking a few steps on the way to and from school.

 "I have some entertainment tonight, so I might go home later. You can eat first without waiting, you know?" Jian Ming stopped the car and said to Mu Yao.

 The boy immediately pouted: "You go out to socialize with others all day long, why don't I see you socializing with me? I stay at home alone at night, not even Auntie's piece of wood is there, it suffocates me to death."

 "Of course, I can't entertain you," Jian Ming suddenly came over and whispered, "How can I entertain you at that time? Of course, I have to go all out."

 Mu Yao immediately blushed: "Get out of here, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will lock the door at night and won't let you go home."

 "It seems you are the one who is about to get off the bus," Jian Jing said pitifully, "I dare not complain if you can't bear to let me go home, but how can I bear to let you stay alone in an empty room?"

 Mu Yao was speechless and very frustrated. Why didn't he learn his lesson? He kept arguing with this scoundrel and then ignored Jian Ming and opened the door.

 "By the way," Jian Ming stopped laughing and said, "Is your mother still in City B? You are not allowed to see her alone."

 "...She won't eat me." Mu Yao said.

 "I'm afraid I ate her. You can see her if you want, I'll go with you, remember." Jian Jian touched the boy's head: "Don't try to test my bottom line, go to school."

 "Oh... Got it." The boy glared at him. It would be awkward for three people who couldn't tell what the relationship was like to sit together, but of course, they didn't dare to disobey him. Mu Yao opened the door and murmured in a low voice: "Bossy domineering!"

 "For a disobedient kid like you, you should have been more bossy. If you don't behave, I'll spank you." Jian Ming gave him a look.

 "How dare you! I'll bite you to death." Mu Yao held the car door open, eyebrows raised.

 "Come on," Jian Ming said with a sudden smile, "get in the car and bite, but it's a pity that you can only use the small mouth at the top... it's not enough fun."

 Mu Yao slammed the car door and ran into the school. He turned around and glared at Jian Ming's already-started car, regretting that he didn't have a long memory. Then he thought of what happened last night and couldn't help but smile. Although the man had a bad mouth and always liked to tease him, he actually couldn't bear to let him suffer the slightest injustice.

 The two of them had kissed each other inseparably on the sofa last night. Mu Yao was also a man and knew that Jian Jian wanted it very much, but the size of the thing pressing against him was terrifying. Moreover, after being together with Jian Ming, he secretly browsed the GAY website and saw countless stories of blood and tears. Mu Yao imagined Jian Ming's size and compared it with his endurance. He was so scared that he pushed it again and again.

 Jian Ming hugged him on the sofa yesterday and kept touching his anus while kissing him. She almost wanted to come hard. It was obvious that after his face turned blue, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and went to the bathroom in despair. He even scolded him whether he could see or not. eat. Mu Yao laughed out loud thinking about it, finally there was a place where a man could feel embarrassed.

 Just as he was smiling and being patted on the shoulder, Mu Yao turned around and saw Yao Haibo following behind with a deep-fried dough stick in his mouth. He muttered, "Boy, why are you giggling all alone? Did you win the lottery?"

 "No, why did you go out to buy breakfast?" Mu Yao said with a smile, grabbing half of the fried dough sticks when he wasn't prepared and quickly stuffing it into his mouth. Jian Ming never let him eat these street snacks, which made him jealous when he saw them. Can't stop being greedy.

 "Damn, are you hungry?!" Yao Haibo's face was so depressed that he almost wrinkled up. This was because he gave up the wonderful ten minutes of lying in bed and went to an off-campus restaurant to buy some food to improve his food. He was being fucked by Mu Yao in front of his eyes. After removing most of the stick, he saw that the guy's mouth was full of oil after eating. He was so angry that he kicked him over.

 "Haha, I've eaten everything, how about I spit it out and give it back to you?" Mu Yao laughed and tried to avoid flying legs.

 "You're so fucking disgusting," Yao Haibo had to pull back his legs to eat his half of the fried dough sticks safely: "I mean, man, are you lucky? You're so glowing that you can't help it," he said while eating. Question: "I didn't go back to the dormitory to sleep at night. Tell me honestly, where did you go to pick flowers? Be loyal and take your friends with you."

 Mu Yao almost laughed out loud. He must tell Jian Ming that he was a flower that night.

 The two of them went to the lecture theater together. Yao Haibo was lying next to him after eating and drinking and was drowsy. Mu Yao had no intention of listening. I wonder if Mu Yaoyi went to see Lu Sen. Mu Yao had never been clear about his father's situation before because Mu Yaoyi was very secretive about it. Now he found out that she was also confused and unclear. Mu Yao couldn't help but smile bitterly.

 He has no interest in whether he has a father or who the other person is. He has been like this for eighteen years, so why cause more trouble? And since they are almost strangers, wouldn't meeting them only make them more awkward? Maybe others will look down on you, resent you for having bad intentions, destroying the family, or suspecting that you want to take advantage of the situation. But he couldn't bear to persuade Mu Yaoyi to change her mind. A helpless woman had a bad life, so it would be good to grant her a wish.

 Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Zexi, who had sneaked in late, stabbed him quietly from behind: "A woman is looking for you in front of the school. She is riding in a luxury car. She is so beautiful that she is unreasonable. You should quickly go out through the back door."

 "Are you kidding?" Mu Yao rolled his eyes and asked in confusion. Jiang Zexi didn't usually make fun of him, but it was understandable that a man who drove a luxury car would find him. Where did he get this woman?

 "Who are you kidding?" Jiang Zexi said, "Do you want to go or not? When I just entered the door, the security guard stopped me and asked me to inform you that the woman's car was parked on the roadside. I could see it. It's a pity. Not young enough, looking in his thirties."

 Who could it be? As Mu Yao ran around the campus, he wondered inexplicably, could it be Mu Yaoyi and Lu Sen? When he passed the school gate, the security guard stopped him and pointed to a red sports car on the side of the road: "The people in that car have been looking for you for a long time. Come over quickly." Mu Yao thanked him and walked over, wondering what had happened. I had seen this car before. The rear window had been slowly opened. Xin Wan'er was sitting in the car and looking at him with a smile.

 Mu Yao stopped walking. This woman found her way here. What kind of mischief was she going to do? Thinking of her excessive behavior last time, Mu Yao became angry. There are still large and small light-colored marks on his calf, which makes Jian Ming extremely distressed. Mu Yao looked at her coldly and wanted to turn around and go back to school. What bothered him most was having to deal with such an unbalanced woman.

 "下oyao, come here. I'll say a few words to you, just for two minutes." Seeing that he wanted to leave, Xin Wan'er called anxiously from the car.

 Mu Yao hesitated for a while, and finally walked over slowly, stopping warily two steps away. I thought she couldn't do anything to him, let's see what else she had to say.

 "下oyao... I came here to apologize to you. I was wrong about what happened last time." As soon as Mu Yao arrived, Xin Wan'er hurriedly said: "I have something else I want to ask you for today. I know you are A kind-hearted person," Xin Wan'er said with a begging look on her face: "Although it is an unkind request, I have done too much for you, but you are the only one who can help me. This is nothing to you. It's just a matter of effort, otherwise I won't cause trouble. Mu Yao, can you promise me?"

 Although Mu Yao hated her, since the other party put down her airs and begged, he couldn't be too disrespectful. Besides, isn't her suffering something he has experienced before? It is the most painful suffering to be unable to let go of the one you love. However, Mu Yao wondered in confusion, what could he do to help her? And only he could help. Regardless of whether he could agree or not, her curiosity was piqued.

 "What is it? I will help you as much as I can, but you don't have to say anything if I can't. There is no friendship between us. This is not a question of whether I am kind or not."

 "I know, I know, I won't embarrass you," Xin Wan'er responded repeatedly. Seeing Mu Yao's relaxed tone, she was happy: "That's right, I will go abroad in the next few days, and my fiancé is waiting abroad. I'll go over." The woman's voice turned lower: "Jian Ming is sincere to you, I can see it, so there is no point in me staying anymore. But," Xin Wan'er looked at Mu Yao's sad expression and asked, "You will Can you be kind to Lingling? She is a good child and she likes you very much."

 "You...went abroad to get married?" Mu Yao looked at Xin Wan'er in disbelief. Last month, she was murdered out of jealousy, and now she is going to marry abroad. This woman is so powerful: "Lingling is still so young, and her mother is not around How pitiful, can't you take her with you?"

 Xin Wan'er looked lonely and said with a wry smile: "It's not convenient for me to take her with me. Mu Yao, please help me go see Lingling when you have time, okay?"

 "Of course, I also like Lingling very much, don't worry." Mu Yao looked at her, did this woman just let go? Or are you playing a sad drama? Are you planning to use Lingling to impress Jian Ming? But she couldn't even think about it. Is Jian Jian such an easy person to fool? And he was happy and generous. After all, he was the one who had the last laugh, not her.

 Yesterday, I finally understood what Jian Ming meant. This man who doesn't make promises lightly will cherish himself forever as he said. He didn't know why, but he trusted Jian Ming more than he trusted himself, trusting that gentle but tough man with keen insight and amazing decisiveness. How could such a man be alienated by villains? Xin Wan'er, what you have missed is more than just a marriage.

 "Mu Yao, I have another unkind request," Xin Wan'er looked at Mu Yao and said, "I'm here to ask you for a favor. Can you not mention it to Jian Ming? After that incident last time, he stopped communicating with me. Even to my parents if he knew I came to see you again," the woman lowered her head and said with difficulty, "You know, my brother has always relied on his help for his business... I don't dare to offend him again."

 It turns out that Jian Ming is not as he thought, and he just tolerates Xin Wan'er. Mu Yao walked briskly as he walked back to school. Although that man never spoke sweet words to him, he gave him the most profound and real love and care. How could such caring and considerate care be compared to the simple words of love? of? Mu Yao felt his heart overflowing with happiness for a moment, almost unable to contain it.

 Then he thought of Xin Wan'er. From this point of view, she just asked him to take care of Jian Ling. She couldn't help but curse, I wouldn't have trouble with a child. Xin Wan'er was too worried. She left the child alone and became suspicious of others.

 Thinking of Lingling's innocent smile outside the mall that night and the lollipop she gave him, Mu Yao couldn't help but smile. He liked that lively and cute girl. It's a pity that her father can no longer accompany her all the time, and now her mother is leaving her again. The child must feel uncomfortable. Will she still have that bright smile on her face? Mu Yao couldn't help but feel sad for her, thinking that he must find opportunities in the future to spend more time with this cute girl who called him "pretty brother".