Chapter 35

Mu Yao back to B city before, to the telecommunications bureau printed the home landline and Mu Harrier mobile phone call list in these months, the list is poor, with few call records, in addition to a few Mu Yao know home appliance maintenance and orchestra phone, there is no Lu Sen's mobile phone number. What on earth is she implying? What did she want him to find out? This hope is so uncertain that it has to be expressed in such a subtle way that it is chosen by Providence.

 Mu Yao lit a cigarette and sat on the creamy-yellow leather couch in Tianxin Garden, smoking slowly and uneasily. Outside the window, potted flowers and plants are scattered, reflecting the clear sunlight through the cold air of the winter afternoon. The leaves and the ground are equally fine and spotless, and the residue of the pond mud has long disappeared.

 YY has not arrived home, just called when he was crazy shopping, and let Yao first to Tianxin waiting for him. During this period Mu Yao to Tianxin many more times, the phone list of clear soup and white water, forced him to repeatedly walk in the Tianxin garden hundreds of square meters in the narrow space, with no clue but bitter no good plan.

 Between the upset, the coat pocket rings the mobile phone, Mu Yao takes out a look, is the spirit to play over, this thought of last weekend promised her to play with her today, was a muddier by the thing stirred, let him forget all.

 The cruise company is very busy these two months, limited time is used to accompany Mu Yao, so basically did not go to see Jianling. Mu Yao mentioned to him some time ago want to accompany Jian Ling. A little surprised at first by the simplicity of his proposal, but pleased.

 It happened that Xin Pei asked concisely last time for those sets of Tianxin small building units, and left a set of own use, Jane blue with Xin Pei moved over, living in the west side of the community, not far from Mu Yao and concise residence. So since he went to see Jane Spirit once, the little girl has been calling him every once in a while.

 Xin Wan's son abroad, Mu Yao feels Jianxin's low mood, character also changes a lot. The first time he went to see her, Jane Blue went upstairs to call the girl several times but was turned away, he still remembered Jane Blue's embarrassed smile at that time: "She didn't believe me, she didn't believe you would come to see her."

 Finally, he went upstairs and knocked on the door with the red mushroom sticker on it. He was greeted by Jian Ling's cold and guarded face, and the textbooks and stationery scattered haphazardly on the floor table. Reciprocating a few times after, Jian Ling just put down his guard, when the girl again met him for the first time with a bright smile, Mu Yao suddenly felt a sour eye.

 Don't want to break faith in this stubborn poor girl, Muyao put away the phone call to the heart of the butler, let him tell YY he had to go in advance and come again another day. Just finished, saw Lu Sen from upstairs, wearing a carbon-gray knee-length trench coat, apparently ready to go out, did not expect him to be at home.

 "Mu Yao, don't you wait for YY? He should be back soon." Seeing that he was leaving, Lu Sen asked as he put on his gloves.

 "Well, I have to wait for him." Mu Yao replied, "Mr. Lu is at home today."

 "Well, just getting ready to go out." Lu Sen stood at the door, looking back to wait for him: "Where to go, by the way, to see you."

 "No, I'll take the bus myself." Mu Yao went over and walked out of the iron gate with him: "I'm going home, the bus is very convenient."

 "Never mind, I'm going to pass by Tian Xin 下o Zhu." Russen then went to the garage to drive.

 Mu Yao standing outside the iron gate, inadvertently looked up and suddenly saw the opposite Lu Sen's wife's home on the balcony shook a woman's back, the outline like the aunt at home, Mu Yao's heart jumped, and then wanted to look carefully, that figure has turned into the house. Aunt happens to be off today, but even so, it's not possible to show up at Lu Sen's wife's house, huh? Are you wrong?

 Do not wait for him to think about it, Lu Sen's car has been parked around, Mu Yao opens the door and sits in the second seat, can contact better, he comes to the heart of heaven is not for this? The man's side face was thin and cold. 

 Two people did not say a few words no topic, although has been in contact with them a lot of times, Lu Sen has always been very easygoing with him and even implied a kind of let him take pains to think, can not say unknown care. However, the gloomy aura carried by the man still makes Mu Yao nervous and uncomfortable, just like now sitting in the comfortable seat of Benz design, feeling cramped hands and feet, and a stiff back.

 Soon to Tianxin's small building, Mu Yao thought of his usual walk to the south gate of the community, to the west side of the Jane Blue home to roundabout walk for ten minutes, anyway, two doors on the same road, in front of a turn to, as simple as to the west gate directly off. So he asked Lu Sen, "Mr. Lu, can you drive forward a little later? I want to get off at the West Gate."

 "Of course," Lu Sen looked back at him and casually asked, "Aren't you usually under the south gate?"

 "Oh, I forgot before, I'm going to see Jane Ling today, so I didn't wait for YY just now." Mu Yao back way.

 "Jane Ling? It must be the little girl Xin Wan 'er." Russen said casually.

 "Well, yes." Mu Yao light answer, Lu Sen even know this? Do you want to talk to Jane tonight?

 Lu Sen parked the car outside the west door: "Xin Wan son," the man's tone with what seems to recall the loose: "very clever woman."

 "Clever?" Mu Yao gratuitous surprise, look back Lu sen.

 Lu Sen looked the same, turned his head, and smiled: "Well, beautiful, smart." Simon has arrived."

 "Oh, thank you." Mu Yao opens the door and gets off, looking at the two cars that have left.

 A mess, walking on the stone path, Mu Yao feels that his brain is completely stuffed, and Lu Sen is the only clue to unlock all this or to contact all this, he has always been like a headless fly to touch the line, it seems close at hand, and like far away.

Xin Pei is pruning bonsai in the garden, sees Mu Yao nod hello, and accompanies him into the living room. Jane Blue happened to be in the hall, drinking tea and reading fashion magazines, stood up and said with a smile: "Or you go up to find her, I ask Zhang Ma to send snacks upstairs."

 "Oh, okay." Mu Yao good body to say, Jane Blue never successfully put the little girl from upstairs please down. So he went straight up to the second floor without sitting down.

 "Lingling, open the door." Mu Yao knocked on the door of the red mushroom, thinking later to persuade her not to always close the door, more contact with people's mood to be cheerful, still so small on the closed door, how in the future.

 The door was called open, and Lingling was standing inside with a smile: "How are you fast?"

 "Of course, I promised Ling Ling." Mu Yao smiled and walked in: "Playing Moore Manor ah, have you finished your homework?"

 "I finished it last night." Ling Ling went over to close the game, smiling shyly: "There is only one composition that will not, the teacher required to write 300 words ah, you teach me to write."

 'What composition? Ling Ling is a key primary school, the homework difficulty is much stronger than other schools, so Mu Yao every time to comes, will help her homework. He took Jianling and handed over the text, I saw the page header, the size of the uneven, skewed childish Jianling handwriting, actually wrote "my favorite person - small Yao brother".

 Mu Yao was happy and surprised to laugh out: "Brother is the spirit of the favorite person?" Why not write about Mom and Dad?"

 Do not want the girl to smell the words, the original shy smile instantly solidified, and the clear child's voice cut teeth cold: "Dad can not see one side for two months, Mom?" If she doesn't want me, why do I love her? "

 Lingling's tone surprised Mu Yao: "Dad is very busy with his work," he took a little guilt and pity, and sat down with the girl on his lap: "And mother, she is not Lingling, just leave for some time, and will come back to pick up Lingling later."

 "You cheat," Lingling's cold voice said without fluctuation, "You were like them when I was a child to cheat."

 "How could my brother lie to you?" Mu Yao turned the girl's face and comforted her: "Mother will come back, she just went abroad to play, Ling Ling is her daughter, how can she not do it."

 "Brother, I want to show you something." Ling Ling's beautiful face suddenly strange smile, reaching out to open the desk under the storage cabinet, and Mu Yao knows that she put toys in the cabinet.

 "Strange, where did I put it?" Lingling said ruefully as he rummaged through the pile of broken dolls.

 Mu Yao swept the eyes of the spirit of the open storage cabinet, all kinds of dolls are missing arms and legs, see the fracture was deliberately destroyed. No wonder the table often put small scissors, and now there is no time to cut the doll stump, the face of Mu Yao was cut by a knife that part, leaking out the white filling sponge.

 "Lingling, why are all your dolls broken? Next time brother will buy you a few new ones, don't want these?" Mu Yao presses the discomfort in the heart, as if unintentionally said.

 "It's not bad. I made it specially." Ling Ling said impatiently, "I like these dolls, they sleep with me every night, and I don't want other dolls." Oh, yes, I put her to bed last night. '

 Ling Ling said, jumped down from Mu Yao's leg, ran to his bedside, turned out a night dress Barbie from the pillow, and ran over to Mu Yao: "This is my favorite doll."

 Mu Yao smiled and reached out to pick it up, but with one hand grip, the doll's upper body suddenly fell, scared Mu Yao extended the other hand to grab, the doll, but was pulled by the shiny lace dress and did not fall, still smiling in Mu Yao hands, the upper body shook. Petals like layers of the group pendulum, leaking inside the sawn leg, rough plastic section, facing the outside skylight, the pale is terrifying.

 "That's not how it works." The spirit man child Earth taught took the doll from his hand, and came to the desk, helping Barbie to walk the posture while saying: "should play like this."

 Jian Ling looked back at Mu Yao, gazing into his bright apricot eyes, with an excited mischievous playfulness, and a hint of odd venom: "Look." Just as the voice fell, the Barbie doll that left the girl's support suddenly "snapped" and fell on the table.

 "Mother, she can't come back. She has no legs." Jian Ling said lightly: "Brother think this Barbie beautiful? It's the best one I've ever done."

 "Ling Ling," Mu Yao suddenly felt difficulty breathing, staring at the girl: "Which leg of the mother is gone?"

 "Left leg. What's the matter?" Lingling asked curiously.

"Nothing, brother, use your computer." When Russen was dropping him off, what did he accidentally say? He said -- Xin Waner... Very clever...

 Sitting in front of Jian Ling's pink APPLE machine, Mu Yao only felt that his left leg, which had not shed the scar, was dewy with cold sweat, and was almost frozen on his cold pants leg. He shook hands his legs, to Xin Wan's son two weeks before going abroad, B City all the social version of the news out a quick review. The bright LCD screen pierced his eyes and should help Ling Ling adjust the brightness, he unconsciously thought.

 That piece of news is very small: [Our newspaper] (reporter Zhang XX) at 11:50 p.m. on the evening of XX, XX Road and XX road junction, a road traffic accident occurred when a van turned and injured passers-by. The female injured Xin was drunk and lying on the side of the road, their leg was injured in the accident, and was sent to the hospital in stable condition.