Chapter 36

No wonder, concise two months ago accidentally mentioned Xin Wan's son abroad, and said that her fiance is a doctor, and takes good care of her. I didn't think much of what I was listening to, and even if I did, how could I?

 Mu Yao walked in a trance on the street, the swaying shadows of pedestrians on the road and the colorful urban landscape like a dream from his side cool slide, the mind constantly gushing out of his aunt's back, Xin Wan's son's broken leg and the stump of the doll.

 Mu Yao chest Tuk tuk straight jump, Lu Sen is his what person? What the hell does he want?! Mu Yao walked aimlessly fast, what should he do? Is it simple? But what if Russen is his father... The report hasn't come out yet, and a hair was found on Lusen's couch a few days ago, and the hospital said it wasn't a direct blood test, and the identification time would be extended by several days.

 Mu Yao out of a head of hot sweat, from a quick walk to a trot, suddenly realized that the road to a concise company, the gentle smiling face of the moment presented in front of him, he can't wait to go, originally wanted to see him, wallet and mobile phone are installed in the coat, pull in the Ling Ling room...

 At this moment, that expectation was so urgent, that Mu Yao bit his teeth and ran, as if afraid that a slight delay would make his mind change: he could no longer hide, he could no longer wait, he could not deceive concisely, no matter for what reason, no matter for anyone else...

 Concise company near the city center, Mu Yao knows the address but has never been to, subconsciously always does not want to expose their relationship with concisely. As soon as he approached the elevator in the 68th-floor building, he was stopped by the guard on duty at the door. "Who are you looking for, Sir?"

 Mu Yao wants to say find concise, but thinking here to see concise is to make an appointment to schedule, anxious suddenly thinks of assistant Zhang, Finding him should be no problem, so said: "Find Zhang XX, I am his friend."

 The security guard used the intercom to contact the staff inside the notice, assistant Zhang soon came down from upstairs, and saw Mu Yao immediately welcomed him politely: "Jane is always talking to customers, Mr. Mu please go up with me to sit down, and wait for a moment."

 "Oh, don't bother him. I don't mind waiting." Mu Yao back, with assistant Zhang by elevator to the 38-floor president's assistant room.

 Zhang's assistant warmly hosted him to sit down, asked Mu Yao what to drink, and got up to personally go to make tea for him, Mu Yao quickly stopped him: "Zhang assistant, don't be polite, let others come, you are busy, I don't matter."

 Assistant Zhang also wanted to be polite, but the phone rang on the desk, had to go over to answer. He quickly put down the phone, turned around to Mu Yao apologetically said: "Mr. Mu, I am so sorry, you sit down for a moment, I go to get a document after the boss of the Jiesun company to take away."

 "Jetxun Corporation? The boss is Lu Sen, right?" Mu Yao frowns and asks.

 "Yes, he's talking to General Jane about cooperation." Zhang's assistant standing in front of them, obviously waiting for Mu Yao's reply.

 "Oh, go on, then." Mu Yao hurried him too busy, so coincidence, Lu sen was just here.

 Mu Yao Lianhe thought: high mayor stepped down, under the bay port project cooperation, placement at home pervasive aunt, Xin Wan son's legs, YY unreasonable acceptance, Mourier according to unknown reasons for drug use, drug trafficking... These seemingly unrelated events turned out to be... All point to simplicity...

 So it is! So it is! Muyao heartbeat such as ring, concise this period face often tired, will it be in the process of dealing in the case of Muyao drug, let him seize what handle to blackmail?

 He felt cold all over his body and could no longer sit down, remembering that when he entered the assistant room just now, he seemed to see the concise CEO room in next door. Mu Yaohuo stood up and walked out, beating his heart, like an anxious animal approaching a known danger, nervous and alert, knowing that this behavior was useless but unable to control his steps.

 The door is not completely closed, leakage under the hair thickness of the gap, Mu Yao tiptoes up. Inside the door, Lu Sen sat on the black sand hair of the large office desk, leaning forward, his expression was serious, and he was talking. 

 This Angle does not show simplicity, only a corner of the chair is exposed. Mu Yao wanted to hear clearly what Lu Sen said, so their ear were close to the gap, but when he saw Lu Sen suddenly standing up, it looked like to go, he immediately wanted to back away, however...

 ... For a moment... Breathing, heartbeat... Pull the plug on For a moment... He saw... succinct

 The wide leather black swivel chair, after Lu Sen stood up, drew a smooth and perfect arc, turned the direction, and landed in the line of sight between the door...

 The man, the lover with whom he breathed and smelled and slept every day... Leaning on the back of the chair, slim straight legs at will overlap, fingers crossed, idle on the abdomen, with the movement of turning and slight shaking, the tip of the shining shoes, the cold light almost pierced Mu Yao's eyes.

 Lu Sen stood upright, head and neck bowed, hands tightly pressed against the seam of his pants, it was a kind of... Respectfully, discreetly... The gesture of the king...

 And his man, that handsome face, with a careless and at the same time imperious indifference, was silent, accepting the loyalty of his subordinates... The eyes that had given him comfort and tenderness for countless times reflected the cold, bitter, colorful light of metal in the dazzling sunlight pouring into the floor glass window...

 At that moment, all the mysteries, like an effervescent piece accidentally dropped into the water, whimpered and scattered, like a bone dripping... Fall apart from

 Mu Yao reaches out to touch his heart, it is still jumping, but he knows that it is dead... He stumbled backward, reaching up against the wall to keep his balance, he wanted to get out of here, he wanted to get out of all this...

 His hand did not touch the cold flat wall, trance seemed to hear the assistant Zhang's voice anxiously calling him, Mu Yao threw away the meddling hand, stumbled into the elevator, staggered out of the lobby, as if by a force suddenly pulled away his entire life accumulated wisdom, experience and ability... His empty eyes stumbled and fluttered among the rushing heads...

 It never occurred to him that the safest place was the most dangerous because he would never defend...

 He had never thought that such warm and affectionate eyes could contain such a great murder...

 He never expected that YY could get unexpected happiness because he showed a little cheap worry in front of that person...

 He never expected that because of his torn shirt, Ringo would be buried with the living lives of 18 members of his family...

 He did not know that the man was not interested in discussing Mayor Gao's ouster, because the event itself was at his behest...

 He did not know that Xin Wan 'er poured out a cup of milk tea, and even lost a leg...

 He did not know, he did not know, that the strange silence of the Mourier was to fear his sorrow... He had long suspected that if someone did not deliberately arrange, such a weak and weak arm, what power to attack the police? Fifty grams of No. 4 heroin worth tens of thousands of dollars, what kind of capital does she have to carry around?

 When she said goodbye to him on the phone in B City, when she inserted that obscure note into the paper plane, she already knew she was going to die... And she finally shut up... Just to keep What he has... It's enough to destroy the world... Happy life!!

 If not because of his death... Not because his bones were broken... Is this the moment... Muharoi has gone to his death... Fell into the forgotten river...

 He never thought that the DNA identification book that made him so precious, from detection to results, was only for him to see...

 And his lover, his... Father! You already knew that, right? At that moment, in the cafe of the Haiyun Hotel... Mu Yao thinks of simple with Muharrier in rigid line of sight docking, slight frown... That coldness, that determination, that... Without stirring up excitement Except for the sudden clenching of his arm, that powerful force... That was the only thing Concise revealed to him... Frantic movements...

 During that claustrophobic two days in Xi Garden, Mu Yao's pain is, concise maybe his father; And simple trouble is worried about Mu Yao a person who ran away...

 He never lied to him, he gave him countless opportunities, even as he capered with the results and screamed that he wanted to go home and have sex, dutifully reminding him that he could identify relatives from hair and mucous membranes alone... Otherwise, Mu Yao also dont know how to search Lu sen hair. However, in the face of a man's calm, even if the identification report pointed out that Lu Sen has no father-son relationship with him, Mu Yao doubts the concise body.

 He calculated correctly, the man calculated correctly that he would not use these 'opportunities', that he would not have to do anything but open a gentle net, and that he would slip into it, step by step, steadily, and gently pull on the rope... On that very day... He possessed him...

 The boy was running crazy on the road, who was calling him, who was chasing him... He suddenly recognized that it was his voice, concise... Mu Yao immediately all over a huge shock, the damn heartbeat let his footsteps upside down... He looked around in panic. Where should he flee?! Escape to where?! He saw the fast traffic roaring numbly... And so... A little smile... It is... That's him... The only Home to

The current vehicle with a strong airflow and sharp brake sound approaching the moment, Mu Yao subconsciously held his breath back, in the moment of life and death, he suddenly found that his only idea was still, want to see him again, want to see the man... One last look at

 But... He forgot that He forgot the one he believed was sent by heaven to redeem him... His lover... His father... That gentleman... With a flick of the hand... Can change everything... Be able to change life and death...

 He saw his simple black hair flying in the wind, his mouth tight, his dark eyes stabbing him like swords... That slender black figure transcends the speed of thought... Mu Yao's mind suddenly flashed a boring idea - if Lu Sen is a cheetah, then concise, is undoubtedly a lazy and swift lion...

 And so... In that chaotic black and white world, in the shrill honking of car horns, and the angry shouts of drivers on the road... he Into his arms again... The man in a determined posture at the cost of self-injury, tightly protected him in front of his body... The front of the car barely scratches the plain, straight, bottom corner of a black suit...

 The boy's blank eyes were tightly captured by the dark eyes of the man's hell, Mu Yao suddenly woke up, a long time ago, in the dark dormitory of the finance school, the man with a faint breath forced him to come, it was a pure, hunting posture...

 He wanted to cry and laugh, and this man loved him... When he fell in love with him, it turned out that Jian had also fallen in love with him... This pervert! This bastard! This maniac! This devil! This murderous maniac... He's loving him... I would die to save him...

 He loved him with purpose, with precision, with every step, with every measure; His gentle and strong embrace is both protection and imprisonment; This man uses warm arms to weave a seamless, love prison clothes, death put on his body...

 The boy wanted to cry and laugh, but he could neither cry nor laugh, he gasped for air, the body instinctively and autonomously saved the broken life, the original human body in the face of the bottom line impact, the intense secretion of neither tears nor laughter, but such nonsense, adrenaline...

 Concise silence took him to the side of the road, eyes finally left the boy, swept to the restart of the rolling traffic, knife, and axe as cold side face, at this moment is no longer gentle, only overwhelming momentum, let people just want to wilt into the mud...

 'Jane... Jane Look at me..." The boy whispered in his sleep, "Look at me..."

 Ming Ming looked back at his eyes as black as broken glass and said nothing. The boy's pale cheeks were like the breaking waves of the sea against the rocks.

 'You never broke my word, Jane, do you remember? You didn't finish the story... You owe me... A promise..." The boy took a deep breath and stared into the man's clouded eyes. "Release me, release me, Dad... Please let me go... I promise I'll never die again... Dad... Leave me alone..."

 After a while, the man's hand slipped from his shoulder and smiled calmly: "Go home with your documents and money," Concise did not look at him again: "In the past, you ran and I chased, today I can't, Lu Sen there has not finished the matter, I go back first."

 The familiar, one-hand in trouser pocket pose; The same swift, steady, graceful walk... Mu Yao looked at that let him head over heels, full of love, and pain, tall and straight back, not a trace of chaos through the flood of people, never looking back into the skyscraper building.

 An Ending

 The colorful wildflowers in front of the door are in full bloom, and it is early spring. The narrow, narrow, flower-covered canals, which handle all the irrigation, washing, and drinking here, are naturally insufficient and exhaust all their strength, but they can only give birth to such a quiet, simple, and almost desolate little mountain village.

 That day in the street, Mu Yao froze for a long time, just felt the coagulated blood from their heart scattered, he did not die, then, must be the world died... The suicide attempt completely corrupted his courage, and the cold wind licked his forehead and hairline like asthma hoarse, poured into his neck, and crept into the body along the guidance of sweat, and the deep cold finally purified the inner mania.

Mu Yao laughed for a while, clutching his stomach and cackling squatting on the side of the road, dying, how easy, but when did this light good thing turn on him? How could Mourier die while he was still in the hospital? His life was not originally a choice, like stumbling in this desolate street, every step is misguided, but only stumbling down.

 I don't know how I got here, rented this place, knowing that I can't escape, I can't escape, but I'm taking a breath for a while... This low simple courtyard, like a dry well, if you can pull the manhole cover, it will be perfect.

 Outside the slope of Kankan's barren fields, still frozen by last year's snow, weed-filled yellow soil, comfortable to enjoy the warm sunshine of early spring, hand twist up a piece, a pinch will become soil dust, flowing down from the fingers, yellow mist like the wind and scattered, raising a clean, pure mud smell.

 This is what people live on, supporting human reproduction for generations, silent acceptance of the dirtiest bones, hair, feces, sweat, of course, also includes the most sacred and dirtiest blood, essence ye, love... Then blossom all over the field, watch the sunrise and sunset...

 The huge canopy of beech trees in the yard did not cover the clear moonlight, and the strands of beech trees scattered from the window to the side of the bed, covering the heavy bedding and soft body like frost...

 Everything that had been experienced in the night, what the man had done to him, the hot sweat that fell on his body, the more far away, the more clear... Sensitive skin, sensual oppression, sinful familiarity, and touch... Night after night, in the darkness of the moonlight, slipping into the turbulent dreams...

 The body used to hug, the skin lost to caressing, hungry, crying, invading the confused mind like pain, the hand reaches down, the heart pulls, spasms, trembles, struggles, violently turns over... Until finally, with a sudden push out, the curtains desperately shake off the fine dust, the snickering moon shadow, and the peeping spring breeze, the world is quiet, but the tears in the corner of the eye are more and more drawn...

 So cold love and hate, so passionate obsession desire, like a deadly drug addiction, can not stop... The man's letting go turned out to be a well-planned exile... Both body and soul have been indelibly marked, completing the ultimate domination and conquest... So accustomed to domesticated life, as long as you live, then even if you go out, how far can you go?

 The road is endless, the world is vast, and the riddled heart beating in the chest, even if unwilling, can only yield to the narrow space under the person, to find a moment of peace... This seemingly generous but cruel exile, this deliberately given weightless freedom... But to make him see clearly so that he has to admit, even thousands of miles away, is the same man's control of the territory...

 "He sent you?" Mu Yao sat in a chair, indifferent to the opening. 

Lu Sen smiled. "Of course not. If he knows I'm coming, I'm afraid I won't see the sun tomorrow."

 "Then why did you come?"

"City B and the nearby cities are almost execution grounds now, and you can only end this if you go back."

 "So I still have that effect." Mu Yao chuckled and dropped his eyes.

 "You're the only one he can't hurt, and the only one who can hurt him." Lu Sen stared at Mu Yao, every word said: "So, that day in the Tianxin Garden, I wish you were crushed to death."

 "Why don't you just let me die?" The boy smiled brightly.

 "Because the bag of mud fell too late." Lu Sen also began to smile: "He was already flesh and blood normal, if hit you, he will not live long." The man stared at him: "Principles and truth, such cheap things mean anything?" Stop fooling yourself."

 "So you... Love him." Mu Yao gently looked at about to walk out of the courtyard gate, the man's burly back, sighed. The figure paused and then went out of his sight.

Mu Yao continued to smile, the man, who could not guess Lu Sen to come, deliberately indulges this violation of discipline but is considerate to him to pull a step, let him find a reason to say the past, soothe the point of ridiculous self-esteem, and then go back.

 Or carbon gray home clothes, like the first time that year, the tall figure that let him yearn day and night, unforgettable teeth, slowly displayed at the door.

 Jian Ming smiled and stared at him. "Come back, Yao Yao." The tone was spontaneous and casual as if he had never left but had gone for a walk this morning: "The hair has grown."

 The boy tried to keep smiling, but at the end, he dropped two crystal tears: "Are you... Don't like it?"

 "Of course... Yes." Jian stretched out his hand, wiped away the moisture, and held the boy's weak body in his arms: "Is XX village fun?" Why don't you go somewhere else?"

 "I didn't bring enough money. I lost most of my rent and road expenses." The boy's face, buried deep in the man's warm chest, the familiar breath of the other party, wrapped around all his cold and messy dreams, at this moment finally truly reproduced the nose.

 Jane Ming chuckled: "Fool, didn't you go home with good money?" He gently picked up the cat-like boy and sat down. "Tired?"

 "Well..." Mu Yao light hum, only feeling limbs hundred bones are powerless to move.

 "The clothes are dirty. Go and wash them before you rest." Ming said slowly, stroking his hair.

 "Don't want to move," the boy changed one cheek, pressed into the concise neck socket, and lazily said: "You help me wash."

 Jinming smiled and kissed his smooth forehead: "So delicate, still running around alone." Said she wanted to put the boy on the couch to get water.

Mu Yao still: "Hold for a while, I am so tired."

"Well," Concise said softly, hugging his soft body, "go to sleep, baby..."

 The man's low voice line is like a soothing lullaby, the warm palm caresses the back of nowhere to rely on, and finally, the six gods return, Mu Yao comfortably sighed, and gradually fell asleep with a ray of smile...

 Happiness is so simple, but a compromise, but forgetting...