Extraordinary Chapter 7

That night in Jian Ming's arms, Mu Yao couldn't stop crying all night long. Although he understood that the man was trying to relieve his knot, he was so forcefully forced to face the naked reality, that he was so angry that he couldn't calm down. Jian Ming did not comfort him with soft words like in the past, but gently stroked the warm hand on his back without stopping all night long...

 In the early morning, the man changed his clothes, pulled his cheek, which was buried in the pillow, and said warmly: "Be good, take a good rest at home, and don't go out for these two days."

 Mu Yao closed his eyes and remained silent.

 "Xiaoyao..." Jian Jing's soft voice slowly sounded out, implying pain.

 Mu Yao's eyes instantly moistened, and he responded softly: "...Yeah."

 The man didn't speak anymore. His slender fingers gently and lingeringly combed his soft black hair. After a long time, he kissed the boy gently on the forehead and turned away... Mu Yao listened to the slight "tick" on the door lock. He suddenly felt that the room was unbearably empty... He didn't know at the time how broken his bones would be after Jian Jian left, how... his heart would be broken...

 Not only were the hostages taken, but he also suffered the sudden loss of his beloved son. Zeng Kun was furious, furious, and almost had a heart attack. The only thing he was thankful for was that the 25 tons of high-purity No. 4 heroin were successfully transported to City A. . Based on the market price of RMB 1,000 per gram, the number of goods seized this time is RMB 25 billion. Moreover, it is customary to add 60% flour to 90% pure heroin before it is sold to the final user. The huge profits are even more astronomical.

 Zeng Kun was as addicted to money as his life. Even though he was in a sad mood, he still mustered up the energy to deal with this unexpected fortune. He originally wanted to put it all in the hidden cellar of the studio for storage. Xin Pei said worriedly: "Master Zeng, the cunning rabbit is still here. There are three caves. If such a huge amount of goods are stored together, it will be irreversible if something goes wrong." He pushed up his glasses and offered suggestions: "I suggest putting a small part in the city for easy movement, and the majority in a hidden place in the suburbs. , send people to properly guard it, so that even if something goes wrong, the loss will be a small amount."

 Although Du Zhonghua was also inexplicably excited by this huge wealth, these few people were all ups and downs. Hearing what Xin Pei said, he calmed down immediately. Don't be afraid of ten thousand in everything, just be afraid of the worst, and focus on everything. It was indeed inappropriate, so several people immediately started discussing it.

 As a result of the final discussion, it was decided to keep only 100 kilograms of heroin in the basement of the studio, and the rest was put into a temporarily excavated basement of a residential building on the outskirts of the city. Of course, the entire building and the nearby land were all internal assets of the gang. If there is any disturbance, it can be transferred immediately.

 After taking care of his belongings, Zeng Kun began to plan revenge. The anger caused by his confidant's defection and the huge pain of losing a son in old age cannot be offset by wealth after all. Jian Jian's cold-blooded and barbaric behavior of not warning, using actions to cancel negotiations, and ignoring any values, standards, principles, and conventions completely angered him.

 Zeng Kun's power covers the entire northern region of China. Although City A is only controlled by key figures, as long as he gives an order, top players will come one after another in an instant. He had investigated the top leader of the city bureau in City B beforehand and found out that he was timid and followed the rules. And with his strength in numbers, as long as he doesn't make any big mistakes, it's more than enough to defeat the wounded forces of Jian Jian in one fell swoop.

 Zeng Kun's sword was not yet old, so he had gathered his troops overnight and was preparing to set off the next morning. Strike while the iron was hot. Several people discussed not giving Jia Jinping's force a chance to breathe, to avoid a long night and many dreams. In this unprecedented large-scale cross-provincial fight, Zeng Kun decided to personally lead the team. He had to kill his enemy with his own hands, otherwise he would not be able to let go of his anger.

 Xin Pei volunteered: "Master Zeng, I am most familiar with the terrain of City B. I will accompany you."

 Zeng Kun and Du Zhonghua exchanged glances. They both knew that Xin Pei's wife and parents had been tightly controlled by Jian Ming. How much is loyalty worth these days? Moreover, Xin Pei was originally a traitor and surrendered. Although he had just made great achievements and was entrusted with important responsibilities under the mutual constraints of City A, there was no problem. If he surrenders, the possibility of another rebellion is unpredictable.

 So Zeng Kun said euphemistically: "Xin Pei, you are my staff officer, equal to my right-hand man, Zhong Hua. This time Zhonghua and I are going. How can I rest assured if you don't stay? Although there is no manpower to manage, The task of presiding over the overall situation and strategizing is still something that only you, as a staff officer, can undertake."

 "But..." Xin Pei was about to say more but was interrupted arbitrarily by Zeng Kun: "Okay, Xin Pei, the safety of Zeng Kun's family, young and old, and the foundation of our gang, in front of everyone today. It's in your hands. When I'm away, your authority is equivalent to that of me, Zeng Kun. Please wake me up and do this well, and don't think about anything else." He said and continued to comfort me. He said: "As long as the influence of Jian Ming and Lu Sen is eliminated, your family will be reunited, and will the day of happiness be far away?"

 Xin Pei faced the jealous, envious, and fawning eyes of the crowd, so he could only shut up. Du Zhonghua was also jealous, but he didn't expect the alienation plan to fail. Instead, Xin Pei took a big advantage, and his position as third-in-command was immediately secured. Du Zhonghua's pair of peach blossom eyes suddenly flew over like blades.

 Zeng Kun did what he said, and at 11 noon, he led thousands of people in dozens of batches to set off for City B. After Xin Pei sent him away, he went to Zeng Kun's wife's house to arrange bodyguards to prevent her from robbing her for blackmail. Zeng Kun's wife is a kind old lady who worships Buddha devoutly. When Xin Pei arrived, she kindly stayed with her for a while to do some household chores. In addition to the old lady, Zeng Kun's youngest son and Zeng Wei's wife and daughter also lived in this villa.

 Xin Pei checked the terrain outside, carefully arranged bodyguards to guard the place, and was not ready to leave until four o'clock in the afternoon. Just at this moment, several desperadoes suddenly threw a grenade in as they walked through the door of the villa. The bodyguards outside were unable to save them in time, so they just fell to save their lives. In the bathroom, after a loud "bang" sound, the bathroom was completely buried by the masonry of the collapsed villa.

 In this bloody assassination, only Yao'er, who happened to come out of the garden, and his wife, who was protected by Xin Pei, of Zeng Kun's family survived. When the old lady was dug out from the rubble by the firefighters, she called Zeng Kun with tears and snot in her nose to report her death. Zeng Kun was so angry that he almost fainted on the spot and bit his gums. , I just want to cut Jian Ming into pieces with thousands of knives and roast it in oil.

 The news that Zeng Kun had rushed to City B with a large number of troops was already spread across the board when he was thirty kilometers away from City B. The people below speculated that there was a lot of criticism. It was said that when the traitors robbed the underground drug warehouse, they also robbed the ammunition warehouse. Now the enemy is coming, and there are simply not enough guns and ammunition on hand. They are still being forced to rush forward. Are they allowed to go? To die? Therefore, many eye-catching little bosses have told the main backbone in advance not to take it hard. Even if the gun battle fails, it is caused by objective factors, and it is important to preserve their strength.

 Some well-connected news organizations in City B also received the revelations from their respective contacts in advance. They were anxious and excited, and went out to search for hidden buildings, hoping to capture the first scene of this appalling, large-scale gang fight. First-hand information.

Jian Ming had started arranging the prevention and control measures in City B before Zeng Kun set off. Zhang Hancheng finally understood why Jian Ming had transferred the Jia Jin Pingyuan team and replaced them with a group of stragglers to guard the safety of the warehouse. It turned out to be a long-planned plan to preserve his strength. But isn't the loss of goods being robbed greater than the loss of dozens of lives? He couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it.

 Playing cards against common sense is a very important strategy. When the situation becomes more complicated and dangerous, being unexpected can often produce unexpected results. Just like when a person plays chess with a computer, it is difficult to defeat a computer that is familiar with the game and is cold and rational. However, if you suddenly play a bad chess game, it can often make the computer confused because it cannot understand it. At this time, you can turn defeat into victory and defeat an army.

 Zhang Hancheng has followed Jian Ming for more than ten years, and similar situations are common. Therefore, in any dangerous environment and war situation, as long as the final settlement has not been reached, and as long as Jian Ming is in charge, he will not worry at all. He will speculate on the situation and the intentions of his superiors, and will just take it out of boredom. Come exercise your brain. But what shocked him inexplicably was that this confrontation between the North and the South ended in a tragic ending with both sides hurt...

 Jian Ming called Mu Yao at ten o'clock in the evening and told him that he could not come back to spend the night tonight, and told him again not to go out. At that time, Mu Yao thought that it might be related to Zeng Kun's matter, but this man never had to worry about others, so he didn't Take it to heart. In the evening, he had a hasty dinner, played games for a while, and then went to bed. Since Jian Jian wasn't going home anyway, he didn't have to wait for the door. Moreover, he had been tossing all night last night was in a confused mood during the day, and couldn't sleep at all. Mu Yao almost fell asleep as soon as he leaned on the bed. Fell asleep.

 Until noon the next day, Jian Jing didn't call home. Mu Yao found it strange that men were always in charge of their affairs. Even if they couldn't go home in the morning, there should always be a phone, so he went to call Jian Jing's cell phone, but it turned out to be turned off. Mu Yao His heart skipped a beat. Except for the time when Jian Ming's father was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, this kind of thing had never happened before. Jian Ming always turned on his phone 24 hours a day. Things like forgetting the battery or losing his phone were impossible to happen to that cautious person. on the man.

 Mu Yao immediately called Jian Ming's office. The phone rang more than ten times, but no one answered. He started to sweat. He ran back to the room and dug out the emergency address book Jian Ming left for him. He dialed Assistant Zhang's number, and Assistant Zhang The hesitant and unclear answer made him even more frightened and uneasy. The other party only said that Jian Ming and Lu Sen were in trouble together, but refused to say a word about what the trouble was.

 Mu Yao was so worried that he couldn't sit down anymore, but he didn't know who he could turn to to find out the situation. If it wasn't a big deal, how could Jian Ming not contact him for so long? He suddenly thought that if something happened to Lu Sen, YY would know something about the situation, so he quickly dialed YY's mobile phone.

 YY's voice was dull: "Xiaoyao... don't ask me... just watch TV..." After that, he hung up the phone abruptly.

 Mu Yao was frightened and approached the huge LCD color TV with a shiver. The distance of just a few meters suddenly seemed to turn into a distant shore. Finally, he gritted his teeth and pressed the button on the TV. Then, the shocking bad news that made him unbelievable came. Coming like a blow...

 All the news channels, all the cold male and female voices broadcast the same news at the same time. In the early hours of this morning in cities, A and B, a huge gang fight broke out near Xintian Pier because the provincial public security department deployed strict armed suppression in advance. , except for the gang leaders, no major casualties were caused in the melee. Most of the people involved have been detained and will be heard publicly shortly.

 The news specifically commended a police phenom who successfully searched for information undercover in an underground organization. He strategized in this vicious factional gun battle, supervised the battle with injuries, risked his own life, and arrested the gang leader immediately, taking the police by surprise. The two factions of black forces were dealt a heavy and fatal blow.

 Not only that, he also remotely guided the plainclothes policemen in City B to pursue cross-provincial pursuits. At the same time as the shootout occurred, he uncovered a major drug hiding place in City A and seized 98 kilograms of No. 4 heroin. This is what the public security systems of the two provinces have uncovered over the years. The largest drug case.

 When the central leaders heard about this glorious deed, they took a special plane to visit the hospital in City B to express their condolences. Mu Yao was sweating and flipping through the channels. Some gossipy entertainment news reports said that this police officer was the beloved son of a certain high-level central official. Because of the rampant gangsters in City B, he was specially sent to come down for training. Now he has won two meritorious deeds and is famous all over the world. , reaching the sky in one step is just around the corner. And the name of this anti-drug and anti-criminal hero who is admired by everyone is - Jia Jinping.