Extraordinary Chapter 8

Mu Yao desperately called the Public Security Bureau, but the other party ignored him completely. It wasn't until he rushed into the city bureau office building like crazy, that a young policeman who stopped him saw that he was begging and almost going crazy, finally felt compassion and quietly told him that the arrested gang leader was only Zeng. Kun, Du Zhonghua, and several others were either seriously injured and were in critical condition, or were shot and killed on the spot in the gunfight. Mu Yao immediately lost his mind and fell to the ground. The policeman carried him into the reception room and held him for a long time before he regained his breath.

 Yesterday, I wanted to beat that man to pieces, but today the situation has suddenly changed, and things are going to be very bad. Mu Yao's heart was as sharp as a knife, and his liver and gallbladder were torn apart. Only then did I realize that everything about abandoning family ties and corrupting relationships, about worldliness, about blood relatives, about coercion and oppression, are all a joke, they are all a joke!

 He loves him, he loves him, he loves him... No matter who he is, no matter how cunning and vicious he is, he loves him, in this vast world, under this boundless sky, he loves him... only Love that bastard alone...

 There is no one else who will pamper him wholeheartedly like him; no one else will be willing to have him even if he doesn't risk his life... He misses him, he loves him, he can't live without him, he is so terminally ill and infatuated. He has long been madly in love with him, and whether he bullies him, forces him, or violates him, he would rather strangle him to death than lose him!! !! !!

 That man's kiss was still on his forehead yesterday morning; that man's hands were all over his body the night before yesterday; such a long night of crazy and obsessed ecstasy, such a bone-crushing fatal climax, that gangster had just forced him to Experience it again and again with him...

 Dad... Dad... Dad... You just said you love my baby... It's been the first time in so long that you told me that you love me too... I'm your baby... How could you say that? Leave as soon as you're done... How could you bear to leave me like this...

 Mu Yao crouched at the desk and mourned silently. He grasped his chest uncontrollably with his fingers, wanting to peel off the numb skin, dig out the painful heart, stuff it into his mouth, chew it, and swallow it. The little policeman was so frightened that his face turned blue. He thought he had passed over again, so he tried to help him up, but he saw lines of blood dripping from the boy's lips, which were as white as death, and his teeth were almost broken.

 "Don't be like this! Don't be like this! You go to the hospital first!" The little policeman kept patting the boy on the back. If something happened here, wouldn't it be caused by his own negligence and leaking information? And seeing such grief, no one can bear it. Even if the chance is slim, it is better than nothing: "Go to the city's No. 2 Medical Hospital, but the eighth floor is guarded by police. I have a colleague who happens to be there. Go and ask him. But you may not be able to find out what's going on, so go and have a look."

 Mu Yao rushed to the street frantically and ran for a long time before he stopped a taxi. However, the main road in the city was jammed with traffic. He opened the door jumped out and continued running wildly. He felt that his temples were beating so hard that they almost exploded. , if, if, if something happens to him, let me go with him, I can't stand it, I can't stand it anymore...

 On the street, in the crowd, those pairs, those pairs, my God, my requirements are not high... What heinous crime have I committed? I just love him, I just love him... If that doesn't work, why not just let me die? Why not give it a try? Why do you have to force me to bear the blood and flesh-cutting Ling Chi?

 As expected, the corridor on the eighth floor of the Inpatient Department of the Second City Hospital was full of police officers. Mu Yao finally found his colleague, a small policeman, but the other party told him that everyone was dead except for one person who had been resuscitated for more than ten hours and was not out of danger yet. Mu Yao asked him the name of the injured person, but the other party because His level was not high, and he was not aware of this top-secret situation. He repeatedly advised Mu Yao to go home and wait for news, but it was useless to stay there.

 Mu Yao slumped on the bench sluggishly, his eyes like two bottomless black holes. As long as there was a glimmer of hope, as long as he was not sure that the person was really... how could he leave? Where else could he go? Go home... without him, what is home? He preferred to stay here, staring intently at the two heavy iron doors of the operating room at the end of the corridor and the weak red light of "rescue in progress"...

 ...Jane...Jane...are you in there? The boy smiled blankly... If you are in there... tell me, okay? You don't want me to be sad, right? Tell me, tell me you're still alive, okay? OK? Dad... Dad... Dad... Mom, she has left me alone... Dad, please don't leave too... okay? OK? You love me the most...don't leave me...ok...ok...ok...

 Mu Yao murmured in confusion, and the phone rang again and again before he heard it in shock. YY said anxiously: "Xiaoyao, where are you?... There is news."

 Mu Yao came back to his senses and asked hopefully: "What news? How is it? YY, tell me quickly!!!"

 YY's pause almost made the world change color: "Xiaoyao, hold on. I don't know the details. I only know that Lu Sen, and Jian Ming, only one of them is still rescuing...the other...has..." Before waiting After finishing speaking, his voice was choked: "Xiaoyao, let's go to the hospital together..."

 "I'm in the hospital..." Mu Yao said in a low voice, "Come here."

 Lu Sen... Jian Ming... Lu Sen... Jian Ming... Mu Yao mumbled vaguely... Who... Who... He covered his cold face with both hands... Can I not think about it... Can I forget it for a while... ...even a minute...even a second...

 YY arrived at the hospital half an hour later. The lights in the operating room were still on. He saw Mu Yao, who was almost delirious, and sat down next to him: "Xiaoyao, be strong and wait until the situation becomes clear... Your hands are so cold, go upstairs. Let's have a cup of milk tea."

 "I won't go, I want to stay here... You can go..." Mu Yao said softly.

 "We still haven't figured out who it is! Are you going to give your life here first?!" YY cursed loudly: "Is it useful for you to do this? If something happens to Jian Jing, won't you survive?! "

 "If something happens to Jian Jing, I won't be able to live anymore..." Mu Yao raised his eyes mechanically like a doll: "It's not that I don't want to live, it's just that I can't live for a minute without him... You don't understand... You do not understand..."

 YY cursed bitterly: "I don't understand?! Do you think I love Lu Sen as much as you love Jian Ming?! Do you think I'm not sad? Because I'm sad and worried about you," YY hugged his shoulders: "Xiaoyao, don't be like this. Leave for a while and come with me to have a drink. You can't stay like this forever...and there are so many police, we can't get in now."

 "...Drink...Drink..." What YY said was indeed right. Mu Yao couldn't bear to add to his burden with her pain and stood up with him.

 But that cup of hot and bitter coffee was like poison that penetrated the intestines, causing his stomach to spasm and cramp. After one sip, more bitter bile surged up: "YY, I'm sorry, I can't drink it..."

 YY's dark brown glass eyes were filled with sadness: "Are you desperate for your life?"

 "Fate...ha..." Mu Yao smiled bitterly: "If it weren't for him, I would have been dead long ago. If it wasn't for him, what would I do with my life?"

 YY put down the hot drink: "Let's go back."

 The two rushed back to the eighth floor of the ICU and were shocked. Not only did the lights in the emergency room go out, but in just a few minutes, a large number of police officers had already evacuated. Mu Yao, as if struck by lightning, quickly rushed into the nurse's duty room and grabbed a female nurse. The shoulder of the patient screamed: "Where is the patient? Where is the patient?!!!"

 "Is there something wrong with you? Let go!" The female nurse threw him away in disgust: "What kind of patient? The hospital is full of patients. This is not a mental hospital. Why are you crazy? Do you believe I called the security guard?!"

 YY followed up: "Ms. Nurse, don't mind. When we were here just now, the lights in the emergency room were still on. How are the patients there? Do you know where they are now?"

 YY was handsome and handsome, always lovable, and had a sweet mouth. The nurse instantly forgot her unhappiness, glared at Mu Yao, and smiled at YY: "You mean the emergency room? There were two patients in the emergency room just now, and one was rescued. Invalid, one is in ward 803. I don't know if he is the person you are looking for. He is not out of danger yet. There were two men at the door just now. Go and take a look."

 After hearing this, Mu Yao ran out. YY thanked him and followed him. At the corner of the stairs, outside the door of Room 803, the two men the nurse mentioned were leaning on the opposite window sill, smoking and chatting with their backs to them. Mu Yao pressed The hand holding the door was shaking like trash, unable to control his limbs at all. YY came up and opened the door with one hand, walked half a step, and her voice suddenly turned into ice: "...Xiaoyao, it's concise."

 Mu Yao dug his hands into the cracks in the wall and cried loudly. Tears finally rolled down his face. He had already seen him. Thank heaven and earth, that bastard, he is not dead yet, he is still alive... He took one step at a time as if he was afraid of waking up the snow-white sheets. The man leaned over quietly...

 Jian Ming's face was pale, still wearing an oxygen mask. The monitoring equipment next to him was beeping... He was still alive... Still alive... The breath that Mu Yao had been holding suddenly disappeared at this moment. He exchanged tears and giggled softly. Smiling, he lay down next to Jian Ming's pillow and kept murmuring: "You bastard, you bastard, you are not dead after all. You are so bad. How could such a bad person die? I'm so stupid. I almost felt sad just now." Die, bastard, bastard, I almost died..."

The boy started to cry: "Asshole, I thought you left me, never cared about me, didn't want me, what should I do? You scared me to death, I love you, bastard, I love you, gangster, I love you...Dad, stop scaring me like this, I will die..."

 The boy cried so hard that his whole body trembled: "Yesterday morning, why didn't you tell me that it would be dangerous for you to go out? How could you do this to me, wuwu, you bastard... Dad, Dad, please get better, please look at me. , I can do whatever you want from me, I will be very good, I will listen to you, and I will never run away again, Dad, please don't let anything happen to you, please don't abandon me..."

 "Have you cried enough, haven't you Mu Yao?" YY's cold voice suddenly came from behind: "So you are father and son? Tsk, tsk, I really can't tell, there is love and righteousness in this mess."

 Mu Yao turned around in surprise, YY sneered and leaned against the door. He didn't know when there was a pistol in his hand, and he was playing with it slowly and leisurely: "Since you are so reluctant to let go of your father, why don't you die together?" YY suddenly seemed to have a gun. When he discovers something interesting and novel, his crystal brown eyes are shining brightly, and he whispers in a soft and tempting voice: "How about it? Let's die together, okay? This way we never have to separate, or I'll just kill you." With him alone, don't you still have to be a miserable widow? Huh? Xiaoyao, are you right? "

 "YY! What's wrong with you? Are you crazy?! What did you say?!" Mu Yao's eyes widened. He didn't know the person in front of him with a vicious and vicious face. He was not YY: "Are you because of Lu Sen... Stimulated? What on earth do you mean?!"

 "Yes, I was stimulated because of Lu Sen, but am I not stimulated enough? What do you mean?" YY raised the black muzzle of the gun, blew lightly, and said with a giggle: "Good baby Mu Yao, why are you so cute? Have you never thought about why I have to take you to Wanhu to eat river delicacies? "