Clash of Titans

However, the humanoid reptiles took notice of the giant dragon before them and gulped. Acnologia growled before releasing a loud roar. A shockwave resulted, tearing up the earth and destroying the foliage. The Lizardmen struggled to stay grounded, but some of them flew away. There were about thirty Lizardmen who had managed to survive the roar before getting up to run.

"RUN IT'S A DRAGON!" The leader shouted.

However, they were stopped as Acnologia had gotten up and blocked their path with only a single step. The earth rumbled as the Dragon of the Apocalypse crushed the bodies of the Lizardmen beneath its hand-like claws. It then quickly scooped up the earth, along with the humanoid reptiles and ate them all.

The mighty dragon then turned to look at the downed parents as both him and her, had been knocked away by the sudden movements of the dragon. She panted as she clutched the bundle closer to her chest. Minato stood up and used the small bit of healing magic he was able to use and healed himself and Kushina.

"Naruto-kun" the red haired woman. Acnologia looked at the woman before stomping over to Minato and Kushina before leaning his head down so that his large white eyes stared directly into her grey ones and Minato's blue ones. To his surprise he didn't see any fear in their eyes at all, only concern but it wasn't towards themselves.

"Looks like this is it" the woman looked down at the bundle in her arms. She turned back the orange, blood stained cloth to reveal the face of a baby boy. The boy looked to be around one year old, he had spiky blonde hair with slight streaks of red showing the genes he had obtained from his mother. On each cheek, the baby had three whisker-like scars. The baby's eyes were closed and remained so as he then began to cry as it felt the frightening power coming off from Acnologia.

"Don't worry, Naruto-kun, I am your Okaa-chan. I'm here to protect you, don't worry" she hushed the baby causing the blonde toddler to calm down a bit.

"Your Tou-san is here for you too, Naruto" the blonde man grinned widely at his crying son. Kushina gritted her teeth as she charged up her magic power, Minato doing the same.

"WE WILL PROTECT YOU!" Kushina rested Naruto on the ground before crashing her fists together and a purple magic seal formed around her and Naruto. Minato charged his magic power before slamming his right fist against his left palm.


Suddenly a black spiral formed on Naruto's stomach along with the kanji for the various elements. Kushina smiled as tears fell from her eyes.

"I love you...Naruto-kun...goodbye" Kushina said. She then turned to Minato and the two nodded to each other. Acnologia's face grew perplexed at the large amount of magic power coming from the woman and was quite large and impressive.

'For a human' the dragon thought before raising its claw. Kushina quickly raised both her arms and slammed her fists together. Her arms released a silver light.

"BLADES MAGIC: EXCALIBUR!" she roared as her arms changed into a large silver blade surrounded by golden fire. The black dragon's eyes widened slightly. Excalibur was a sword crafted by the legendary first, and most powerful, mage of all time, Merlin and the sword was proven to be able to puncture even a dragon's hide.

Kushina leaped towards Acnologia, but the great dragon raised its arm and took the attack, its arrogance in believing that nothing, not even Excalibur, could pierce its scales...however, Acnologia was caught off guard when it felt pain. Excalibur had sliced through its hard scales without much difficulty and drew blood. For the first time in the dragon's had been wounded by a human.

The slash was immediately cauterized from the golden fire surrounding Excalibur. Acnologia watched as its wound healed, his flesh had been cauterized, but due to the healing factor of a dragon such as it, it was effectively healed. The scales re-grew and covered the healed skin as if it were never there. Minato then appeared in a flash of gold and pure magic energy swirled into his palm, compressing into a sphere.

"ENERGY MAGIC: RASENGAN!" he slammed the attack forth and it made contact with the Apocalypse dragon's muzzle. Acnolgia narrowed its eyes at the attack before releasing a roar. The wind generated from it sent the blue eyed Namikaze flying through the air, but he was caught as he landed against the flat of Kushina's blade. Kushina then aimed Minato upwards and slashed downwards, sending forth a golden crescent of fire. Acnologia held up its right hand and snuffed the flames of Excalibur before opening his jaws and sending out a small bullet of magic energy, well small for Acnologia anyway.

However, as it did that, the magic energy began to swirl as if being sucked into a whirlpool in midair. The magic bullet vanished. Suddenly the air around Acnologia warped as well as the blast of magic the dragon had just launched was sent back in its own face. Minato then fell from the sky, an Oodama Rasengan hovering above his palm. The plan had worked perfectly. Use Rasengan to make close contact and allow for him to plant a Seal Magic: Hiraishin on the brute.

"ENERGY MAGIC: OODAMA RASENGAN!" the basketball sized orb impacted with Acnologia with such force that it sent the black dragon skidding backwards from the force as a dome of magic exploded out of the magic made sphere. Acnologia released a growl before chuckling and speaking as it watched the two humans below.

"You have earned my respect humans. Never in all my life has someone other than the Dragon King been able to wound me, but alas...I will still kill you" Acnologia gestured to the small golden line on his arm and the small burn mark formed from when Minato redirected the bullet of magic he had fired from eating Kushina's Excalibur flame. Kushina growled at the Dragon of the Apocalypse.

Kushina slashed with Excalibur once more. Acnologia avoided the blade and then released a roar. Kushina was sent flying, but then a silver seal appeared in front of her.

"BLADES MAGIC: PIERCING RAIN!" the multitude of swords flew towards the black dragon and Minato clapped his hands together to aid in his wife's onslaught of attacks.

"LIGHTNING MAGIC: THUNDER STORM!" a wave of lightning rocketed from his palms and also enveloped the swords, conducting along their metallic blades so that they had an extra jolt to their piercing edge, but Acnolgoia took them head on and the blades bounced off of his scales. Minato was flashing every which way, lashing out with a barrage of Rasengans, but the attacks were brushed off by the dragon's near indestructible scales. Minato quickly clapped his hands together as he flashed to the ground.

"LIGHTNING MAGIC: DRAGON'S MAW!" the dragon of lightning erupted out of the magic seal and raced towards Acnologia. The black dragon simply ate the magic power sustaining the spell and then released a roar. The sound waves raced through the air, kicking up dust and flattening the very earth, but Minato quickly slammed his palm on the ground and a golden magic seal appeared in front of him and his wife as they guarded their son, even though the seals they put on him made sure of that.