Clash of Magic and Might

"LIGHTNING MAGIC: SHIELD!" a large wall of lightning sprung out of nowhere and took the shockwave head on. Once the wind from the roar died down, Minato attacked once more. His lightning wall morphing into something else.

"LIGHTNING MAGIC: RAIJIN'S FIST!" the wall suddenly morphed into a gigantic fist and raced towards Acnologia, nailing it in the chest. Minato then formed another fist and held up his own, controlling the levitating lightning fists with his own actions. He crashed one fist against the dragon's right cheek before slamming his left fist against the left cheek.

Acnologia was about to roar when Minato performed an uppercut, effectively shutting the dragon's mouth closed and also sending it skyward from the force of the hit. He then performed a series of uppercuts to the dragon's stomach before clasping his hands above his head. The lightning fists copied their creator's actions. Then the fists morphed in midair to form a giant blade.

"LIGHTNING MAGIC: BLADE OF ZEUS!" the attack crashed down on Acnologia's head as Minato swung his arms downwards. The sword sent Acnologia to the ground causing a large BOOM that echoed across the destroyed forest grounds.

"YATTA, WAY TO GO MINATO-KUN! DATTEBANE!" the red head cheered for her husband. Minato shook his head at his wife's antics.

" know that dragon is not something that will be taken down by something like that. The Dragon of the Apocalypse is no ordinary dragon" he said as he watched the black scaled dragon spread its wings as it rose back to its feet. However, before the dragon could make a move, Kushina had Minato send her towards it using Kiiroi Senko. Kushina raised her magic blade and brought it down upon the dragon's muzzle.

The force sent Acnologia's head downwards before she spun in midair, hitting the side of its head with the flat of the flame encased blade. Kushina dropped to the ground as a result of gravity, narrowly avoiding the swipe of Acnologia's claws. She stabbed the blade of Merlin into the ground and a stream of fire tore up the ground before erupting beneath Acnologia's stomach. The pillar of golden fire surrounded Acnologia.

However, her eyes widened when she saw the golden fire swirl and enter Acnologia's mouth, eating the large amount of fire. Quickly overcoming her sense of amazement, she threw Excalibur at the black dragon only for its tail to suddenly lash out and send the blade flying directly back at her. The red hair woman held out her hand and Excalibur froze in midair.

"BLADES MAGIC: ASCALON!" a great golden blade surrounded by silver fire, the exact opposite of Excalibur appeared out of a magic seal in the red head's hand. She then gripped both blades before leaping at Acnologia. Acnologia growled at the presence of the second sword that was said to have been able to slay its species.

"These humans are proving to be so dam troublesome" Acnologia thought to himself as he never thought he would be having this much of a challenge fighting pitiful humans. Although he wouldn't admit it he was also enjoying himself in this battle. He may love causing destruction but as a dragon he prided himself on fighting strong opponents. After all it isn't everyday you get to fight to your heart's content with a worthy opponent.

Minato appeared in a yellow flash beside her before holding out both hands.

"ENERGY MAGIC: RASENGAN RENDAN!" Suddenly, spheres of pure magic rocketed from Minatos hands crashing into the dragon of the Apocalypse's scales causing small explosions of magic. With the blue energy blinding it momentarily, Minato spun and lashed out with a kick. His leg landing underneath Kushina's feet and thus propelling her towards the gigantic dragon. She then began to rotate, Asclon's and Exclaibur's flames burning brightly.

"SECRET BLADES MAGIC ART: SHINING FLAME BLADE!" Kushina released a tornado of gold and silver fire that raced towards Acnologia, but the mighty beast refused to be defeated by mere humans. Acnologia's left forelimb was suddenly encased in blue energy before thrusting the limb forth in the form of a punch. A blast of magic energy flew through the air and impacted with the flames of the two ancient blades. The resulting explosion was quickly cast aside with a single flap of the Dragon of the Apocalypse's wings.

Minato slammed his palms together, "LIGHTNING MAKE: CHAINS!" As the name implied, chains of lightning sprouted out of the yellow magic seal and wrapped themselves around Acnologia's limbs, neck and wings, but the dragon merely roared and with a harsh tug, freed itself.

"LIGHTNING MAGIC: THUNDER STORM!" a wave of lightning flew towards Acnologia, but the dragon swiped the lightning attack away like it was nothing before leaning its head to the side so as to avoid the blasts of flame from Kushina.

Kushina landed on the ground and rolled to the side as she avoided the appendage that aimed to crush her before impaling it with Excalibur and shooting flames inside the black dragons arm. The result caused Acnologia to roar in pain as it felt its arm burning from the inside causing its blood and inner muscles to burn. She followed it up by stabbing Ascalon into its upper arm and followed it up by firing flames inside the embedded arm causing even more pain to Acnologia.

Kushina moved both swords towards eachother as they ripped the black dragons skin open even more causing more blood to fall out as he now had a large gash for wound. The swords were forcefully yanked out of the large reptile's flesh when he took flight. Kushina then ran up the dragon's arm as it recoiled the burned limb in pain before descending and slashing downwards. An arc of gold fire flew towards Acnologia, but as the great dragon was about to eat the fires, a large fist of lightning crashed against its cheek allowing it to be hit by the attack.

"LIGHTNING MAGIC: RASENGAN!" Lightning magic began to swirl into the exact shape as the energy make attack. Minato then vanished in a flash of yellow as he used the Hiraishin seal on Acnologia's muzzle to appear before it and slam the electrical attack against its scales, but like he expected, there was no damage done. The blonde Namikaze gritted his teeth as he used Kiiroi Senko to avoid the slash from the black dragon as it tried to hit him and his wife.

Minato looked back and sighed in relief as he saw Naruto was fine. The seals were doing their job, a red sphere of magic was protecting the one year old from the obvious harm that he would have been caused during the battle.

"SHUNSHIN!" in a show of speed, Minato appeared on the dragon's wing and held his arms high into the air.

"ENERGY MAGIC: CHOU OODAMA RASENGAN!" Minato leaped into the air before crashing the gigantic sphere against the dragon's skull. The attack forced the dragon's head down and Minato smirked as he saw the fierce grey eyes of his wife below.

"KIIROI SENKO!" he vanished in a yellow flash just as Kushina stabbed her flaming blades towards the descending head of the dragon.

"SECRET BLADES MAGIC ART: HIJIN'S BLADE!" a giant blade formed as both streams of fire rocketed from the tips of Ascalon and Excalibur. The attack caused Acnologia to roar in pain as its face was badly burnt, but the dragon was very prideful, not to mention strong. The attack ended and Acnologia was shown to be relatively unharmed as its healing factor kicked in.

Acnologia chuckled as he saw Kushina's expression before roaring. Kushina flew back, but as she flew through the air, Minato appeared behind her and used Kiiroi Senko to increase their speed. The blonde man threw his wife forwards and she stabbed Excalibur forward. As a result, a stream of gold fire rocketed from the tip of the blade.

Acnologia grinned widely before opening its jaws. The mighty dragon ate the fires again as Kushina was about to stab its left forelimb. However, before it could slam Kushina into the ground with its other limb, Minato had used the Hiraishin seal on Kushina's arm to appear beside her before vanishing in a yellow flash next to their seal protected son.