Legacy of the Namikazes

Acnologia growled before twisting and its stinger-like tail raced towards them. Minato grabbed Naruto and leaped out of the way with Kushina as the tail stabbed into the ground. Acnolgoia faced them before releasing a shockwave as it roared, but Kushina decided to pull out her secret weapon.

"SEAL MAGIC: CHAINS!" the ground broke apart as multiple chains made entirely of magic, burst out of the ground and wrapped themselves around the dragon's limbs, tail and neck and unlike Minato's lightning make: chains, these ones held strong and were able to bind the dragon. Acnologia roared, only managing to lift his limbs slightly off the ground before they were forced back down.


Aconologia narrowed his eyes from hearing the name he was called by the female human "Wench, I could care less for what your name is or the name of your spawn, much less you humans yourselves. I am the great dragon of energy and darkness, I eat the very essence of magic" Kushina's eyes widened when she saw the magic energy that her chains were composed of, beginning to slowly come apart and make their way into the dragon's jaws.

"Impossible" Kushina gasped. The two parents quickly leaped out of the way as Acnologia lashed out. Deep crevices appeared in the earth as its attack missed and Kushina called upon her magic power once more.

"BLADES MAGIC: SPEAR!" a long spear of steel flew out of the magic seal that formed in front of its wielder. Acnologia watched as the spear bounced off of its hide before releasing a roar. A great shockwave resulted and sent the red head flying through the air. Minato caught her before seeing Acnologia spy their son. The black dragon chuckled as he walked over to the seal protected baby before raising a claw.

Minato quickly performed Hiraishin and grabbed Naruto and vanished in a flash of gold. The black dragon growled in annoyance at the two humans. It was time to end this. Acnologia raised its claws and slammed them down on the ground and giant pulse of magic energy raced out and sent Minato and Kushina, both clutching their son, soaring through the air before they dropped down on the ground. They fell to their knees and continued to clutch the baby boy so that he wasn't harmed. Even with the seal, the magic from this attack would surely damage it.

The two humans looked as Acnologia was standing in front of them, a snarl present on its face. Acnologia then raised a single claw before piercing it through Kushina's stomach. Minato gasped, only for the same thing to happen to him as well. Minato and Kushina gritted their teeth as they struggled to hold on to their life. Kushina gasped as she dropped her swords, the feeling in her hands, gone. The flames that once covered the blades, died out thus making them regular swords.

"Minato-kun...we need to do...something to protect...Naruto-kun" Kushina wheezed, coughing up blood. Minato nodded, coughing up blood as well, before he reached out and grabbed her hand.

"It's experimental, but I will be able to seal pieces of our souls into Naruto's body so that we can teach him magic when he is able to see us" Minato gasped out. Kushina's eyes widened at her husband's technique, but then again...he wasn't a genius for nothing.

"Do it" Minato nodded before he and Kushina channeled whatever magic power they had left and then thin streams of magic left their bodies and went into Naruto's protection seal.

"SEAL MAGIC: EIGHT TRIGRAMS SEAL!" Naruto's protection seal suddenly glowed blue before the kanji for "Soul" appeared in the center of the spiral where his navel was located.

"SEAL MAGIC: MAGIC OF THE SOUL!" the pieces of their souls were then transferred into their son's magic network, now asleep within the boy's subconscious. The two then turned to their son and gently stroked his hair lovingly.

"Looks like this is goodbye...Naruto-kun. Get a nice girlfriend, eat your vegetables and don't go to sleep too late or you'll get up cranky" Kushina laughed.

"Make sure you grow up strong, neh, Naruto. Hopefully, your mother and I will be able to watch you through the seal and see you grow up to become a fine young man...we love you...Naruto" Minato grinned widely, even though a large line of blood trailed from his mouth...and with that the two closed their eyes. Small smiles on their faces.

The black dragon scoffed. Such emotions these humans possess...and yet it was this very thing that caused the black dragon to be beaten by their attacks. Acnologia picked up the woman, but paused as it was about to eat her.

"The only things that was able to wound me other than the Dragon King...Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze...Minato Namikaze. I despise you humans, your entire species, I don't even know how I had been manipulated by that idiot Zeref 400 years ago. Still you two did prove to be a pair to contend with and you earned my respect so I suppose you deserve a proper burial" Acnologia rested Kushina on the destroyed earth before carving out a rectangle the size of two horses.

The dragon removed the earth and placed the bodies of Naruto's parents within the earth before covering it with the very same dirt it had removed. It then, carefully, gripped Ascalon and Excalibur before implanting them in the ground at the head of the 'graves'. Ascalon by Minato's and Excalibur by Kushina's. Acnologia watched the makeshift grave before turning to the still crying baby.

'I respect those two...but I do not respect her brood' Acnologia thought before bending down to eat the child only for a red sphere to block the child. Acnologia's white eyes narrowed as it reached out with a claw and the shield formed once more. Acnologia growled in annoyance. The damn human had put up a divine barrier to protect the stupid fleshbag. Acnologia lay down in the clearing that was once a large forest before eyeing the child.


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