The Dragon's Son

Suddenly the baby's eyes opened and revealed the cerulean irises within them. Baby Naruto watched the dragon and suddenly Naruto reached out and touched the nose of the great beast of the Apocalypse. Naruto giggled before releasing a cry of what the dragon seemed to think Humans always confused the dragon, but in the end they were nothing more than food in his mind. However, Naruto suddenly released a loud wail.

Acnologia's white eyes widened as he felt the large amount of magic energy coming off of the toddler. It was at least twice the magic power of the female he had just killed and the strange thing was still climbing. Naruto's eyes suddenly shone with power and wind suddenly began to swirl around the babe.

The blonde's crying was still heard over the howling winds and Acnologia watched as a twister the size of its claw, swirl around the boy, but being a dragon who eats the very energy of magic, the great beast merely saw it as a snack and ate the energy. Acnologia grinned widely as the tornado died down.

If the dragon couldn't eat the baby then it would do the next best thing. The Dragon of the Apocalypse heard of how the other dragons were adopting children to be their dragonslayers. Grandine, Metalicana, Raiden, Cyclonus, Levia, hell even that stuck up bastard Igneel was taking on a stupid gaki.

"You have much potential in that small body of yours. You will live...You will learn the way of my magic...I will make you strong, boy. You will be my son and you will dragonslayer...Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze" Acnologia grinned as it poked the bundle, only for the red shield that was the Elemental Five Point Seal, to suddenly appear and prevent the dragon from making contact with his adopted offspring.

"T-T-Tooou-san" the one year old stuttered. Acnologia blinked at the title the boy had given it. Acnologia rested, his head on his forearms before grinning. Naruto certainly was an interesting boy.

Acnologia then released a yawn...which unintentionally caused a nearby tree to topple from the wind generated...and prepared to go to sleep like he originally intended to. After the fight against Kushina and Minato he was partially tired, physically not mentally. However as he lied down he was introduced to another feeling of searing pain as he looked to the arm Kushina had stabbed and burned his with the twin swords. The scales where he was pierced were burned to a crisp and the insides of his arm felt like they were charred.

He suspected that it would take a few days for his arm to be fully healed from this kind of damage however he knew that there would be a scar left over since no can ever recover fully recover from receiving damage from the twin blades. He was truly surprised he would have his first scar since no dragon had ever given him one. True he had been injured by other dragons but he had always fully healed after the battles.

"To think my first permanent scar would be given to me by a human of all things and a female at that" Acnologia said with a mixture of annoyance and greater respect as he continued to examine his arm for any other injuries.

Had the human female been able to continue with her strikes, the forelimb would no doubt be badly damaged. Truly those swords deserved their reputation and Kushina deserved his acknowledgement.

His white eyes gazed at Naruto as the baby closed his eyes and went to sleep before closing his own.

"It's going to be fun raising son"


Year X769

"Okay, Naruto...this is the last one. Remember the strokes, you have them all committed to memory. Don't mess this up, if you do I'll flick you so hard you'll be feeling it for weeks...if you are blessed with a dragonslayer's healing factor" Acnologia said to his adopted son. Naruto's eyes narrowed as he made strokes in the dirt with a long stick.

A horizontal stroke was formed before a downward diagonal line followed from the end of that line. Finally, the blonde completed his task as he drew another horizontal line going from left to right at the end of that line. Naruto cheered as he looked up from the sand and pointed at his perfect construction of the letter 'Z'.

Naruto smirked as he watched the sand, all twenty-six letters of the alphabet line up next to each other. Naruto turned to the gigantic dragon and pointed at his accomplishment.

"YATTA! I did it, Tou-san. I finished the allllphaaabet" he struggled with the 'large' word. Acnologia nodded before getting rid of the letters from the sand by blowing it away. The small gust of air nearly caused Naruto to fall on his rear.

It had been five years since that day, the day Acnologia had chosen to take on the previously one year old Naruto as his dragonslayer. As he expected his arm fully recovered after a few days while it now had a large gash looking scar that went from the lower part of his arm to the upper part close to his shoulder.

The gash was about five inches deep and three inches wide so and it was noticeable to anyone who spotted it. It was his permanent reminder of his fight against Kushina and Minato and how he almost lost his arm.

He had taught Naruto how to read once he started talking full sentences at the age of three. After completing his reading, the black dragon had taken the time to teach Naruto about numbers and was quite proud how that Naruto was able to count over 100 at the age of four. After that, Acnologia completed Naruto's writing skills. The boy could write, a bit crudely the dragon admitted, but he could write nonetheless.

With the ability to count, read and write completed, the Dragon of the Apocalypse taught his son basic mathematics, a few things about the human body as well instructing him in the art of physical combat, this was done when he turned five, mainly basic punches and kicks. With those things out of the way it was now time for the blonde to focus on his magic.

"Alright, Naruto. Now that these tedious tasks are out of the way I can now teach you how to use magic" Naruto grinned at that. He had heard about the tales of mages from his father and the black dragon never failed to end the story with him eating the mage or blowing them up along with the rest of their city/town using his Breath attack. As a result, Naruto built up what some would obsession, for destruction and to facilitate that need, Acnologia always broke down a few trees here and there for the boy to satisfy the boy's lust for it.

"YATTA!" the hyperactive blonde leaped with joy, "So what am I going to learn first?" Acnologia gathered a decent amount of magic in his jaws before releasing it in the form of a small beam that completely eradicated the trees and left a neat, straight line of destruction before the attack exploded outwards in a dome of magic power.

"SUGOI!" Naruto gaped at the destruction before grinning. "Teach me!" Acnologia growled at his son who merely stared up with a blank look. Having lived around that face which was etched into a near constant snarl had left Naruto's emotion of fear to be non-existent.

"Don't speak to me in that tone, gaki" the dragon snarled. Naruto stuck his tongue out at the black scaled reptile.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Besides it's not like you can do anything to me with that barrier appearing and protecting me" the blonde said in a nonchalant tone causing Acnologia to growl in annoyance. Naruto had already learned of the protection seal on his stomach, but of course he never knew how it got there and Acnologia wouldn't tell him simply to spite the boy.

"Now then, back to your lessons...A dragon's most basic attack is its breath attack. These attacks are given the name Hoko/Roar when used by the dragonslayer. For example, the fire dragon..."

"You mean Igneel-teme?" Naruto asked, interrupting his father's lecture. Acnologia nodded. Having given Naruto a brief description on dragons and their powers, he had unintentionally given Naruto the habit of making Igneel's title, Igneel-teme due to his constant reference to the fire dragon as such. This brought much to the pleasure of the Apocalypse Dragon.


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