A Dragon's Guidance

"Hai, Igneel-teme...now then as I was saying, the fire dragon's breath attack is known as Karyu no Hoko/Fire Dragon's Roar. Being a dragon lacking an element as my attacks are made of pure magic energy, my attacks I have decided should be titled after my own title. Mokushiryu no Hoko/Apocalypse Dragon's Roar will be your breath attack" the black dragon explained. Naruto nodded.

"So how do I do it?" the six year old asked. Acnologia held up a forelimb and held his claws as if he were gripping something. Pure magic energy suddenly swirled to life in his palm.

"When initiating the roar, you must first draw upon the magic power within your body which is what we will first work on before you use Mokushiryu no Hoko. Now then, once you have drawn upon that magic power, compress it so that power builds up within the attack..." Acnologia said as he compressed the magic energy in his palm into a sphere. "Then you release the energy in one powerful shot"

The sphere then exploded in a small flash of blue before vanishing as if it were never there in the first place.

"Your ability to make this along with my other attacks stronger will come to you with age"

"So..Tou-san, how do I draw on my magic power?" Naruto asked, tilting his head in confusion.


"What, why do I have to..."

"SIT...DOWN...Naruto" the black dragon commanded. Naruto nodded, true the black scaled behemoth always spoke with a scary voice, but when his tone became as forceful as it was, Naruto knew to obey his father. Naruto sat down, cross-legged, on the dirt and looked up.

"Okay...now what?"

"Breathe slowly and clear your mind, Naruto" Naruto closed his eyes and took a deep breath in before exhaling. Acnologia watched as the boy repeated the action many times before speaking again.

"Now then...magic is stored within a separate system within that is the physical embodiment of the spirit. When the physical spirit of an organism connects with the spiritual flow of nature, the spirit forms Magic as a product of the connection. Only ten percent of the world's population is able to use Magic, which is noted to keep a balance between ordinary people and those with Magic. It takes an enormous amount of concentration and mental ability to use Magic."

"Mages can learn multiple styles of Magic, but it is noteworthy that many Mages have natural affinities for their own Magic style. You were able to call upon your magic power at the age of one...but that was probably due to sheer luck" Acnologia grumbled the last part, "also due to the fact your magic was released in the form of a twister, it could be said your natural magical affinity lies towards Wind magic"

Naruto concentrated deeply on the action of drawing out whatever magic power he could find, sweat lining his brow. Naruto searched his body for something, anything that would feel different inside his anatomy. However, he felt nothing. Not even a tingle. Naruto sighed as the mental strain got to him and fell on his back.

"Tou-san, I couldn't feel anything" Naruto informed his draconic, adoptive father. The dragon of the Apocalypse growled in a curious tone. To somehow call upon his magic at the age of one, only to not be able to use it at all. Even with the fact that his magic system had not been touched for five years, the boy should have still been able to at least feel the magic flowing through his body.

"Strange...try again. Remember, you need to try and connect with the spiritual flow of nature in order to draw out your magic. Now concentrate, focus on your surroundings and the dormant magic within your physical spirit" Acnolgoia instructed. Naruto nodded before getting back into his meditative posture. "Imagine your spirit is able to produce a thread...connect the thread of your spirit to the spiritual flow surrounding you...draw it towards you and then use it"

Naruto tried once more, but after a minute of concentration, he had once again failed to call upon his dormant magic power.

"Nope, I got nothin'" he told the dragon. Acnologia tapped his claw in curiosity.

"Odd...anyways, you've seemed to have the ability to use magic when you were a baby. No matter..." the dragon mused before turning his back on Naruto, "Go and find some food that the humans eat. There is a town at the base of the mountain" Acnologia said as he dug his claws into the ground. Naruto watched as Acnologia removed the large chunk of earth and repeated the action a few more times.

Naruto stared into the large hole and gasped at what he saw. Within the hole lay many a jewel. Rubies, diamonds, sapphires, amethysts, you name it. There was a multitude of precious stones there as a result of the black dragon's instinct to horde precious metals and stones.

The dragon reached in and retrieved a handful of the jewels before displaying them in front of Naruto. Naruto got the hint and took two gold coins and one silver coin. Acnologia then placed the jewels back in his hole and covered it back up once more. Naruto put the coins in his pants pocket and then walked to his father and climbed up onto his arm. The black dragon looked perplexed by Naruto's actions as the blonde made his way towards his scale covered back.

"And just what do you think you're doing?"

"Well...aren't you going to carry me down? I don't know where to find the edge of the forest and I might fall down the mountain and hurt myself" Naruto said. Acnologia chuckled before plucking Naruto off his back. Acnologia had learned quite early in his years of teaching Naruto that the seal only responded to acts that would kill Naruto. Acnologia's attempts to eat the boy being examples of those times, but within the five years, Acnologia's attempts to eat his dragonslayer out of mere hunger had begun to lessen before becoming non-existent. After all, five years of attempts to eat the blonde ended up getting a bit old in the eyes of the black scaled reptile.

"I will carry you to the edge of the forest, there's a trail leading to the mountain's base there. Honestly, you humans are so useless it's a wonder the females always say that the males have no sense of direction."

"Well excuuse me Mr. Uber Tracker for not being a big ass reptile who can fly" Naruto huffed. Acnologia smirked widely at the boy's annoyance before placing the boy atop his head. It was so much fun to annoy the boy. It was no wonder Acnologia was seen as an evil beast. Acnologia landed at the edge of the forest, crushing a few trees with his landing and dropped Naruto on the ground.

"Itai" Naruto yelped in pain as he was dropped approximately ten feet. Naruto stood and rubbed his sore rear before glaring at the chuckling dragon. "Baka Tou-san!" Acnologia ignored the boy's insult before nudging the boy with his claw. Naruto sighed before beginning his long trek down the mountain.


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