Destruction Training

Acnologia and Naruto's forest

Naruto stood in front of his beast of a father and the dragon's eyes widened as he felt the large magic power he had felt when he had first met Naruto. Acnologia's facial muscles tugged and a large toothy grin appeared on his face as the winds seemed to bend to Naruto's will.

Naruto twisted, his leg sweeping across the dirt and patches of grass before raising his arms and twirling them in wide circles before thrusting them outwards. A grey-green magic seal formed and then blast of wind rocketed forth and the attack manged to form a deep indentation on the trunk of a pine tree.

Acnologia felt pride at seeing his son using his first spell. The gaki actually had some promise after all. Not many to-be mages are able to access magic at such a young age and cast a spell as well.

"Well done, Naruto. By the way, I approve of your choice in suits you" the black dragon said. Naruto narrowed his eyes at the beast.

"You're just saying that because you're black" Acnologia blew Naruto down with a small exhalation of breath from his lungs.

"Anyways..." Naruto stood back up and dusted his new clothes off, "Now that you have finally been able to access your magic, it is now time for you to learn my techniques. Though seeing as you are using Wind magic, I will also teach you the little bit of Wind magic I picked up from Cyclonus before I was denied my right to be Dragon King"

Naruto tilted his head in confusion.

"Tou-san...what do you mean that you were supposed to be the Dragon King?" Naruto asked, "Did something happen that caused you to get kicked out"

Acnologia remained silent, but the memory of what happened that day caused Acnologia's rage to spike. The dragon roared and turned before slashing down a couple trees and then stamping on them. Naruto suddenly became giddy at the sight of the destruction, but then paused when he saw the look in Acnologia's white eyes.

The pure rage seemed to radiate off of the dragon in waves and it seemed to be a different kind of anger to the anger that the Dragon of the Apocalypse felt when he was mad at Naruto. This seemed much less restrained and it could be seen by the giant craters left by Acnologia's crushing of the trees. Acnologia took a deep breath as he calmed himself. He looked at the blank look on his son's face.

"You seem mad" the boy stated causing the dragon to sweatdrop at the boy's obvious statement before chuckling.

"If you wish to know...I will tell you at a later date, but for now it's time to focus on your magic. Tommorow, it will be time to teach you my magic" Acnologia grinned along with his son. They had both been waiting patiently for this day and now it was time.

"Bring it on"


Year X773

Ten year old Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze was busy with his training for the day. He was tasked each day by his father, the Dragon of the Apocalypse, Acnologia, to cause as much destruction as he could in one minute. Naruto always loved to destroy things and it was time he showed his father how much he improved in the past four years since he started learning Dragonslayer magic as well inventing his own techniques for his wind magic.

"Mokushiryu no Tsume/Apocalypse Dragon's Talons!" Naruto slammed his dragonslayer magic on the ground and the earth split apart forming a deep, wide crevice as an earthquake shook the land. He then went into a handstand and began to rotate as wind kicked up around him.

"Fuuton: Senpu Kyakuu/Wind style: Cyclone Leg!" Multiple arcs of slashing wind flew out of the cyclones surrounding Naruto's legs as he spun on his hands before bending his arms and leaped into the air and crashed his fists together as the greyish-green magic seal of his wind magic formed.

"Fuuton: Daitoppa/ Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!" Naruto punched the air and let loose two blasts of pressurized air before flipping in the air as he descended. Upon his descent, his arms became coated in sky blue magic, and slammed them down on the ground as he went back onto his feet.

"Mokushiryu no Habataki /Apocalypse Dragon's Wingbeat" Naruto clapped his hands together, arms outstretched, and a large shock wave of magic energy burst forth from his hands. The attack tore through the landscape like it was nothing, kicking up dust and dirt and as the attack finished, Naruto began to rapidly rotate and the wind bent to his will as he summoned forth the elemental magic.

"Fuuton: Tastumaki/Wind Style: Tornado!" The tornado caused many trees within the vicinity to fall to the ground as well releasing blades of wind which seemed to slice cleanly through everything it came into contact with. Suddenly, the magic within the tornado began to be absorbed into Naruto's maw. He leaned back and took a deep breath of air, eating the magic within his own attack. Magic energy became visible as it swirled to life in his jaws before compressing into a single sphere.

"MOKUSHIRYU NO HOKO/APOCALYPSE DRAGON'S ROAR!" Naruto released the attack in the form of a beam of concentrated magic energy and it tore through the trees, stones, animal flesh and whatever it impaled along the way, incinerating them to nothing before the attack crashed into the ground about one hundred meters away. The attack exploded outwards as a decent sized of dome of magic energy before dying down. Naruto was about to continue when his father's claw appeared in his path.

"That's enough. Your time limit is up" Naruto grinned widely as he observed the destruction he had just caused before turning to his father.

"How was that, Tou-san?" he asked. The Dragon of the Apocalypse surveyed the area. The earth was cracked and destroyed. Trees were knocked over, many of which were snapped cleanly in half by Naruto's wind magic or reduced to mere splinters or nothing at all from the Dragonslayer magic. Acnologia nodded.

"Seems you are improving. Your wind magic has greatly improved which makes it hard for me to actually believe you invented those attacks on your own based off of the only wind attack I showed you that I picked up from Cyclonus, the one that you now call, Fuuton: Daitoppa. Your Hoko has become much stronger with age like I said it would" Acnologia said. Naruto nodded as he awaited the negatives of his destructive powers.


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