Clash of Emotions

"However, your Mokushiryu no Tsume is still too weak, you should be able to form craters upon impact, not just split the earth. Like so" Acnologia demonstrated by raising his own claws and slamming them on the ground. A large shockwave resulted as the earth seemed to cave in on itself and a large crater the size of three elephants formed from Acnologia's 'demonstration'.

"Your Daitoppa should be more destructive. It barely does more than cause dust clouds and maybe those tiny indentations in the ground. The power of wind is affected by two factors, Naruto. Do you remember those factors?"

"Speed and Pressure" Acnologia nodded in confirmation of his son's answer.

"Yes. And how do they affect wind?"

"Speed allows for my wind attacks to hit with more force and pressure allows for my wind attacks to be able to store more power in a smaller size and thus wit will be able to cause more devastation upon impact when I let it all loose" Naruto explained. His vocabulary had grown over the years from the intelligent dragon. The blue eyed blonde saw the satisfaction in Acnologia's eyes. Though it was kind of hard to tell with the dragon having no pupils or iris.

"Exactly, now then..." the black dragon looked up into the sky and watched the sun for a few seconds before looking back at the ten year old, "It is time for lunch, go fetch us some" Naruto nodded, but his eyes narrowed at his father.

"Wouldn't the mighty Black Dragon hunt for his own food?" Naruto said with a disrespectful tone.

"Mind your tongue, boy. I made you what you are and it would be wise that you do not anger me"

"Says the over grown garden snake" the blonde retorted causing Acnologia to growl.

"You are lucky that seal still holds boy or else I would have eaten you since the day I found you" the black dragon snarled.

"You do know that I get your attitude from you, right?" Acnologia snorted at the accusation. True, dragons tended to be stubborn and it was Naruto's dragon pride that caused him to act this way towards his surrogate father, but...

"Pfft. More like you act get that attitude your stubborn mother, Kushina" Acnologia stated. Naruto flinched at that and Acnologia raised a non-existent eyebrow as the boy's gaze hardened.

"Teme...don't bring that woman up...NEVER bring up my biological parents" Naruto growled at the dragon, baring his own sharp teeth.

"Why not? I am a dragon, I can do whatever I want, gaki"

"Fuck you, you're the one who killed them both" Naruto roared, "I HATE YOU!"

"Save your emotions towards your parents and me for someone who cares, gaki" Both dragon and dragonslayer stared at each other, snarls present on their faces before Naruto turned and walked off.

"I'm gonna go and find some lunch" Naruto turned and then channeled his wind magic to his feet. "Fuuton: Shunpo no Kazejin/ Wind Style: Wind God's Flash Step!" The magic seal formed around his legs and then Naruto seemingly vanished into the wind. Acnologia sighed to himself. The boy was too emotional for his own good sometimes. The result of hanging out with a relatively emotionless dragon was supposed to have the opposite effect on him.

"That boy..." Acnologia sighed.


Clover Town- Teuichi's Ramen Shop

Naruto sighed as he sat at the seat that had been reserved for him for the past four years. He had always tried to find time in between his training, with his draconic beast of a father's permission of course, to go down to the ramen shop and visit his Nee-chan and eat ramen. Ayame walked up to Naruto with an extra large bowl of ramen.

"One miso pork ramen for my otouto" she smiled happily. Naruto nodded before taking up the chopsticks and slowly began to eat his ramen. He remembered that day clearly...the day he had been given the pleasure of seeing his parents' graves by his surrogate father.




Naruto panted as he was trying to get down the newest technique Acnologia was teaching him.

"Mokushiryu no Shippo/Apocalypse Dragon's Tail!"Naruto roared as a whip-like tail of pure magic energy sprouted out of his tail bone. He flipped to build momentum before slamming the energy construct on the ground causing a massive crater to form from the impact. Naruto smirked before twisting and his newly formed tail sliced through the thick trunks of trees like scissors through paper. The trees toppled before being eradicated as Naruto used his Roar. Naruto sighed.

"Finally, I got it down!" the blonde dragonslayer smirked to himself. Acnologia nodded before standing up on his four limbs.

"Naruto, come with me...there is something I want show you" the mighty beast growled. Naruto nodded to his father before running after the dragon. Naruto channeled wind into his feet and jumped, allowing him to jump higher and farther before landing atop the dragon's head.

"Where are we going?" The dragon did not answer so Naruto remained quiet. After a few minutes of walking, Acnologia paused and Naruto looked around at the area he was in. There was absolutely nothing there. Large craters were everywhere. Large scorch marks were left by what seemed to be the remnants of a powerful form of fire magic. Naruto sniffed the air.

"It smells like you, Tou-san" Naruto said. He jumped off and formed a tornado around his legs so he would land softly on the destroyed earth. His eyes then narrowed as he sniffed the ground, "And it smells...familiar" Naruto looked around the area before seeing two objects in the distance. He ran up to them, Acnologia following silently. Naruto stopped in front of the objects before his eyes widened.

"Swords?" he exclaimed. He looked at both blades, they were of equal height and were taller than him by at least a few inches. One blade was made of pure gold and the image of a silver dragon on the blade. The hilt was made of the same material and had a shining ruby in the center.

Naruto then turned to the other sword. Its blade was pure silver with the image of a golden dragon etched into the blade. The hilt was made of silver and had a shining sapphire jewel in the center of the hilt. Naruto then saw words written along the hilt of the blades.

"Ascalon..." he turned and read the golden blade's word, "And Excalibur" Naruto turned to the black dragon. "Tou-san, what are these?"

"Those are the blades of Merlin, the legendary first mage. The creator of magic and the world's most powerful mage in all of existence. He crafted those blades and they're able to slice through even a dragon's scales" Naruto's eyes widened as he reached out and stroked his finger along the hilt of Ascalon. Acnologia told him the legend of the mighty Merlin. Commander of the stars, bender of the elements, creator of all magic...the great-great-great-grandfather of the Black Wizard Zeref.

"Why are you showing me this?" Naruto asked. Acnologia reached out and gently picked up Naruto so that the seal on his stomach would not activate.


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