Mysterious Arrival

Shikamaru moved his knight while Naruto placed his Bishop in the path of the Knight preventing it from reaching the Lance that Shikamaru so very wanted to get rid of.

"It's funny watching Shika struggle" Ino commented.

"Look how red his face gets" Sakura added. The Nara child was becoming red with annoyance towards both Naruto and the unnecessary comments that the two females made.

"Would you mind not talking?" he asked, gritting his teeth. Ino and Sakura got into mock thinking poses.

"Hmmm...NO!" They chimed simultaneously. Shikamaru face palmed before sending out his Bishop to kill Naruto's own, but as he did that Naruto struck out with a Pawn that Naruto had placed and Shikamaru had completely forgotten about due to his annoyed mind. After much more unnecessary comments by the girls and moves by Naruto and Shikamaru, the black haired boy finally managed a win as he cornered Naruto with his Lance and Promoted Rook, a.k.a the Dragon.

Shikamaru grinned as he placed the promoted Rook in place. Naruto sighed.

"Well, you win again" Naruto said.

"Good game though, Naruto" Shikamaru said, "But the Dragon can never be defeated" Shikamaru then winced when he saw Naruto's face darken, covered by his spiky locks, with his mood and the blonde's grip suddenly strengthened.

"Never...say that word again" Naruto growled, his pupils unconsciously becoming slitted. Naruto then stood up and walked towards the door. "Thanks for having me over, but I'll be going now" Naruto then thanked Yoshino and Shikaku before leaving the house. The door closed behind the boy even though he did nothing to cause it to do so. It was if the wind pulled it in on its own.

"What's with him?" Sakura asked.

"I don't know. Shikamaru, what did you do?" Chouji asked his best friend. Shikamaru held his slightly paining hand before looking at the door.

"I...don't know"


Streets of Clover Town

"Baka. That stupid dragon doesn't even understand, he never HAD parents to begin with...Argh, I hate that teme" Naruto didn't even notice where he was going until he had stopped. He looked up to find himself at the pond in Central Park.

Naruto stared into the pond before a leaf fell on the surface of the body of water. The water rippled and Naruto watched as his reflection became distorted before it started to shift in shape. He growled when he saw his reflection become that of the Black Dragon's.

"You hate me, don't you boy?" the dragon grinned widely, "Well guess what? I don't give a fuck!" The dragon's reflection began to laugh and the Namikaze's anger spiked causing his magic power to rise and the wind to unconsciously bend around him as he formed a compressed air bullet and launched it at the water body. A large splash occurred causing a small tower of water to form. Naruto snarled.

"Teme" he cursed the dragon again.


Onibus Town, Fiore

A small figure was walking along the rooftops of the houses of Onibus Town. The figure was dressed in a dark red costume of some sort. The costume was made into the likeliness of some sort of canine. The hood of the costume was what made the 'head' of the canine-like costume, which had two large red eyes imprinted on its fabric. Two long ears were seen atop it.

Its mouth was where the head of the figure was located, but its face was kept hidden by the shadows of the hood. The figure twirled a long, bushy tail that seemed to not be part of the costume, in one hand, while a glass of a blood red, alcoholic drink was held in the other.

The figure sighed to itself as it drank the small glass of Fire Whisky in its hand. It took another sip of the Fire Whisky before it felt a rushing feeling wash over it. It appeared that the feeling was coming from not too far away.

"Hmm, such a delicious feeling of rage." the figure commented. "Seems like it's coming from that direction" the figure turned to look in a north easterly direction, "Clover Town it seems to be where it's coming from if the smell of trees and the mountain air mixed into that anger is any indication" The figure then began to hop from rooftop to rooftop before reaching one of the higher roofs.

In front of the figure was a large clock tower. The small figure jumped incredibly high for a creature that size. He landed atop the clock tower dropping down, grabbing a flag pole and spiralled down it before using the momentum to fly off and then flipped in the air. The figure landed atop a lachryma powered carriage as it zoomed along the road.


Onibus Station

"LAST CALL FOR THE TRAIN TO CLOVER TOWN!" the ticket manager for the train called out. The train released a hiss as its lachryma powered engine began to activate. The mechanics in the vehicle roared to life. The train released a loud whistle as the steam exited through the top of the train. However, just before the train took off, a small figure jumped atop the train.

"Phew, that was close. Nearly missed the train. This thing is a lot faster than Aera, even with Max Speed" the figure said to itself as the train took off. The figure chuckled darkly as its facial muscles pulled upwards. Its black outlined lips parted to reveal sharp, white teeth. The canines were rather sharp too. The figure's head then rose as the wind funnelled through the hood of the costume.

"This is gonna be fun" the figure spoke as its eyes snapped open revealing the crimson irises with black, vertically slit-shaped pupils.


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