Naruto and Kurama's Showdown

Central Park, Clover Town

Naruto huffed in rage as he continued to release blasts of wind magic at the pond.

" teme" Naruto insulted the dragon to himself once more before sending forth another Fuuton: Daitoppa. "Call my attack weak will he, well I'll show him" Naruto's rage spiked along with his magic for the umpteenth time that day and no one had dared tried to enter the park in fear of what was there as they felt the killing intent from the park's entrance. Naruto channelled wind magic into his hands once more and was about to unleash it when he heard a chuckle.

Naruto turned and aimed his wind enshrouded fist in the direction of the sound. The chuckle was heard again.

"Ah such a delicious negative emotion, rage. I could feel it all the way from Onibus Town you know?" Naruto looked to see a small figure float out from behind a tree. Naruto lowered his wind covered fist and nullified the magic energy he supplied to the attack.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked before looking over the small figure's clothing, "And why are you dressed up in a fox costume?" The figure shrugged.

"I liked the costume" the figure replied, and that was when Naruto actually realized that the figure before him was still floating in the air. There were a pair of white, angel-like wings sprouting out of the figure's back.

"OI, YOU'RE FLYING!" Naruto exclaimed. The figure face palmed.

"I swear, you humans are such idiots" the figure mumbled to itself, "No really? You sure I'm not being held up by a string?" The figure asked sarcastically. Naruto's eyes narrowed at how the figure didn't refer to itself as human as his enhanced hearing allowed him to catch the figure's former phrase.

"What...are you?" Naruto asked. The figure floated over to Naruto before pulling back the hood of the fox themed costume. Naruto's eyes widened as it felt like the world stopped rotating for those few seconds that Naruto stared at the true face of this unknown person... before he began to laugh.

"YOU'RE A CUDDLY LITTLE PUSSY CAT!" Naruto roared with laughter, beating the grass with his fists. The crimson eyes feline had fur the same shade of red as his eyes. The ears and whiskers were a bit longer than that of a normal cat's. The tail behind it looked very canine-like, like a fox's tail. The tail was pure red fur, no tipping of white.

The claws on the cat's paws were an obsidian colour. The fur that covered the cat's eyes and eyelids were a coal black colour. Its mouth was outlined in black as well. Its small, black nose twitched in annoyance as it watched Naruto continue to laugh. The cat narrowed its eyes at Naruto before holding out its paw.

A small sphere of flame formed in the cat's paw before it was hurled at Naruto. The attack landed right in front of Naruto causing a small explosion that sent him flying back and towards the pond. Naruto quickly channelled his wind magic into his feet.

"Fuuton: Tobu/Wind Style: Fly!" Naruto said as the wind around him surrounded his feet, making it look like he was standing on air. Fuuton: Tobu uses magic energy to allow wind to circulate beneath Naruto's feet in the form of multiple miniature tornadoes and since wind is relatively invisible, it looks like he is standing on the air.

This grants Naruto the ability to fly, but depending on the amount of magic being used, Naruto can move quickly through the air when in motion or he could just simply float in the air. Just like the crimson furred cat before him. Naruto floated back over to the land and continued to laugh.

"Don't laugh at me you blonde baka!" the red furred cat exclaimed."You act like somebody I knew...what's your name, human?" the fox costume wearing cat asked. Naruto stared at the winged feline before glaring at it.

"It's common courtesy to give you name first, you pyromaniac cat" Naruto said. "Address yourself properly when talking to the son of a dragon" The red furred feline chuckled.

"I like you boy...the son of a dragon you say? Well I wouldn't want to anger you, oh mighty dragonslayer" The cat gave a sarcastic tone as it mockingly bowed to Naruto.

"I am Kurama" Naruto tilted his head in confusion.

"Demon Fox? But you're a cat?" Kuramam shrugged.

"I like the name, it suits me"

"That's a horrible pun, cat" Naruto deadpanned. Kurama's eyes narrowed.

"It wasn't a pun" Naruto blinked before he cleared his throat.

"Well Kurama, I am Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. Son of Ac.." Naruto's eyes narrowed, "The bastard of a dragon that I call Tou-san" Kurama's looked a bit confused as he saw the hate in Naruto return.

"Hmm so that's where that feeling of rage came from. Why do you hate your dragon parent?" Kurama asked. Naruto growled.

"The fucking bastard killed my parents. I had gotten over it a few years ago, but he brought it up again and I just snapped. The stupid reptile doesn't even give a fuck...I don't why the hell I'm telling you this, but listen here you mangy ball of fluff" Kurama's eyes flashed with rage at that insult, "Stay out of my way, I have to go back and finish beating the hell out of Tou-san" However, before Naruto could take even two steps, he was hit in the back by a fireball causing him to stumble. Naruto looked at his now burnt shirt and growled.

"You mangy piece of shit, this was a birthday gift"

"In the words of your father, I don't give a fuck! How dare you call the great Kurama a ball of fluff!" the red furred feline hissed.

"Great Kurama? Pfft, please, you think you could take me on? Go chase a mouse" Naruto said. Kurama's jaws opened and he fired an orb of fire the size of a basketball and it impacted with Naruto's body causing the boy to explode into fire. Kurama grinned only to frown when the fires swirled into a tornado before being dispersed as Naruto was surrounded by a shield of wind. Naruto's eyes became a darker shade of blue and his pupils changed from rounded to vertical slits.

"You wanna take this somewhere private?" Naruto snarled.

"Sure thing, don't want to embarrass a gaki like you in a public area" the red furred cat snarled back. Naruto then grabbed the cat forcefully before the wind began to swirl around them. Naruto then took a step forward.

"Fuuton: Shunpo no Kazejin!" The two vanished into the wind.


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