Aerial Combat

Mountains- Near the home of Acnologia and Naruto

In the middle of an empty clearing, courtesy of our blonde dragonslayer, the wind began to swirl around in a miniature twister. The twister howled as the winds blew stronger before it dispersed and revealed two figures. Naruto and Kurama parted away from each other and then stared into each other's eyes.

Red met blue and the two combatants stared at each other. Kurama's wings stretched out of his body granting him the gift of flight before he vanished in a blur of speed. Naruto's ears pricked as he twisted to the left and lashed out with a strong punch.

Kurama stopped at least an inch in front of the boy's fist and grinned widely.

"Seems that this will be a lot more fun that I thought" Kurama said as he flew up into the air. The fox-like cat dove down before opening his jaws and unleashing a ball of flame. Naruto back flipped to avoid the attack before letting loose a blast of wind. Kurama barrel rolled and then went into a loop-de-loop before crashing head first into Naruto's stomach.

The momentum transferred itself from Kurama's skull to Naruto's body sending the dragonslayer skidding backwards. Naruto then stopped, only to appear as if he vanished into the wind. Kurama yelped in pain before he was sent flying by a strong kick to his skull.

The cat spread his wings and stopped his motion only to be sent skyward when Naruto appeared beneath him, crashing an uppercut to the chin. The red furred cat was then sent to the ground from a strong axe kick to the skull.

Spiraling downwards, Kurama spread his wings and suddenly his body glowed with a crimson aura. His speed suddenly increased as Naruto landed on the ground and Naruto was suddenly sent flying from a powerful headbutt to his side. A fireball followed quickly and sent him flying through the air. Naruto flipped as he landed against the trunk of a tree. He pushed off the tree trunk and took a deep breath.

"Fuuton: Fuuryudan!" A giant wind dragon funnelled out of Naruto's mouth as it flew towards the winged feline. The crimson eyed cat quickly began to rotate his arms before thrusting out in front of him. A powerful stream of fire crashed into the wind dragon. The winds caused the fire's intensity to increase as it cleaved the wind dragon in half.

Naruto dropped to the ground, rolling as he avoided the fire blast before stopping in a kneeling position, arms stretched out to the sides. He swung them together and a large gust of wind flew forth from the point of contact where his palms met. Kurama tumbled through the air before being met with a crushing punch from Naruto as he used Shunpo no Kazejin to appear above the cat and send him to ground.

Kurama bit down on Naruto's arm and Naruto retracted his arm in pain before a fireball collided with his stomach. Naruto flipped through the air as he watched his stomach. The shirt was burned, leaving a hole in it and if it weren't for his seal being able to react in time, the attack would have hurt his flesh as well. The seal was designed only to react when Acnologia attacked him, but with other enemies the seal's reaction time decreased by 15%, so there were possibilities of Naruto being hurt.

Naruto tore off the shirt and snarled, "You're dead, cat."

"Bring it on, human!" Kurama roared before taking a deep breath and unleashed a powerful stream of fire. Naruto quickly formed a blade of wind around his arm and swung it in a vertical arc.

"Fuuton: Kaze no Yaiba/Wind Style: Blade of Wind!"The wind blade extended and diverted the fire stream so that it parted directly down the middle and struck either side of Naruto. Naruto then rushed forth and brought down the blade in a vertical slash, aiming to cleave the cat in two. Kurama flew to the side before leaning backwards as Naruto followed up with a horizontal slice.

The blonde rotated and lashed out with a kick and it slammed into the small cat's body, but the feline grabbed onto Naruto's leg and Naruto released a cry of pain as he was burned. The cat then released a loud, whatever the sound is that cat's make when they're angry, and a powerful blast of fire sent Naruto flying back.

The cat then flew after Naruto and a large clawed hand of fire grabbed onto Naruto and slammed him into the ground. Naruto coughed before he was slammed into a tree. The arm then threw him up before the flaming fist crashed into his body.

The blonde flipped and skidded along the ground before taking off at high speeds. Wind blade in hand, he slashed at Kurama only for the cat to avoid each slash. The cat ducked beneath a horizontal slash before nailing a flaming uppercut to Naruto's chin.

The boy when skyward, but quickly channelled wind magic into his feet and flew to the side to avoid the stream of fire that followed after. However, Kurama flew up after him and slammed a fireball into Naruto's body before lashing out with a kick. Fire enveloped the cat's limb and the stream extended to form a clawed foot before slamming into Naruto's side.

A slight crack met Naruto's ears as his rib was cracked. His dragonslayer healing abilities coupled with the seal giving him a healing factor, would make easy work of the break, but it wasn't that Naruto was worried about. He was worried about the fact that the flying pyromaniac of a feline had disappeared from his sight. He sniffed the air and his eyes narrowed.

'His scent is spread out all over the place, I can't pinpoint him' He was broken out of his thoughts when he felt searing heat behind him. Naruto quickly flew up to avoid the fireball that tried to hit him only for the red eyed cat to appear above him and slam a flaming fist down on his skull.

Naruto tumbled through the air before barrel rolling to avoid the clawed hand of flame that aimed to burn him. He then took a deep breath and let loose a wind dragon at the cat, but he avoided the attack before slashing his obsidian claws in a downward motion.

Three vertical lines of fire shot forth from Kurama's claws, heading for the cat's opponent. Naruto performed the same action, but with claws of wind. Both attack collided midway and resulted in a fiery explosion. The two combatants smirked at each other when the cloud dissipated.

"Not bad, cat."

"Same to you, human."

The two flew towards each other and Naruto lashed out with a kick, but the smaller combatant easily loop-de-looped to avoid the strike before speeding down, using the momentum from the looping action to crash a powerful headbutt to Naruto's stomach. Naruto clutched his stomach in pain. It seemed as if the seal was unable to deflect physical attacks from regular enemies for some reason.


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