Clash of Elements

'I'll have to look into that later' he thought as he avoided the blast of fire from Kurama. The winged cat then vanished as a blur of motion. Naruto did so as well. Shockwaves resulted as flame covered paws and wind shrouded fists collided with one another.

The multiple times the sound barrier broke was astounding. Suddenly the two were in a deadlock as they let loose blasts of wind and flame from their jaws, respectively. Another explosion resulted as they came to a stalemate.

"Use your dragonslayer magic, do not take me lightly!" Kurama howled as he released a fireball from his paw. Naruto flew to the side and smiled widely, showing his sharp canines.

"I don't need that magic to beat you. You are a lowly cat, granted your abilities are rather...strange and strong for a bipedal, talking cat, but that does not mean I should utterly destroy you" Naruto said. He was then caught off guard when Kurama vanished in a blur of speed as he used Aera: Max Speed. The fox costume wearing cat slammed head first into Naruto's stomach and Naruto gritted his teeth.

"You have a hard skull" Naruto said causing the cat to grin widely. However, Naruto grabbed the cat's head and slammed a knee to the cat's face. He repeated the action before punching it in the stomach. He followed up with a left hook to the face before using an uppercut to the face.

He followed up with another uppercut before swinging his leg in an upward motion. His foot slammed into the cat's face before he followed up with the other foot. The boy and cat moved up higher into the air before the blonde clasped his hands together.

"Fuuton: Fuuryu Kurassha/Wind style: Wind Dragon Crusher!" His hands, coated by swirling winds, slammed down on Kurama's skull sending the cat speeding down towards the ground and Naruto then flew down after the cat as it made impact with the dirt.

Kurama gritted his teeth in pain as he landed on the ground. His eyes opened and he saw Naruto flying down after him. The boy moved both his hands to his waist and a large amount of wind accumulated around his fists.

"Fuuton: Hantei no Kazejin/Wind Style: Wind God's Judgement!"Naruto thrust his fists forward and a large typhoon shot out of his hands before taking the form of a large hand. The hand of a god giving the painful judgement upon its victim. Kurama's eyes widened as the attack was about to make impact.

"Kuso" the cat cursed. A large dome of wind formed as the attack collided with Kurama and the winds increased in velocity for the entire twenty seconds that the wind dome was active. The winds then died down and Naruto smirked at the destruction. A large crater in the shape of a hand was what resulted from the attack.

Small bundles of flame were scattered around the battlefield as well as there being many a slash mark as evidence of Naruto's use of wind magic. However, Naruto's sense of smell was assaulted by the smell of burning oxygen and cat fur as he saw a pillar of flame suddenly erupt from the centre of the hand-shaped crater. The flames died down as Naruto saw Kurama stand back up, an aura of fire surrounding him.

"You nearly killed me with that...but I WILL make you use your dragonslayer magic, human! I WILL NOT BE UNDERESTIMATED!" Kurama roared. Naruto then watched as Kurama's crimson eyes seemed to glow before the costume he wore suddenly became skin tight, as if it became a second skin.

The hood rose up and extended, giving the cat a longer snout. As the costume began to envelop his entire body and his fox-like tail grew larger along with his body. Naruto raised an eyebrow when he a fox the size of an adult wolf now standing before him.

"This is my most powerful magic. I am able to bond with my costume, making it my actual skin as it bonds to my flesh and I become a demon kitsune. The only downside to this magic is that I lose the ability to fly" Kurama explained to his opponent.

"So you can fly, make and manipulate fire, sense negative emotions...and do this?" Naruto said, "You think you can take me..." Naruto was suddenly hit in the stomach as Kurama rammed into him. Naruto flew through the air before stopping as he saw Kurama descend to the ground.

"But who needs to fly when I can jump like this?" the cat turned fox grinned widely. Naruto smirked.

"Oh, so now you're a mangy mutt...well that doesn't change the fact that you're below me" Naruto growled before the wind swirled around his arm.

"Fuuton: Kaze no Yaiba!" Slashing the blade downwards, the grey-green magic seal formed in front of the blade as a crescent of wind flew towards the kitsune. Kurama, being in midair, was unable to avoid the impact with the attack, but simply took it apart with a blast of fire.

The kitsune landed on the ground before his tail seemed to extend and become engulfed in flame. The whip of fire slammed down on Naruto and caused a small explosion, only for a crescent of wind to shoot out from the wind blade and slam into his body.

Both combatants growled at one another. Naruto clapped his hands together as a shockwave of wind flew towards Kurama, but the cat-turned-kitsune rolled out of the way before launching a round of fireballs at the blonde ten year old. Naruto lay flat as a board on the ground as he dodged the attack before going into a cat spring to get back onto his feet.

As his feet met the earth he let loose a wind dragon from his jaws. The attack sped towards Kurama at a speed he knew he wouldn't be able to dodge he did the only thing he could. Kurama smirked as channelled more magic power and suddenly two more tails sprouted out of his rear end. Naruto gaped as he saw the kitsune suddenly lash out with his tails of flame and turn his wind dragon into nothing.

"If I increase my magic power in this form, I gain more tails. You've heard the legend of kitsune right? The more tails they have, the stronger they get...and you DON'T want to see what will happen if I go all out" Kurama threatened. Naruto ignored the threat and attacked with a Fuuton: Daitoppa.

Kurama grinned before lashing out with one of his tails and nullified the wind blast. Naruto's eyes widened when a second tail burst out of the ground behind him. The tail wrapped itself around his waist before he was repeatedly slammed into the ground. The kitsune pulled his tail and Naruto began to spin like a top before he crashed face first, and rather painfully I might add, into a tree.

The blonde wind magic user groaned as he cracked his broken nose back into place. As he turned to face the laughing fox he was bitch slapped across his face by one of Kurama's tails. The tail went back for a second blow, only for Naruto to avoid the attack and grabbed Kurama's tail.


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