
"Wind Style: Suction!" Kurama was suddenly pulled towards Naruto as the wind magic swirled around the arm which gripped his tail. Kurama dug his two free tails into the earth to anchor himself. As he struggled to maintain his ground, the crafty kitsune got an idea. He breathed a stream of fire and that coupled by the inhaling action of Naruto's wind spell, it caused Naruto to be sent flying back by an explosion of red flame.

Naruto tumbled through the air only for Kurama to appear behind him. The former feline raised his hand-like paw and slammed it down on Naruto's skull, face planting him into the earth. The fox then threw Naruto away before letting loose a fireball. The spheroid was avoided and Naruto sent forth a powerful blast of wind that nailed Kurama in the face sending him skidding backwards.

"Fuuton: Shunpo no Kazejin!" Naruto vanished into the wind before appearing behind the three tailed kitsune and literally kicked him in the ass. The red furred fox flew forward only for Naruto to appear in front of him and sent him skyward with a powerful kick to the lower jaw. Naruto flew upwards after the cat turned kitsune before slamming a powerful roundhouse kick to the face.

The kitsune was sent spiralling to the left before he was sent back to the right by a right hook. Naruto followed up with an upward kick and then a one-two punch combo before ramming full force into Kurama's chest. The wind was knocked out of the kitsune as Naruto slammed his skull into Kurama's chest.

"Now you know how it feels to have a skull slammed into YOU" Naruto snickered as he saw Kurama fly away before slamming into a boulder. The boulder cracked as Kurama became embedded in the stone. Naruto took a deep breath and launched a Fuuton: Fuuryudan at the fox, but the red eyed kitsune broke free of his rocky confine and sliced the dragon in half with a flaming tail.

The tail then extended and left a rather nasty burn on Naruto's right arm as it slammed into him. Naruto rolled with the blow and watched as the seal on his stomach glowed crimson and then his wound healed.

Naruto fired off a few wind blasts at the three tailed kitsune. Kurama leaped to the left to avoid one before lying down flat to avoid the second. He then rolled along the ground to avoid the final attack. Kurama quickly jumped back as Naruto appeared above him and slammed a wind covered fist into the ground causing a small crater to form from the impact.

Kurama slammed headfirst into Naruto's body, but the boy grabbed onto the kitsune and slammed his knee into fox's muzzle causing it to release a yelp of pain. He then spun and threw Kurama away.

"Fuuton: Rekudan/Wind Style: Drilling Air Bullet!" Kurama's eyes widened as he saw heard the name of the attack.

'How did that gaki learn Shukaku's attack?' Kurama thought as he breathed a column of fire and took out the wind blast in a great explosion. He then followed up sending forth his forearm as it was enveloped in red flames. The flames extended, changing into an arm topped off with a clawed hand. The fiery appendage was avoided as

"Fuuton: Tobu!" Naruto flew into the air only to be slapped down as Kurama had jumped to meet him in midair. The fox flipped in the air and all three tails burst into flame.

"GRAAHHH!" Kurama slammed all three tails down on Naruto's head sending him back to earth before unleashing a powerful stream of fire at Naruto. The attack caused a loud, powerful explosion as a result. Kurama landed on the ground and grinned widely.

"That'll teach the human not to mess with me next time...that is if he's still alive" Kurama smirked before turning his back on the smoke cloud that was Naruto. However, Kurama's ears twitched when he heard a sound. The three tailed kitsune gaped as he saw a shadow within the smoke cloud as the figure within it began to laugh lightly.

The cloud cleared and Kurama snarled when he saw the blonde boy was standing, his wounds healing rather quickly as the seal on his stomach was shining a vibrant crimson. Naruto chuckled causing Kurama to look confused as the dragonslayer's chuckles grew louder and louder, until it became full blown out laughter.

Kurama's eyes narrowed and released a ball of fire at the still laughing Naruto only for the boy to suddenly stop laughing and Kurama gaped as he saw the fireball shrink in midair as the magic energy in it was drained. The magic flowed into Naruto's jaws, revitalizing the boy and filling his magic power slightly.

"Thank for the meal before, fluff ball and for this one" Naruto taunted the kitsune. Naruto then cracked his knuckles before his magic suddenly spiked. Kurama took a few steps back as he felt the dark feeling coming from the boy's magic.

"You wanted to feel the wrath of my dragonslayer magic, right?" Naruto asked. Kurama growled before sprouting out one more tail, giving him four. Naruto took a deep breath as his magic began to swirl into a single condensed sphere of pure magic energy.

"Well then..." Naruto swallowed the sphere and steam began to be expelled from his throat, "I will show you my true power" Kurama suddenly felt the boy's magic power increase even more than what it was before. Kurama quickly raised his tails in front his now open jaws. Red and blue magic energy suddenly began to be drawn in from the Eternano in the air, forming a condensed purple sphere of magic.



Tailed Beast Bomb and Apocalypse Dragon's Roar flew towards each other as powerful beams of magic energy. The attacks gave off so much residual magic power in the air that it managed to make all the people of Clover Town feel uneasy and made them wonder just what the hell was happening.

The attacks were about to collide and the winner was about to be decided with this clash of magic. The two clashed and unbelievably powerful dome of magic formed as a result of the clash. Both combatants then began to pour every little bit of magic power they had left into their attacks, however just as the explosion went off, the energy exploded outwards...only to suddenly recede and head deep into the woods as streams of white light.

A stomping sound was heard as trees were parted and Acnologia's open maw was revealed to both fighters allowing them to view the dragon eating their magic energies. Acnologia swallowed the magic before turning to Kurama as he stepped in front of Naruto, protectively. Naruto's eyes widened as he saw the rage in Acnologia's eyes, but it was directed at Kurama.


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