Dragon's Den

"Back. Away. From. My. Son." Acnologia growled. Kurama whimpered as the dragon suddenly released a roar and Kurama, though managing to stand his ground, felt true fear before the Dragon of the Apocaylpse. Blood red met shining white and Kurama suddenly envisioned his own death by many means.

Death by claws, impaled by the stinger-like tail, incinerated by the dragon's breath attack...the scenes then caused Kurama to revert back into his costumed form before falling to the ground. Kurama had fainted. Acnologia looked at the crimson furred cat and his eyes narrowed.

'What is a being of Edolas doing in Earthland?' Acnologia questioned himself. The dragon turned and looked down at Naruto, "Naruto...are you alright?"

The blonde watched his father and couldn't help, but feel shocked before smirking. "Since when does the almighty Acnologia show concern?" The dragon growled before the snarl became a grin.

"Since my son became an emotional, wimpy crybaby of a dragonslayer. That's when. I'm going to have to beat the shit out your pathetic human body for nearly shedding tears in front of me" Acnologia then turned to Kurama and told Naruto to take him with them. Naruto picked up the small cat before the black scaled reptile placed him atop his head.


Acnologia's Den

The three returned to the den, a fire crackling in the center of the dark cave as night was upon them. Kurama was now awake and was eyeing the dragon cautiously.

"So...Acnologia is your father?" Kurama asked. Naruto nodded. The mighty Dragon of the Apocalypse growled at the costume wearing cat.

"You are an annoying little Exceed. You are lucky that you have impressed me with holding your own against my son, otherwise I would have made you my meal" Kurama's eyes widened, while Naruto looked at the dragon with a confused look.

"What's an Exceed?" Acnologia gave no reply as he stared at the red furred cat. The tension was exceptionally high between all three members of the den before Naruto got up.

"I'm going for a walk" he stated. Kurama, not wanting to be alone with a large reptile like the Black Dragon, followed after the blonde.

"Aye" the cat said.

"Aye?" Naruto questioned.


Graves of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki

Naruto stood in front of the swords, Ascalon and Excalibur. Their blades ever shining, untouched by the eroding capabilities of time and the elements, void of any rust, wear or tear. Their blades shone in the light of the full moon.

"These were my biological parents..." Naruto stated more to himself than to the winged cat resting atop his head. Kurama remained silent, his evil-looking red eyes staring at the blades of Merlin. However, he suddenly felt Naruto fall to the ground, on his knees. He then bent over and slammed his fists against the dirt.

"They were my parents...and their FUCKING DEAD! ALL BECAUSE OF THAT TEME OF A DRAGON!" Naruto roared. Suddenly, ten years of anger, sadness, hate...every single bottled up emotion Naruto felt towards the dragon and the fact that he was alone with no human parents caught up with him. Tears fell to the dirt, staining the earth. Kurama remained atop the boy's head and unconsciously began to stroke the boy's hair as a form of comfort.

"Why did Acnologia have to kill them? Why, Kurama?" Naruto sobbed, "WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!" He continued to unload his emotional burden and Kurama could only stare and pat the boy's head...because the cat had no answer. No answer at all.

An entire hour had passed and Naruto and Kurama were still in front of the graves of Naruto's human parents. The boy's eyes were red from all the crying, the tear tracks remained on his face. His mouth had remained in an everlasting frown after he had finished crying. Suddenly, the sound of claws against earth were heard. The earth rumbled along with the rustling of foliage as Acnologia made his way over to the blonde.

"Get up, gaki. It's late...you need sleep. You skipped out on your evening session of dragonslayer training so I will have to make it up with your session tomorow" Acnologia received no reply. Kurama turned and looked at the dragon. The cat barely knew the human he was lying atop of, yes, but the boy's strength, not just physically and magically, but to be able to handle such a dragon as a parent for so many years and still be so stable was an achievement in Kurama's book.

And when the dragon spoke, the cause of Naruto's misery right now, it caused something in Kurama's mind to snap suddenly... Rage exploded out of him and the crimson eyes of the fox-costumed feline seemed to shine. Though it was expected of a beast such as the Black Dragon, to not take into account the emotional burden that Naruto was carrying and as a parent, Acnologia should have at least been aware of it and tried to at least done something so that Naruto wouldn't end up having this kind of breakdown.


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