
"You really are a bastard!" kurama shouted as he flew up into acnologia's face, "Naruto has been relatively alone for the past what, ten years? You killed his parents, you made him a loner, only to wind up having you, the god damn fucking dragon of the apocalypse, the worst kind of substitute for a parent i might add, and here you act like you don't even care about what the hell is going on with him as result of him losing his parents at your hands and you have the fucking audacity to act like nothing's happened and talk about some fucking training session!"

"Where i come from, my brothers and sisters and i were seen as weapons, demons! We killed many out of the mental instability it caused us, but still we held on to what the humans would call their 'humanity', our right mindset, and so we were able to at least try and make amends for our sins, but you...you're just a fucking piece of shit who doesn't even care about his own god damn son! So listen here you idiotic dragon... GO TAKE THAT PIECE OF SHIT YOU CALL A TAIL, SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS AND GO FUCK YOURSELF! "


Kurama panted as he watched the dragon's white eyes.

"Your opinion of me does not deter my feelings of indifference towards Naruto, Exceed. I do not care for him as the other dragons care for their dragonslayers. Naruto is merely a human. A pitiful, little human who is too weak to even make it out in the world of magic should he choose to be a mage, and I cannot change what he is. If he feels what he feels, then I can do nothing to stop it."

"The reason I do not care is because I know that my son is strong enough to just get over that and move on with his life. If he has been relatively alone for these past few years then what does that have to do with me? He is strong knowing that he was alone and was able to move on with his life. I care not for what your petty example of what you and your siblings went through in that parallel world of yours and I do not care about the human race. I care about nothing, I feel nothing...but the boy has changed me somewhat."

"I have begun to experience the emotion of pride towards him because of his accomplishments. He has potential and unlike other dragonslayers, he was strong since the beginning. That is why he is my dragonslayer and why I have not left him since day one. He is my son, and he is a TRUE dragonslayer" Kurama was in a state of shock at the dragon's monotone and at his reply and as a result, he was left speechless and could not reply to the Dragon of the Apocalypse.

Then after what seemed like an eternity of silence...Naruto broke it all with just one question.

"Did they love me?" he asked the dragon, still sniffling. The pent-up emotions of sadness and anger at not knowing his biological parents, only to find out they were dead, caught up to him and the seemingly unbreakable scales of a dragonslayer shattered, revealing the sensitive, vulnerable flesh beneath. Acnologia sighed.

"From what I could tell..., your parents did seem to care about you more than you think they did. To fight me for your sake earned them my respect and so...their corpses lie beneath earth instead of within my stomach."

"Though you are now MY son, Naruto...you should be proud of the two humans before you. Though dead, they were powerful...stupid...but powerful" Acnologia admitted. Naruto wiped his nose on the sleeve of his shirt.

"Can you...can you tell me about them? How they looked, acted?" Naruto asked. Acnologia patted the earth in front of him as he watched his surrogate son walk up to him and sit cross-legged on the ground. Acnologia rested down, head arched so that he could stare into his surrogate son's eyes.

"In the short time I saw them I had committed their images to my mind along with their magic abilities, so I can tell you...better yet, I can show you" The dragon bent down and Naruto looked into the right eye of the dragon and suddenly a magic seal sprung up around the eye. A hologram of Minato suddenly appeared in front of Naruto causing the boy to back up in shock.

"Your father was a man with spiky blonde hair like yours, only longer. He had blue eyes like yours, basically he looked just you, except with longer hair and a more tanned complexion. His attitude I would say would be calm and calculating, making extreme battle plans in mere seconds which is why it took me so long to kill them" Naruto interrupted the black scaled reptile for a second.

"How long did it take you to kill my parents?" he asked. Acnologia mumbled for a bit, counting the numbers on his claws.

"About ten to fifteen minutes" The answer caused Naruto to gape. It was a miracle for somebody to last long against a dragon, let alone THAT long. And this was Acnologia, the Black Dragon of the Apocalypse and the most powerful dragon in existence next to the Dragon King.

"Your father used Lightning Make magic, an unknown magic called Energy Make where he formed compact spheres of pure magic energy that were able to grind through possibly anything, but a dragon's scales. He and your mother were also adept at Seal Magic, which is why your are now alive" Acnologia swiped at the boy, but the blonde seven year old didn't move as the Five Point Elemental Shield activated and blocked the attack.

When the seal vanished, the dragon continued. The hologram of Minato vanished before being replaced with the image of a red haired woman.

"Your mother now, such a stupid wench. She was loud, constantly making battle cries and she even managed to wound my pride with calling me an overgrown garden snake" Acnologia snarled at the memory as he stared at the grave, "Stupid wench. Anyways, she had long red hair, which is where you got those red highlights in YOUR hair, I assume" Naruto felt his hair and smirked.

So that's how he got those. He thought they were permanently dyed that coloured from the blood stains he would get when Acnologia trained him. "Grey-green coloured eyes I believe is what she had. Her magics were Seal Magic and Blades Magic, which is rather different from Requip since it only allows the user to summon bladed weapons. That same magic is what allowed her to summon forth Ascalon and Excalibur…which is what she used to give me this wretched scar on my arm" he said bitterly on the last part.

"YOU MEAN MY KAA-SAN WAS THE ONE WHO GAVE YOU THAT SCAR!?" Naruto shouted in disbelief as he had always asked Acnologia where and how he got the scar on his arm but he always refused to tell him. Now he's learning that it was his own mother was the one who left a permanent mark on his adoptive father.

"To my great displeasure of having a human be the one who gave it to me. But I suppose that just shows why the blades of Merlin are known as dragon killers in the first place".

Naruto was in shock before turning to the graves and knelt before them, gripping the sharp blades, ignoring the blood that flowed from his palms. He couldn't believe that the people buried beneath the ground, two individuals who stood up against his beast of an adoptive father, lasted fifteen minutes, could use such powerful magics...were his parents. Naruto then let them go and turned to face the black dragon.

"You...You killed my parents, you tried to eat me, kill me, since the day you met me for the past five years, but...you are the one who raised me. You fucking overgrown garden snake" Acnologia growled. That was the same insult his mother had used before he had killed them.

"You may be my son, but you are still weak. I can snap your neck like a twig" the Dragon of the Apocalypse snarled. Naruto snarled back.

"Oh yeah, well if I'm weak then make me stronger. You're my Tou-san, you're my teacher...MAKE ME STRONG OR ELSE YOU DON'T EVEN DESERVE TO BE CALLED A DRAGON!" Naruto grinned as he saw Acnologia stood up to his full height, snarling before unleashing a terrifying roar. His wings spread to their full length and his tail lashed out behind him like an uncontrollable serpent.

"Do not insult my pride as a dragon, boy. Now if you want me to make you strong...then come and I will do just that. By the time X777 comes around, you'll be the strongest dragonslayer in all of Fiore and beyond. YOU ARE MY DRAGONSLAYER...YOU ARE MY SON, NOW SHOW ME YOUR ROAR!" Naruto took a deep breath as he let out his roar. The Mokushiryu no Hoko traversed across the land, destroyed everything in its path and Acnologia smirked down at the boy.

"Don't think for a second I'm going soft on you, boy" Acnologia proved that by swiping at Naruto. Though the seal protected him, Naruto still went flying through the air, bouncing against trees like a pinball on bumpers before flying back at Acnologia.

But the black scaled reptile caught the sphere and the seal vanished. Acnologia lay his palm flat as Naruto stood on it. The two stared at each other and Acnologia noticed the fire burning in the blonde's eyes.

"I still don't regret taking you in. Even if you are an annoying, pain in the ass, human with a mouth bigger than anyone else's I know"

"I still don't regret leaving you after ten years. Even if you are a stupid, overgrown garden snake"

Kurama cried anime tears in the background, "THAT'S SO BEAUTIFUUUL! SUCH WONDERFUL INSULTS!" Acnologia and Naruto glared at the red furred cat.

"Shut up/Shut up!" They yelled simultaneously.


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