Battle in the Forest

"Please be real" Naruto murmured as he formed sphere of energy in his hand."Energy Make: Rasendangan/Spiralling Bullet!".

The spheroid of rotating, blue energy shot out of Naruto's palm and crashed into a tree. The boy smirked when he saw the tree release a cracking sound before falling to the ground causing a large dust cloud to form as it collapsed to the ground.

"It's real" he smirked, however he paused as he continued to survey the forest that took up the large area of desert and seemed to stretch all the way down to who knows where.

'Tou-san told me that deserts had once been ocean's once upon a if I can just find something...oh, that could work' His sharp eyes then spotted a large depression in the sand. The remains of a naturally made water basin.

His eyes followed from the basin in a straight line as they came to rest atop the canopy of the forest. Naruto turned his head and closed his eyes, focusing on his sense of hearing. Cerulean orbs snapped wide open as the sound he was searching for met his hearing organs.

The boy flew down into the foliage and landed with enough force to cracked the grass covered ground beneath him. Naruto looked around before listening for the sound of water once more. Naruto then began to sniff the air before his eyes brightened as he caught the slight scent of fish. And where there was fish... "Water...that way!" He took like a shot in an easterly direction, the direction of the water source.

Naruto sighed in relief as he saw the remnants of the river that once flowed through the forest, now a small pool of water. Naruto shrugged. It would do. He quickly wet Kurama's face for the cat to wake up.

"Huh? What happened?"

"You fainted from the heat." Naruto said, "Water's in front of you." Kurama looked where Naruto was pointing before panting like a dog. He went to the edge of the pool and began to guzzle the liquid. After a good half a minute of downing water, Kurama's belly was swollen and he looked like a giant red berry with a head, arms, legs and a tail.

"Ah, I never knew water could taste so gooood." Kurama made a face that made it look like he was having an orgasm of some kind causing Naruto to quirk his eyebrow at the Exceed.

"Water is said to not have any taste at all" Naruto informed his cat.

"Shut up, brat. Just cause you're a dragonslayer doesn't mean I'll be all respectful towards you and besides water can..." The cat was interrupted when a sharp sound pierced the air.

"Screaming?" Kurama questioned.

"Judging from the tone...I'd say a little girl, around five years old" Naruto said as his ears twitched. He got up and looked at Kurama, who had miraculously lost the weight from his water guzzling. "Should we help her?" The blonde asked. Kurama shrugged before flying over to Naruto.

"If we get there in time then I suppose so if not we can just kill the animals and eat them. Would you like to eat the girl if she doesn't make it?" Kurama said as Naruto's eyes twitched.

"I may be the son of a dragon, destructive and have a bit of an animal killing streak, but I'm still a human and I'm not a cannibal" Naruto said with a monotone.

"Whoop-de-doo, you're not a cannibal. Good for you." The cat spoke sarcastically, "And now you're boring me now. Let's go kill those guys so I can be rid of my boredom" The red eyed cat said. Naruto sighed before turning in the direction of where the scream came from before grabbing Kurama.

"We kill them and we go, alright?" Naruto said. A nod from the cat was his response. A grey-green magic seal then formed around Naruto's feet. The two vanished in a swirl of wind.


Unknown Forest

The girl panted in exhaustion as she continued to run. The howls of the animal chasing after her were loud indicating that they weren't that far behind. Her legs were screaming for her stop and rest so they remove the lactic acid building up her muscles, but she refused and continued to run.

She pushed aside branches and brush, some of them slashing her face and caused small lines of blood to form on her young face. She continued to run, only to skid to a halt when one of the animals appeared in front of her as it came out of the brush.

The animal was a large silver wolf with shining yellow eyes Sharp teeth covered with saliva to indicate its want for food, were shown in its jaws. The wolf howled before jumping at the girl. The girl took a right, avoiding the wolf as it smacked straight into a tree. The girl continued to run. She ducked underneath a branch before crawling underneath a large tree root.

She grabbed onto a vine and swung over a rather large mud puddle, but a pair wolves were still on her tail. Their powerful leg muscles allowing them to easily keep up with the girl. It was then that the girl realized they were just toying with her. Playing with their food.

The girl was about to make a sharp left to try and escape them, but then another wolf appeared out of the foliage and knocked her to the ground. She rolled along the grass covered earth before she twisted to the right to avoid the pounce from a third wolf.

In desperation, she lashed out with a kick. The small black shoes covering her feet, smacked into the wolf's muzzle causing it to yelp in pain. The girl saw her opportunity and got back up and was about to make a break for it when a fourth wolf jumped out from behind a tree.

The canines growled as they cornered the girl. She was backed up against a tree. The silver furred canines were growling, saliva dripping from their mouths in anticipation to finally feast. Then the fifth wolf, technically the first, the one that the girl had avoided and resulted in its meeting with a tree, appeared from the brush. It was a bit larger than the others.

'Probably the leader of the pack.' The girl guessed. The girl shivered a bit as the wolves closed in on her. Her eyes filled to the brim with fear and she did the only thing she could do in her tired state. She screamed.

The scream was loud enough to cause the wolves to clutch their ears in pain. They shook their heads to remove the ringing sound that currently filled their ears before returning to their meal. The girl gulped before closing her eyes and curling into a ball as a feeble way to defend herself. However, she was not met with blinding pain and the sound of flesh torn off of bone...well not her flesh.

The girl suddenly heard a multitude of yelps and barks before the sound of flesh being sliced was heard.


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