Winds of Protection

Naruto and Kurama were moving through the trees, their noses sniffing out the scent of whatever it was that was screaming.

"I got the scent, small traces of sweat and blood in the air..." Kurama sniffed again.

"And wolves" Naruto added. The two then took off and suddenly found themselves in a tree standing above the scene of the soon-to-be murder, if you could call it that.

"Small little girl cornered by wolves" Kurama shook his head, "I'm almost tempted to watch" A sadistic smile plastered itself on the cat's face. Naruto sighed at the kitsune-like cat before vanishing in a swirl of wind. Naruto landed in front of the both girl and wolves and raised his hands. Naruto quickly vanished in a blur of speed and appeared in front of one wolf and stabbed his hand through its skull with a wind powered punch.

He quickly turned and caught wolf by the throat before choke slamming it. He threw the wolf at another which tried to attack him sending both of them to the ground. The blonde dropped down on the ground and avoided the pounce from another silver furred canine before getting back onto his feet and raised his forearms so that his elbow slightly protruded outwards.

He slammed his elbow back and it met the stomach of a wolf with enough force to cause it to cough up blood. The wolf fell to the ground before being impaled through the head with a wind blade. Naruto then vanished in a blur of speed and kicked all three remaining wolves into the air.

"Wind Style: Spikes!"Naruto then went into a handstand and a magic seal appeared above his feet. He kicked upwards and miniatures spikes of wind flew out of the magic seal and impaled the wolves in the stomach. The blonde then began to rotate while still in his handstand.

"Fuuton: Senpuu Kyakuu!" Naruto's legs were then became encased in twisters as he spun faster. The Cyclone Leg slammed into all three descending wolves sending them flying through the air. Naruto then bent his arms and pushed off, flipping in midair before vanishing into the wind.

Naruto then reappeared in the exact same position in the air before landing on the ground. The wolves that Naruto kicked were suddenly sporting large slash marks where their heads were attached to their necks causing them to fall off once they impacted with whatever tree or rock they slammed into. All this was done in one swift motion, the wind blade had severed their heads and the canines' bodies all fell to the ground.

"Wind Style: Silent Assassin."

Naruto watched his blood stained clothes and hands before sighing.

"Great, now I have to wash these" He grumbled. He then turned when he heard a whimper. "Hmm?" Now that he was at a closer distance he saw that the girl was rather small, proving his opinion that she was around five years old. She had short, shoulder length, dark blue hair. Her eyes contained brown irises.

Her skin was a regular skin tone colour, and she wore a white dress of some sort. A pair of black shoes were worn on her feet. Naruto noticed she had a small, white hair clip in the shape of a bird's wing. All in all she looked like an innocent little girl who shouldn't be out here thus raising the question what's she doing here.

The girl gaped in shock at seeing the dead wolves and the numerous amount of blood. She then looked up to see Naruto, his emotionless but curious gaze fixed upon her. She trembled in fear, backing up against the tree in an effort to escape.

The girl hoped that maybe she could become intangible and go through the tree and escape, but sadly, she didn't posses such an ability. The girl gulped as Naruto continued to watch her. The blonde sighed as if he was bored of something before walking towards the girl with the wind blade still in his hand.

"What're you doing here little girl?" Naruto asked, his tone void of emotion as he watched her continue to shake in fear.

The little girl was too scared and confused to answer as she just kept staring at Naruto.

The blonde's eyes narrowed at the silence and as he was about to just turn around and leave the girl alone he took in one deep inhalation of air before looking at the blue haired girl with a puzzled expression.

"You..." Naruto spoke causing the girl to jump.

M-M-M-Me?" she stuttered as she finally managed to work up the nerve to talk. Naruto stepped closer to the girl, ignoring her discomfort.

"I have been taught to slay the weak, so...I bring you your death." Naruto raised his arm and a wind blade swirled to life around it. The girl's eyes widened as the boy brought down the blade of slicing air currents, but paused as the blade hovered above her head. He then sniffed her, much to her surprise.

"Yes, you...You smell of the air...clean air, feathers and reptile." Naruto watched the girl carefully. "What's your name, girl?"

"W-W-Wendy...Wendy Marvell"


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